Forum tourney who wants in? EU

If it’s less of a hassle, you can make a channel in-game, have everyone join that and invite them from there.
To make a channel: Type /join channelName
channelName can be anything, so long as it doesn’t exist. Iirc that should work

Ah OK. Didn’t know. Hum OK, then channel name: forumies

Still send a firned request also to the people who wanted to spectate in case of whatever. I hope I didn’t miss anyone.

So now what are your ranks?

Sherk: Bronze 2
Nemarra: no rank

19.30 Amsterdam time (UTC+2), 18.30 GMT

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It started

Anub is busted.

Whats the score? 20characters

Was fun, would participate again :slight_smile:

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BG didn’t understand the concept of fixed teams, so no idea. I killed Sami, so … worth.

Yes I can agree on that. My first game as Cassia was a disaster though. Qhira and Anub destroyed me. :frowning:

Choose one. :crazy_face:

Anub needs buffs.

Hey, Sonya > Blaze

I suggest giving him +3 basic attack and remove both of his stuns in exchange.

Seen that, it was annoying not to get heals in :frowning:

I know, I was planning to main tank on him, but no one else wanted to play solo lane.

But it is annoying that you can’t use teamchat for only your team… :frowning:

You can use Teamchat, we were, but only after the match starts. Not during draft. We were using voice for that.

That’s what I meant.

I did record this with heroesprofile, but someone uploaded it faster than myself, so I can’t.

Yeah, we made everyone get in voice, even if they couldn’t talk.

Edit: And I almost forgot, quote of the day in voice chat during the first match, after we decided that it was a very bad time for a core push, and to just retreat.

Me: “Leave, please leave. Please? They are all back up.”
Our Qhira: “We are leaving. You don’t have to keep saying that.”
Me: “Yeah, I have to, our Yrel is a bit bloodthirsty.”

(lucifer was our Yrel, and bloodthirsty is an understatement!)


It was nice. Would redo that. OK I messed up the team composition for the second game and switched two players XD.

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