Forum Tourney NA

Here is for the NA

Best 2/3
I can’t make it but Harbinger will try to make it if he is not hindered by work :smiley:

So fill in your name and the first 10 slots will have the spot.
After that we will look for a date

I’m in.
(This s not a Qhira role play)

I definitely gotta join this, count me in

Everyone who wants in please write here so I can have an overview. Many of the people are in the other thread

  1. Megabrumak
  2. Phaseshifter
  3. Harbinger (maybe)

I’m a reader instead of a poster so I’ll understand if you take someone else. But if there’s an open slot I’d love to join.

Join them! I cant play there but ill spectate

Any requirements? I’m guessing it is in teams (or 1v1?). 10 slots… so 2 teams (Tourney of 1 team against another?). I’d like to join, If it’s a scheduled date/time I can make time hopefully. I’m on PST.

Good luck balancing teams. It’s not a serious match, but it’s often a source of complain. It’s just a warning, not meant to be negative.

Some inhouses organized in discord are easier to balance because everyone are at least master and given specific roles, including drafters and captains.

Date time still unknown
Next week saterday?

We need to look at the day itself how to balance. I dont know the mmr or what roles everyone plays. We need to guess this a bit
Only requirement is to stay nice to each other and the enemy after the tourney

Think if ifs unbalanced some need to switch places and everyone keep their individual scores

It is everyone will tryhard. I wanna see blood sweat and tears🧐
Skulls for the skullthrone

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I could help balancing teams, but it’ll require everyone to upload their games on heroesprofile, so I can assign roles and force for every players, even QM and ARAM players.

Yeah I was thinking that much. Personally I have a very limited amount of games played compared to the usual forumer (even less for those likely interested in the tourney), so that’s going to make matters worse. I’ve put time for 2ce a week, or I wouldn’t be playing at all :cry:

No thank you, I will just look at winrates, roles and account level and roles

Who would you rather pick?

  • master in SL, lvl 200, solo queue, 40% WR this season.
  • unranked, lvl 2500, 5 stacks, 82% WR this season.

I will absolutely watch, and can fill in an empty slot as an alternate.

I’m terrible, though, so count me as the 11th man.

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Don’t overthink it
I’m not sure yet who will enter at the day it begins

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Sounds fun
I’d be down if you still need people~ buuuut I can’t promise I’m actually good at the game lol

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At least dress up the list at first so you won’t have to struggle when making teams on the fly.

Here’s my info:

  • Bruiser main, ranged assassin flex, lvl 2795, currently D2, peak at 2k master.

I want to spectate. Are you guys going to use Discord or VC?

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I’d like to know too, this is the potential to be more fun than watching CCL games as I “know” the players involved. :sunny:


The charm of this tourney will be the suprise factor.
I don’t know how most of these people play. maybe some of them will really impress me.
Thats why I’m not making it too complicated

So you will help me or participate ? :

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