Sasuke wrote something fascinating in a god forgotten forum and i decomposed it into questions because i have that much free time.
Can only OTPs master a hero?
It depends on what level of skill you are referring to with “mastering” but, if you are talking about becoming the rank 1, you 100% have to be an OTP to do that and there’s no way around it because only the OTP can develop the most detailed and ornate plays, habits and muscle memory that you simply cant think of or even understand if you dont have a lot of experience on the hero.
Can generalists know a hero better than a OTP?
Being good at everything means you are exceptional at nothing, that’s the deal.
Is it true the generalist knows how to play a hero from different aspects of the game while the OTP only from one aspect?
It is in fact exactly the contrary due to the following wall of reasons:
Talents: The OTP knows the talents of his hero far better than the generalist because he has experienced them more and is therefore more likely to correctly give value to talents and builds relative to the situation he is in.
We all have a repertoire of plays we have access to for any hero we play & some of us know more plays than others.
Two Samuro players, one of them knows how to do the Q, B, shift+D combo to heal half his HP without backing, and the other doesn’t. Another example is the chain reaction on Mephisto. An OTP is far more likely to know about these kind of plays and knowing them gives you an advantage.
Do you profit a lot from being chased or do you want to be the chaser? How should you play the team fight, proactively or reactively? Should you be the team’s scout or should you stay behind someone else? Again the OTP is more likely to choose better.
Synergies with other heroes:
Some are very wide-spread like Anduin+Johanna, but only the OTPs know about the most subtle ones. Do you know about Alarak’s synergy with an allied murky or of KTZ+ETC or of Deathwing+Blaze? Again, the OTPs are more likely to know and profit from knowing.
Do you have enough time to kill the merc camp before the objective? Can you kill the boss before the enemies respawn and invade you? There are countless questions like this and the OTP is more likely to know the right answer.
If you charge that enemy, will you win the trade if both of you have all your CDs? If you are missing one CD, can you still trade positively against this enemy in this situation? How should you cash-in after winning a trade and forcing your enemy back? Again, the more experienced OTP player has it easier to answer these questions.
Cooldowns and attention:
Knowing the exact cooldowns of your abilities by memory allows you to keep your eyes on your enemies. This is a great advantage for the more experienced OTP players because looking at your cooldowns for one instant can get you killed.
Dealing with expectations:
OTP players can more easily tell what their enemies think that they are going to do and how they are going to behave, therefore they can surprise them and profit from it. Generalists, on the contrary will more commonly do what their enemies expect and be punished from it.
I can go on for a long time but i think that not many will get far enough to even here so, that’s all folks.