Forum tourney who wants in? EU

Can we actually decide a time zone so people can balance it out lol

Think the time was decided 19:30.
Or did you mean timezone as in GMT etc?

For the hour, I am sticking to the proposition of AnaBanana: 19h30 local hour of Amsterdam. This means 18h30 GMT. For the confirmation, this means 17h30 GMT. For the duration, I think, let’s say 2 hours.

If there is enough people for this evening, I will balance the teams with ranks only (edit: if you don’t want to give rank on the forum, I’ll do it once you are connected). You can give more details if you want so that maybe someone on the forum can help for the team composition.

Edit: Btw, if someone can log a little bit earlier so that I can test the party or invite stuff for a custom game, it would be nice.


Is the Discord server required? I would rather not join another one if possible.


You join one and leave the day after. Whats the problem? :stuck_out_tongue:

I would rather not, if at all possible. Some of that is due to drama that tends to get imported from Discord to the forums and vice versa. But if in-game voice isn’t an option, I am perfectly happy to spectate. :slight_smile:

Okay do you know how to make an ingame channel?

If you mean the text based chat channels, if you type /join [channel name], it will create the channel if it doesn’t already exist. If you mean the voice-chat, that should happen when you join team or party chat, depending on how you were grouped when entering the lobby.

MySelf and Karabars, we need your confirmation that you will be there or not for this evening.

I am feeling like going back in time when I was playing WoW and scheduling our raid on a forum XD

If it’s going to be 18.30 Amsterdam time then I’m not sure if I can make it unfortunately.

Yes, the GMT time zone pls, so i can put it with my schedule.

19:30 PM, what time zone?

Middle Eastern time zones can be really far away over what exactly the time zone being done for this tourney.

It was 19.30 not 18.30

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It is 19.30 at Amsterdam local hour.

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To be clear…

  • Confirmation: 18:30
  • Start: 19:30

Note: All times are UTC+2

Count me in as on the bench. I’m not even ranked though I’m quite sure I’d be Bronze, so see if you can make teams without me.

Edit: Sherk I’m logged in right now if you want to test anything (Nemarra#1831). Glad to help.

If you need players to fill teams i can join in.


OK then 9 players XD. One last?


Edit: I’ll play.

Does this mean you are going to play?

Good, we have our 10 players:

  1. Hoku
  2. Phaseshifter
  3. rcw
  4. Foxtato
  5. Ngin
  6. Sami
  7. Sherk
  8. lucifer
  9. Nemarra
  10. Yusuke

The game start in 1 hour from now.

Also I tested with Nemarra and I need people in my friendlist to invite them (at least it is the only way I know to do that). So I am going to send a friend request all of you as well as the people who wanted to spectate and you can delete me of your friendlist afterward XD