Forum tourney who wants in? EU

From my experience one or 2 wont come in time or forget about it.
just all join the lobby and the first 10 are in.

Any idea yet what the channel/lobby name will be? :slight_smile:

Iā€™m interested in watching. Iā€™ll need someone to explain how it is done. Where do I go and what to do.


No I will need help with this :stuck_out_tongue:

Likewise, there is a spectator mode as this is a custom game.

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who are the judges hm?

Ooooh, Iā€™ve never spectated, but this could be fun!

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Small update. I might go out and have some fun tomorrow eve (unplanned but thank god because i hate this isolation. Havent seen friends in 6 months)

So if I cant make it. This either needs to go to next week or still going but trough another leader

I can try to host the games, but before that:

  1. I have a 3-4 years laptop. My internet connexion is fiber but my end connexion is wifi. Will it be enough?
  2. I just tried a custom game and it seems simple enough, but there is no lobby name I can set. So I was wondering how people could join to spectate. Also when I launch the game with full AI, there is no draft.

Btw, currently, we have:

  1. Hoku
  2. Phaseshifter
  3. MySelf (maybe)
  4. Foxtato
  5. Ngin
  6. Grim
  7. Sherk
  8. Karabars (maybe)
  9. Nemarra
  10. Yusuke

Maybe, this is a little bit short since we have 2 unsure players wihtin the 10 interested ones.

Custom games are hosted by players but they stil play from Blizzards servers, itā€™s not like the old Warcraft 3 custom games anymore.

There should be options for you to change to draft.
We often run custom games with drafting in matches i play with my norwegian friends, i have never hosted them though so i have no idea where they change the settings.

Thanks, found the draft selection. Now, the game name for people interested in spectatingā€¦

Ana pls i am need to ban the ana in the ana of bans.

So yeah, Iā€™m in, I think?

Iā€™m not sure.

Tl;dr you can be moved to spectator, you can join the lobby by normal means through the party or invite, itā€™s actually so simple.

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Yeah 11 players so we may get these games.

But we can only have 5 players in a party no?
And for the invite, do you need to be in the friendlist?

Party donā€™t need a friend request to begin with so yes, an invite will directly move the whole party.

You could call it ā€œLeague of Legendariesā€ for the LoLz

Well I donā€™t even know how to name a custom game!

No show from me, have an appointment. May join in later as observer.

So we have

  1. Hoku
  2. Phaseshifter
  3. MySelf (maybe)
  4. Foxtato
  5. Ngin
  6. Sami
  7. Sherk
  8. Karabars (maybe)
  9. Nemarra
  10. Yusuke

Let us say that we confirm before 18h30 EU time, so that people are warned a little bit in advance. At the moment, I consider the ā€œmaybeā€ people as not present. SO we have 8 only.