Generalist vs OTP, which is the best player?

Well you’re using my punishment in the past as an arguement to make a point … what shall I think about this?

I understand, if you ban players, if they are toxic/afk/feed/whatever as it is against the rules, but why this hate against otps? Isn’t the whole purpose in ranked being competitive and winning? So if you have an otp and he does his job quite fine, even when his hero is banned… how is your ban justified?

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It was an “ad hominem” which is latin. Basically best way to describe what youre saying. I wouldn’t have brought the issue up but claiming that I threatened you is a serious matter and I had to clear it up. My point for this was that circumstances matter and its unfair of you to accuse me of trolling based on a forum comment that I dont feel like typing 4 paragraphs to justify.

As for banning players as I said i do not. If they feed with another hero the entire team reports them. If they play well enough and dont complain then nobody gets reported. Oftentimes they cannot play another hero (doesn’t matter which team i’m on in this case i will report them). If I see another otp on another team and I ban their hero, then they feed, I will report them for feeding.

Isn’t this action rude? I mean first you lead the otp player in a deadzone by banning their hero and then you will false report them…

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This is going to be my last reponse in this thread bc its becoming irratating.

EX1: I am on blue team. I recognize red team has a OTP kerrigan. I ban kerrigan. They then play like a fool. I get my team to report them because theres no excuse for having 8+ deaths in a game. This isn’t a false report. This is a legitimate feeder.

EX2: Someone says nothing in draft entire time. We go through first pick/ban phase and have an important role open. I check their match history and they only play sgt hammer even though we already have one assassin locked in and another prepicked. Seeing this I ban hammer during the third ban. My team takes not issue with it. Why would they, we need a healer not hammer? They start throwing a fit in chat and then pick butcher and feed. My team reports them for throwing a fit and then again for feeding. Again no false reports.

Ex3: Same situation as above except they dont throw a fit when I ban sgt hammer. They play meh but dont feed. My team might want to report them because they didn’t do so hot/play their justified rank. I dont report them because they didn’t feed. No false reporting from me.

tldr dont go into ranked with one hero you wont last long

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The question itself is kind of silly. It really depends on the player and how good they are the heroes they play.

I don’t mind playing with one tricks. It’s kind of rare to have a truly OTP. They tend to be good especially if they got to the MMR with that hero. What I find bizarre is when you go into QM with those one tricks where the MMR is a bit more lax, and they’re terrible. That always blows my mind.

Some people say that their hero can get banned, but their success actually factors that in. If you lose terribly in a few games you’re banned, but you win a lot in the games you aren’t, it doesn’t really matter. That being said, in higher ranks and you get more notoriety, you leave yourself vulnerable.

I can play a variety of heroes but am pretty constrained to the roles I want to entertain in a ranked environment. So long as the person is good at their hero, I really don’t care about the comp all that much. I’d rather lose a hard fought/challenging game in a more interesting matchup than see someone flounder and lose anyways with awful performance in a “meta” comp because they thought they could flex. That’s both boring and painful.


If you practice one thing, you will be good at that one thing.

If you practice being terrible with one hero, you’ll succeed at being terrible with one hero.
If you practice being great with one hero, you’ll succeed at being great with one hero.

I’d rather practice many things, and transfer skills between them.
It’s more fun.
" A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"


OTP are just well OTP.

But what people don’t understand is their mastery lies more over their own mental and physical performance.

You can be a one trick TLV in silver, it doesn’t make a master of such hero, else you wouldn’t be stuck in their right? You wouldn’t be struggling be climbing with this mastered hero correct?

One trick pony is just a double edged sword, they know pretty much one thing so well but they are a huge weight on your backs because the game is now building around them than anything else or absolute “god” which is rare by itself.

Also this behavior is just so common but a lot of them have stubborn, elitist mentality that even debating suggestions is seems like absolute heresy for them.

Ironically I’ve seen one trick tracer’s who recommend focus fire or parting gift or have some of the worst builds I’ve seen and win rates despite such thing speaks to itself too.

Honestly? I’d rather see a generalist than get stigmatized by a one trick. They are just so unbearable.

