Your Q is an ability that should be formed around improving it with talents. Early game possesion is strong and can quickly down a fort, but lategame its only strong on the offlane or against teams with poor waveclear. The shield of the sentry can cover for quite a bit here as the 50% shield makes many waveclear oriented heroes not instantly kill the minions anymore, but its very little it can offer, and even then the minions are that severely damaged, they arent going to soak a lot of shots anymore.
Thats for example why i think that the shield should also benefit heroes.
But talents are effectively the only real way to keep this ability strong in the lategame. Thats because minions do normaly not scale on level. (Luckily as you convert them, you can make those summons scale. That solves at least that part, and is why its a lot stronger than possesion is by default).
But a few talents i think are going to make Q scale better into the lategame:
(quest): Collect globes:
Any minion nearby karax gets 1 armor for each globe collected. (caps at 25) this is extra powerful when combined with the sentry as it offers a lategame shield worth 75% damage reduction. this makes most waveclear heroes unable to clear the wave in 1 attack
Warp in cast distance is increased by 100%. Minions converted closer to karax get a shield (at 0 range its 40%, at 4 range 40% shield, at 8 range its 0% in a linear scale) as you are often rooted, and aiming towards a Q build, you want reliable control about this, extra range helps here, the shield rewards you when you are still able to take the closer cast range
So I know you based it off Reclamation, but I think unchaining it from absolutely requiring an enemy minion as a target would allow it to have more options and interaction. You could even have it so targeting an enemy minion is the preferred use, while not being the only one.
Perhaps it can be used on a location to Warp-in a unit over 5 seconds, during which time it can be killed, but if a minion is targeted it instead Warps-in over 1 second and has reduced cooldown. Or you can base that off Karax being near the unit warping in.
Follows Karax and attacks enemies near him, rather than just laning.
Spawns a Sentinel unless cast on a mage minion, or used while under the effect of Chrono, which would cause it to summon an Energizer instead.
This opens doors to allow it to be used to block skill shots, like other summons, especially if it has a cast range.
Yet the warp-in time prevents it from feeling like an offensive summon, even if the cast range was decently long.
It would allow him to still use it when not in lane, rather than feeling forced to be in lane all the time or just be down an ability.
That actualy sounds like a decent tradeoff. But i suspect misclicks can be anoying here. It very likely would require the 1 button to define the diffirence (Q converts, 1 just spawns). But 2 buttons tied to 1 ability isnt an issue at all (stitches).
im really sorry for the long delay in answer, i just realised had completely forgot to answer back to your reply, i remember seeing it and liking it and wanted to come back to it at a later time when i would had time to answer properly but i just forgot
that would be a good idea , have alternate uses for a skill would be a great mechanic and would make it a unique compared to other summoning skills .
i think i would really like an aspect like this, would still require careful thinking for set up but wouldnt also be a free damage sponge for certain skills like certain summons are used in fights. or would that be the intention ?
that would be a great idea for summoning when out of enemy minion . i never thought of that and i love this ! .
aggreed ! i had in mind originally to have his lane pushing potential similar to abathur a bit, he would have the option to assist his minion proving much better potential but would be more risky, or just summon units and leave and let them push the lanes back .