Genji swift strike : 700 BILLION DAMAGE

after strike at the heart , swifty strike, has a bit of a damage spike :slight_smile: !

imgur . com/a/iRSy8Oc

good thing is, its only visual , the numbers arent matching the actual damage dealt.

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If it takes over 800 years for the damage to be dealt, would anyone notice?


i was a bit curious of the actual time this really meant…also number :smiley: !

4,294,967,296 seconds
71,582,788.26 minutes
1,193,046.47 hours
49,710.26 days
136.09 years ( accounting for skip years)

its not too bad !
you will long gone to see the actual damage but if you leave your account and game to your family’s, your grand kids will likely be able to see the damage once they themselves also have grand kids .

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