Well, that’s the thing, if they’re bad one tricks, then they just suck. However, if they’re successful and pick the “worst” builds, but they’re succeeding even in spite of them, who’s to say you’re right.

Frankly, if I had heard people tell me how to play a hero that I played much more and better than them, why would I listen to you? It’s not my job to coddle your less experienced opinion. A long time ago, people would always call me a noob for not getting the auto dimensional rift/heal talents on Tass, but I didn’t really care because I didn’t need them most of the time. I found that I was able to make do with other talents that not only had self survivability but also empowered my allies and myself to position and get more kills and better walls.

Good one tricks don’t need you to bend over backwards for them. They’re usually practiced with that hero so much that they function and maybe even thrive even in situations that aren’t optimal for most other people.

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That’s a classic.
My stats on the side.


That makes you elitist though doesn’t it?

What’s weird is they’re saying it to you as you’re winning the game lol.

I don’t think so? If something works for you, then go for it. I’ve tried most talents in a decent amount, so I can judge by myself.

I get that Sacred Ground have seen the day only 0.038% of all games in Dia+, but that’s the interesting part. Players don’t have a clue on how it performs or how to counter it properly.


A generalist who mains a hero can actually be much better at that hero than an OTP.

When you play against your main, you can get more insight into your hero’s strengths and weaknesses than if you’re always playing them yourself. When you have experience from both sides of the equation, you’ll end up with a much better understanding of the hero than just about anyone with experience on only one side.

I switch mains every couple months, though I still regularly come back to my main man Zul’jin.
Imperius was always one of the harder counters to Zul’jin, and playing against him frustrated me endlessly. He’s got a gap-closer, CC, and solid burst damage, all of which Zul’jin tends to struggle against.
So I started playing Imperius, figured out his strengths and weaknesses against Zul’jin and similar heroes, and then adjusted my play as Zul’jin accordingly. I haven’t struggled against Imperius in nearly a year now, even prior to his nerfs.


The generalist is going to have a firmer grasp on game mechanics, and probably be able to climb better, but the OTP can carry harder if they can pick their OTP hero.

Why would they tell you not to go Sacred Ground on Dragonshire?
Maps where you have to hold a point are the best maps for that heroic… when you’re 1v1 you’ll almost certainly get more value out of it than Ardent.

I think I feel similar about people who only play one hero as I do about people who only play 1 build, or who never use the other heroic.
If you can do it well, good for you.
But that doesn’t mean everyone else has to do it, it doesn’t mean it’s the only way, and if you just do it every time without having a decent reason why it’s just plain frustrating.
I usually pick Longboat with TLV, because it aligns with how I like to play them, but I understand what makes Play Again! powerful, and will pick it on occasion.


I have to agree here. Banning the OTP hero is a bit of a 'Dic’tator move.


Why not both? I’m a generalist and a OTP.


I think I’m a generallist as well (but only like gold level). I’ve played 37 heroes this season and on my most played hero I have an ~80% win rate

It’s a wierd question to answer, because most GM are generalists but with a main they excell at.
I myself got a pretty big roster but when i get the chance to bring out my Valla i get to show some true skill, or atleast i did previous to her being banned for a year.

Though i have met some insane OTPs, like the Probius OTP that had a lvl 900 Probius in Grand Master something, he ripped our team apart.

I guess the answer would be none, since a generalist would provide the team with more options when it comes to comps, but a proper OTP could pretty much destroy in any comp.
I would prefer having generalists on my team though.

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Eh idc. OTP belong in qm.

Because one-trick pony is a term that suggests someone who doesn’t know how to play, but found one cheesey tactic (examples: photon cannon rush, copying a pro’s deck, relying on people not seeing stealth) that other bad (or just inattentive) players can’t deal with. All they can do is that one thing, and they can’t adapt it.
You can’t really make it very far as a one-trick.

When a player actually knows how to play they’re no longer a OTP, even if they have one hero they pick 95% of the time. In order to get good with that hero they need to understand how they interact with the other heroes in the game, and be able to adapt to circumstances. With that understanding they could play any other hero, they just prefer a specific one, so they can focus on the deeper nuances of playing the hero.

tl;dr having a main doesn’t make you a OTP

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