Forums are absolutely useless

I wasn’t defending it, just stating it a matter of fact. The Devs don’t post here anymore, they do post on Reddit. I agree they should post here, but they probably have their reasons why they don’t. They also do so on their own time and dime, so… shrug.

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Your opinion, but accept that it’s not a general one. It’s always refreshing to have twitter as an alternate way to communicate with the world, where you’re limited to 280 letters, so you have to clear mind to make a message. I don’t want to read wall of texts everytime, when I communicate.

They both suck though.


What’s the difference between Reddit and a gaming forum in particular like Hots one? Is it the downvote feature that got removed from this forum, because it got abused? I honestly don’t understand why only the down-vote button got removed, but we still have the upvote.

We need a like button so when people log in it says “Minky has liked 20,000 of your posts.”


yeah. now Zaghara is better 1vs1 than Kerrigan. I think butcher with wrong ult will lose with her 1vs1 too …
Very good reworks for keep balance between heroes.
Azmodan still OP, Artanis new hard OP hero, Tyrande is now DPS with healing ability. Who’s next?

To prove their point.

Yeah, well sure. However, nobody in the community suggested they make Zag OP.

Really, he is? That’s news to me.

Artanis had a bit of a skill floor increase, but nothing terribly hard. I think it’s a good start to make Arty more viable. As for Tyrande, she’s always been a damage focused healer.

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Before she got buffed we got issues with Falstad or Valla. That’s what makes balance patches exciting, they shift the meta with new toys and other/new heroes becomes dominant.

I know she’s overtuned now and if the devs collect enough data + additional feedback the community they will do the right decisions as they did before. And then a new challenger arrives to the meta. :smiley:

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It’s going to be a reworked Nazeebo who can blow up your core just by doing a voodoo dance. As I asked for this, I’m sure the Devs will bring it into the game because, listen to the community. :exploding_head:


aha so official zaghara iss coiunter to kerrigan…
it’s a matter of time Orhea will counter hero for valeera…

They have forums for all Blizzard games. But problem is Hots forum just fells more dead then the other game forums.

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I guess blizzard destroy every game with one keeps. So this forum, or overwatch is does not matter, you are not get any help here or there.

Ppl are actually quite helpful if ppl genuinely ask for help.


Actually, most companies that have any worthwhile reputation listen to their customer base…gasp. Blizz used to. Hell in the D2 days one of the devs came to the community of modders and asked what THEY wanted soft coded after a lot of asking for things to be more accessible to them.

It doesn’t mean the change everything at a whim.

But the utter lack of any devotion to their own gd website is appalling. They would rather have a jerk fest on reddit cuz their feelings aren’t hurt…sniffles. This is what you call having no backbone.

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You say this above with zero irony and wonder why the Devs don’t post here? I’ve said on many occasions that they should communicate more on their own forums and social media. The thing is, they don’t have to do so, they aren’t paid for it. I imagine too there are some things they aren’t allowed to post about.

It seems obvious they use Reddit not for the reason you claim, but probably by virtue of it not being an “official” platform, they can post there with fewer restrictions.


Falstad and Valla were borderline OP. Zagara is just straight up broken. There are different degrees of balance screwups. Overtuned is massively underselling the problem that is Zagara.

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Are you still mad they flagged your Alarak whine?


They have essentially said as much themselves. I just put it in more realistic terms. Forums have had toxicity since their inception. They used to deal with it well. Now, they just…don’t.

So, they go to a place that have less strict rules than their own website…um maybe that should tell them something about their rules? This is just the same excuse in a different guise.

No they don’t have to post. I agree. When they abandon their own platform for another, it is very difficult to stay straight-faced about this type of excuse for them. Also, they could have long ago had a community manager that siphons off the bs, and takes what is worth even in toxic posts, have some actual communication here, rather than AMA’s on reddit. It is l ikely too late for any of that, but it is their own decision making as to why.

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I still think Q build valla needs a nerf