Forum witchhunt. Is it deserved?

Disclaimer even if im technicly doing everything ‘legal’ forum wise im risking a ban by writting this

Disclaimer 2: i dont want to risk a obvious ban. So I dont quote the thread mentioned. I just link it

I got permission to use his name
So recently Harbinger got banned and stripped for 4 days for saying a filtered version of the f word. He also got his TL3 stripped even tho he wasnt toxic or abusing his tl3 rights

I got less punishment and I said more wrong things

I got permission to use his name
So recently Harbinger got banned and stripped for 4 days for saying a filtered version of the f word. He also got his TL3 stripped even tho he wasnt toxic or abusing his tl3 rights

In this following posts. You see the n word and the f word regarding to the gay community in a offensive way.

He noticed that its flagged and not being removed so he took a hit and said a bad word intentionally to see what gets removed.
He was expecting both gets removed. But the thread and his mature language is still there. Harbinger got banned. (So his ban is deserved but because the thread is still there its a manhunt against him)

I got less punishment and I said more wrong things one just said a obvious filtered word of the racial n word and got away with it. In the same thread so OP of the forum noticed it

With that being said what is your oppinion about this?


The mods on this forum are more fickle than the gods of Greek mythos and about as sensitive to swearing as Christian Minecraft server mods.

It also might have something to do with the fact that that poster blanked out some of the letters in those words and seemed to be quoting others, not swearing himself. They might have been more lenient because of that.

I’m honestly more surprised that the post wasn’t taken down for posting those players’ names. That’s one the mods will almost always hit you up for.

I don’t know the context of Harbinger’s post, but I suspect if he was testing the limits like you mentioned, the mods might take it as a challenge. And if anyone’s ever learned anything from reading Greek mythology, it’s that you don’t challenge these kinds of people on their own turf.

And yeah, this thread is probably also gonna get axed for a similar reason.

As for losing his TL3 status, that’s par for the course. Whenever you’re suspended, your TL is capped at 2 until 24 hours after the suspension ends. As long as Harb still meets all the necessary requirements for TL3 (in other words, as long as he still has enough posts read) in 5 days, he’ll get his TL3 back.


Except if its a ban like it was said. They can never get tl3 back without making a new account. But there are consequences for ones actions, the extent of the consequences is whats at stake here.

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OP says he was “banned for 4 days.” That specified time limit means he was suspended, not perma-banned. He’ll get his TL3 back a day after he comes back.

Excuse me! That was his first silence about 2 weeks ago. Not this one. I dont know the status

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Suspension (blocked for forum activity) or silence (blocked for in-game activity)?

If it’s the former, then if his last one lasted 4 days then this one will probably last a week, and the one after that 2 weeks. If it’s the latter, then I have no idea, I’ve never been silenced.

Either way, he should have received an email detailing the reason for the punishment and how long it will be.

Meh lets just say ive dusted of a profile of someone from my past and harb is doomed
Still have the free name change tho😅
OP holds grudges

The amount of false info in the comments is wonderful.


As always.

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Maybe sometimes its better not to open topics if you have no idea what you are talking about.

More so, we don’t need another one after opening 4 other topics talking about something similar.

Go talk about the game instead thanks.

I’m just baffled that its also the same people opening these types of discussions and all it took is one brightwing getting suspended. :roll_eyes:


What is wrong about what I wrote? If someone can write the n word unpunished there is a strong injustice

Is harby gets a 4 days suspension for saying the f word and ive said it many times and only got a 24h ban. What is wrong about bringing this up?

You can just not open this thread if it hurts you so dearly


I don’t think it’s healthy to moderate a mostly adult forum (yeah, I made that assumption, it’s reasonable) this way, but knowing the draconian moderation I just try to treat this place like you’d be posting on a Disney forum.

That sets some good mental boundaries not to be crossed. I think it is laughable that they would ban a TL3 user (or any user, really) even temporarily for using that word, but for future knowledge, self censoring is the only way we can coexist under these rules.


Isn’t this thread technically against the rules? (true question)


I’m gonna go with that the initial ban was undeserved. This one… Well moderators and other people in power generally don’t like being questioned or called out. Removing evidence of that and then banning/silencing people in question is generally how they would respond. So I don’t know if that proves it was targeted.

But in general, I don’t think harby has really done anything particularly wrong, especially compared to some other users who seem to be able to do whatever they want.

But questioning authority never ends well.


No, the problem is how this mess started, you two made these topics because a certain user got mass flagged for using a vulgar word, you two (or just harb) then played with the water a little bit and got suspended by bypassing filters built into the forums and you guys act as complete saviors and giving justice.

Secondly, he never lost it, he got deranked, getting back is still possible, there’s 2 users in particular were silenced for a week while the other a month, both of them got it back either way, this is all depends on the Blizzard Forum settings, in general silences lock users from getting it but this is primarily false as these settings can be changed to act differently and they do.

Please stop talking about things you have no idea what you are talking about.


It’s their forum and they can run it as they like. I myself got banned from the forum twice for using a shortened version of a word that was in a middle of a well thought out two scroll informative posts, with no insult being intended or given to anyone or any group.

Compared to all the depictions of violence, political incorrectness or even worse stuff like basic human rights, the Americans are pretty vulnerable to the bad words and as an outsider I’m both pretty amused and shocked they care so much about it to this extent. In the end they might not post themselves that often, but they have appearances to maintain and they don’t want a clown fiesta going down in their forums. They can revoke your game license just as easily without having to justify themselves.

With how many of the same people participate in absolutely every topic possible, adding almost nothing of value to it by endlessly quoting each other, I’m not surprised a random moderator eventually snapped and ended it simply to set an example out of someone.

As for TL3, I probably earned it but had lost it to suspensions both on forums and in-game. Not that I care much about it in the first place, forum status alone won’t add any weight or merit to the posts I make nor do I need my ego stroked with extra forum features.


(Harb here but ignore previous posts they arent mine)

Wait sorry if my intentions are wrong. My ban is well deserved. But this ^ shoudnt be here for so long. Im trying to create a safe spot. But all ive noticed is that forum OP just is a person who has his personal oppinion interfiere with his job.

Why else is my comment removed and im banned and this is still here?
This right here is stupid. Im done with the forums.
Same with the hate thread vs mumrah who is an awesome guy. Forum OP is quick at removing some things but other things are just way out of line and stay here forever


I find it odd that you can loose it so fast if you not surfing their daily.
But im a trusting person

The point of the forum is to discuss the game, not the forum. Any time people go off on these forum rants it leads to people breaking COC terms, acting like it wasn’t, and then spiraling off onto more off-topic fixations that detract from the point of the forum.

The whole “oh I’m going to challenge the rules and see if there are consequences” is a foolhardy experiment that was perpetrated by people missing clues, having a bad hypothesis from the onset, and lead to consequences that miss more details in favor of acting as a confirmation bias, rather than a notation of the bad hypothesis.

Since posters persist in missing key components, the whole thing continues with more topics that just do the same thing. While some of the replies persist in claiming they don’t like being ‘treated like children’ the whole shtick is rather adolescent and it comes off like a game of peek-a-boo with people still developing a sense of object permanence.

The capacity to treat the ‘authority’ with mistrust in their ownership of a communication board is a bad practice that isn’t going to end well for people looking to find fault when most of the instances of concern just carry on without care because they’re sticking to the point of the forums: the game.

Flubbed forum fixations foster fickle fantasies filtered from fernacious fabrications festering fallacious fables.

