If it’s less of a hassle, you can make a channel in-game, have everyone join that and invite them from there.
To make a channel: Type /join channelName
channelName can be anything, so long as it doesn’t exist. Iirc that should work
Ah OK. Didn’t know. Hum OK, then channel name: forumies
Still send a firned request also to the people who wanted to spectate in case of whatever. I hope I didn’t miss anyone.
So now what are your ranks?
Sherk: Bronze 2
Nemarra: no rank
19.30 Amsterdam time (UTC+2), 18.30 GMT
It started
Anub is busted.
Whats the score? 20characters
Was fun, would participate again
BG didn’t understand the concept of fixed teams, so no idea. I killed Sami, so … worth.
Yes I can agree on that. My first game as Cassia was a disaster though. Qhira and Anub destroyed me.
Choose one.
Anub needs buffs.
Hey, Sonya > Blaze
I suggest giving him +3 basic attack and remove both of his stuns in exchange.
Seen that, it was annoying not to get heals in
I know, I was planning to main tank on him, but no one else wanted to play solo lane.
But it is annoying that you can’t use teamchat for only your team…
You can use Teamchat, we were, but only after the match starts. Not during draft. We were using voice for that.
That’s what I meant.
I did record this with heroesprofile, but someone uploaded it faster than myself, so I can’t.
Yeah, we made everyone get in voice, even if they couldn’t talk.
Edit: And I almost forgot, quote of the day in voice chat during the first match, after we decided that it was a very bad time for a core push, and to just retreat.
Me: “Leave, please leave. Please? They are all back up.”
Our Qhira: “We are leaving. You don’t have to keep saying that.”
Me: “Yeah, I have to, our Yrel is a bit bloodthirsty.”
(lucifer was our Yrel, and bloodthirsty is an understatement!)
It was nice. Would redo that. OK I messed up the team composition for the second game and switched two players XD.