He deserves it, he’s one of the worst winrates in the game. His damage Isn’t optimal, he was great before, give him some love.
It also improves Tracer’s talents
Buff genji => improves tracer talents
I would take the temporary E damage buffs (they nerfed his E damage twice) until they figure something out with his talent tree and clean it up.
Blizzard bases nerfs on performance and internal win ratios which means up to late last year Genji has been overpowered ever since his release, since he keeps getting significant nerfs.
He isn’t buffable without making him completely broken in hands of competent mains. So you shouldn’t be surprised if it turns out he receives even more nerfs.
Still think E resets are a problem, not E damage.
A bit unexpected to see E even further nerfed (though the reduced duration makes getting resets easier), but buffing those unpopular talents was a good choice. Although I’m not sure if Dodge will ever be popular at 1 charge.
If Swift Strike does any less damage than it does now it will be a bad finisher.
Genji is most nerfed hero in HotS. To main him still in 2020 is true dedication in my opinion. His public win rate is an atrocious 41% @ heroesprofile.
But I will never pick Augmented Guard even after changes because the cd reduction is usually much more value.
It already is kinda bad finisher. This is why shingan talent is really important when finishing enemies off and getting reset. Without it, you almost never get good resets anymore.
Yeah, I can’t imagine playing without Shingan. It also enables him to do stuff like siege camps really fast with the bonus damage. It’s a surprising amount of burst on enemy heroes too at super close range.
But I will never pick Augmented Guard even after changes because the cd reduction is usually much more value.
The rare game where enemy has dual mage or just practically no AA heroes at all is where AG could come in handy. It’s a big shield if you manage to deflect ktz combo + arcane orb in one go.
I know, but it will be 10% games or less. Maybe more in QM. I can see it as a worthwhile QM talent.
If you consider it the other way around, during 1.5 seconds he could deal about 69 nice in one second, while the other second renders useless due the fact it has already been 1.5 seconds when he damaged the target with Swift Strike, as much as people make it sound as a nerf, this is a straight forward a buff, those 4 won’t be noticeable considering the amount of burst he can commit in one second to get the reset, and now that this talent doubles~ the damage dealt in a second its a big difference for sure.
Was Genji nerfed 9 times, like Tassadar?
Yes, didn’t you see how well she got buffed in the last Genji buffs?
I hate You (?
SamiSha marry me
Yea I think the first year he was released he was nerffed 9 times in a row. Oh and without a single dev comment.
The only way genji can be buffed is if they either nerved his mobility or his Q cooldowns.
Genji is the “nexus box” of all the heroes that the devs have intentionally made bad unless your grandmaster to get decent value out of because of QM, along with
Also known as " unfun characters to play against " in lower levels of play
yeah give him an AA range of 500, and give him all his skills a + 1000 dmg, maybe with that he would be worthy to play