Getting major lag spikes in game; connection is fine

I’m getting major lag spikes in games recently. It started about a week ago. I can ping to the west coast servers just fine during the lag spikes, and I can also test my speed at fast dot com during the lag spikes and I’m over 940 Mbps with 0% packet loss.

Here are links to pictures with WinMTR stats taken at the same time as the lag spikes: (since links aren’t allowed, you’ll have to replace the (dot) with a .)


Obviously, what I’m pinging on WinMTR is not the same server as the game server I’m playing on, or the pings would match up. Doesn’t this prove that the lag is on the game server’s end? Why would I be the only one experiencing it and no other player in the game is? Something is screwy here…

Same thing is happening with me. They played with the servers on the last major update (a week ago), and I have been having such major lag spikes that I disconnect for a split second. Game has run fine before hand, and internet connection is not the issue for me as well. I’m hoping it is on the server’s side, and that they will resolve it quickly.

Same here, ever since the update/patch I’ve been at this reconnecting phrase. Currently in a match reconnecting constantly and my internet is all good.

So, after reconnecting for nearly 7 minutes in one game I was finally able to play it and we won. I got 4 kills 2 deaths playing as Tass.
After playing a whole night’s worth of games, my last one near the end started the reconnecting issues again.

Why am I not getting a blue response? This is a technical support forum and I’m posting a technical issue.

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Hey there,

Looking at the WinMTRs they appear fine, but they weren’t run for very long. Can you run one for the length of a match? 10-20 minutes is usually what we recommend.

In some cases the issue does not show up in the WinMTR test. If it has to do with throttling or congestion on the ISP network for example it may not show up. What you could do is try connecting through a VPN for a match or two and then see if that works around the issue.

Thanks I will try that.