"Forced 50% Winrate" Is Real - And It's YOUR Fault

That would be very hard to implement and would likely destroy everything else.

Happening an awful lot for me then. Too much for my tastes.

I read all comments…some of them im agree was intersing for me to read your thoughs…
Yeah…problem is there is so many game situacions…where we cant die or do mistakes. Everyone do mistakes.
Why only in Bronze, Sulver, Gold is this avarage 50 % win rate?!
In Platium, Master is high.
And in Bronze, Silver, Gold exist so good players.
I did try out with over 2800 games to escape this Bronze Hell and i cant.
Believe i play like Master!
Need new system like mine(im sure you meet my topic " Make HoTS most epic game in gameing industry this year")
Btw i re wirte again my topic in EU forum.

It’s funny that in the same thread you state that the Matchmaker is trying to create “fair fights”, ie: 50% chance of winning any particular game, and that it does not force losses. Those two statements are incompatible, you can have one or the other but not both. The reason the Matchmaker is bad is because it is doing exactly what it is designed to do. The problem lies in what it is asked to do.

If you want to solve a problem, any problem, the first thing you have to do is correctly identify what the problem is. In this case, the Dev team made a mistake. People don’t want a 50/50 chance of winning every game, they want to play with/against players of similar skill. The two things are related, but they are not the same. In statistics we call it correlation vs. causation.

If I were designing the Matchmaker, it would look at your MMR and then find 4 other people as close to it as possible to be on your team. The goal would be to minimize the distance between the highest and the lowest MMR, THEN calculate the average. After doing that, it would find a team with as close to that average MMR as possible to match you against. This would lead to much less “fair” individual games (one team is almost guaranteed to have a significantly higher average than the other), but the skill level of all players would be similar (the distance between the highest and the lowest skill on a team would be small). What we have is a system that intentionally pairs very low skill players with very high skill ones, in order to ensure that the AVERAGE is in the middle.

It does exactly what people are complaining about, by putting worse players with better, because its GOAL is to enforce a 50/50 chance of winning any given match. The GOAL needs to be to accurately determine player skill then match that person against people of similar skills. Wrong GOAL=wrong outcome.


Don’t forget that the matchmaker is sacrificing quality for queue time.

Not really. It’s doing the best it can with the information that it has. It’s the player’s responsibility to grow and improve, and if they’re not doing that, then the blame for a “Forced 50% Winrate” lies with them.

aaaaaaaaand nope, you still don’t get it.

if 2 teams are very close in skill, they have an even chance at winning. You need to remember the match maker and MMR work with hundreds of games, not just 1. In the long run, equal games will result in roughly 50/50 win/loss ratio, which is the 50% win rate. Sure, individual games may be lopsided but it won’t be visible because the players will not get to see that one guy which is 1000 MMR points away from the rest, he wouldn’t exist if the MM were half decent.

The problem here is not the goal, it is HOW it achieves the goal. And you correctly identified the problem: the how is wrong, and needs to be fixed. IMO, the match maker currently works like a P regulator, nudging people closer to 50%, and doing everything it can do keep it that way.

Basically, the match maker does work: it does give you a 50% win rate. But it does it in the worst way possible. Averaging people from all over the place will not result in anything good. You won’t improve or get better as quickly over time (thus making ranked pointless), and you will have half your games doomed to lose from the start, so the fun part of unranked modes doesn’t exist either.


I’m just going to stop you here. This is the same type of malarky people spouted against african americans during segregation. The more points you make that the matchmaker is flawed the worse your argument becomes.

And yet, it’s not good enough

It really has all the information it needs after around 80 games. You need to remember the MMR moves over time (up or down as you win / lose). The match maker isn’t the magical harry potter hat putting you in a league and then if you are not good enough for that league you are doomed to lose more until you get better.

are you really



equating the forced 50% winrate myth

with segregation???


Its actually the dev’s team goal to enforce 50/50 chance of winning…AND NOT PUTTING PLAYERS OF SIMILAR SKILLS IN A MATCH…why? cuz they want you to get addicted and keep playing…its a psychological thing.

Equating? Dude you’re spouting that people are the only ones responsible for what happens to them, when we know that’s demonstrably false. It is a mixture of problems, many beyond most player’s control.

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you equated systematic racism, prejudice, and oppression to telling people to get good at a videogame if they want a winrate that’s higher than 50%

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yea because its definitely my skill level that effect that 3 downies on my team who suicide into the enemy team and have zero clue as to hot to team fight

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You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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I don’t think there’s a forced win rate but I do think that the game tends to average MMR for matchmaking so if you go to high, you’ll get potatoes tossed on your team so that it equals the average MMR of the enemy team.

Playing with friends helps to circumvent this since no random can be assigned to your team and it’s easy days from there.

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This is exactly what happens. It’s not that Blizzard’s trying to force you back down, it’s that they think it creates balanced matches.

Expect matches to be balanced around 2000-2200 MMR, if you’re above that, you have to carry. If you’re below that, you’re the potato being carried.

About that.

I made the assertion that the “Forced 50% Winrate” myth is because players do not push themselves to overcome the challenges the matchmaker presents to them, seen here:

You responded with the following statement, comparing my statement about the player’s responsibility to improve if they want a better winrate to being similar in effect to the systematic oppression experienced during Segregation:

Now, let’s go back to the dictionary definition of equation, with the relevant part bolded for your convenience:

Here’s your statement again, with the same treatment:

So, yes! I do know what equation means, and what you did is absolutely equation.

You directly and literally equated telling people to get good with segregation.

What is wrong with you?

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He actually said that while he was playing Wolfenstein always getting matched with similar skills players gets boring.

start watching from 44:20 for context

45:35 it gets to the point when matches are super even all the time after a while it actually get kinda tiring…so i come up with the opinion that its ok to allow a little bit of balance here and there and have a mix of even hard and easy matches.