"Forced 50% Winrate" Is Real - And It's YOUR Fault

Yes, you. Yes, really. Let me break it down for you.

The way that most matchmakers work (including HOTS’s) is pretty straightforward: they attempt to put together teams that have an equal chance of winning. The chance to win is usually determined by an arbitrary value (in this case, MMR), assigned to a user based on how many times they’ve won against other players of all skill levels (adjusted up or down as the situation requires). In short: the more you win, the more MMR you get.

So why is a 50% winrate your fault?

Simple: you’re not as good as you should be.

If you win a bunch of games, the matchmaker is going to think you’re not where you’re supposed in the rankings to be and give you a ton of MMR. When you lose as many games as a result, it’s because you reached a point where your MMR outclassed your actual skill and you couldn’t handle the challenge of better, more coordinated opponents.

That’s all there is to it. There’s no evil developer conspiracy to deliberately match you with bad players to bring your winrate down when it gets too high and your teammates aren’t conspiring against you, you just weren’t as good as the matchmaker believed you to be.

The solution to a 50% winrate is simple. If you want a winrate that’s above 50%, you’ve just gotta be better than the matchmaker thinks you are. That means more learning, more practice, more effort, and more growth - all the time, even if you’re winning. No slacking, and no excuses. And hey, If you don’t want to work on your skill to make that happen, well, I certainly don’t blame you. It’s tough, time consuming, and not for everyone. But just keep in mind next time you rev up your keyboard to complain about that Forced 50% Winrate:

The only one “forcing” a 50% winrate is you.


How am I forcing AFK and trolls in the loose streaks games? How is that my fault? You logic is invalid.


How is blizzard forcing afks and trolls?
They aren’t. These things just happen.


They are indirectly forcing it because they do not punish afk and trolls. If they did punish them, the match maker would weed them out.

Things don’t just happen. When sc2 was infested with hackers, it was because blizzard allowed it. Terrorism happens because the authorities are not good enough to keep it in check. Things never just happen. Everything in this universe has a cause and an effect. The game is currently infested with trolls and AFK because blizzard doesn’t punish them, and by not punishing them, trolls and AFKs become first rank citizens of the player base.

except the match maker will give you harder opponents/worse team mates to keep you at “equal chance of winning”. You said this yourself.

So no, you will always have 50% win rate unless there are no more harder opponents for you to face (i.e in GM). That is the prupose of the match maker. Pretending there is no 50% win rate is pretending the match maker doesn’t exist.

People here do not complain about the 50% win rate per see, it is the way the match maker does it: instead of having better opponents/team mates, you have worse team mates and better opponents, so the 50% win rate doesn’t feel fair. In other games, the 50% feels better simply because teams have an actual equal chance at winning. This doesn’t happen in HOTS.

And the reason the match maker can’t do anything is because of low population, which is caused by poor match maker which causes an endless cycle of doom. They missed the mark with silly events and poor balance/design in the past.

Fact of the matter is, unless they drastically change the game and attract new players, the match maker is only going to get worse.


Just put a players in yer team with 37 - 47% winrate and voile!.. But anyway people complain at Blizzard because they created the 50% unfair system ala: “eazy win - eazy lose”. And this is instead of fair system: win or lose “because enemy was better.” Deny existing now unfair 50% system described above just foolish.


By remaining at the MMR that prominently features AFK users and trolls.

The matchmaker will only ever give you harder opponents, not “worse teammates”. Being in a situation where your teammates are “worse” is typically the result of low-skill players getting a temporarily high MMR because of a winstreak, not a function of the matchmaker.

You haven’t been around HOTS communities for very long if you honestly believe this.


Logically, that should mean you get matched with better / higher skilled team mates as well as better opponents. Which isn’t what happens.

As I win more games, my team mates usually get worse instead of better. I seem to get less logically challenged team mates after a few losses. Which would be the opposite of what the system should do.

Me having a higher MMR shouldn’t magically make my team go triple mage with a bruiser tanking.


Not necessarily. Having high MMR doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get matched with better teammates, it just guarantees that you’ll get matched with teammates and opponents who have similar ranges of MMR. And, just like anyone else, they can have skill levels that are mismatched to their MMR. Also just like anyone else, there can be a wide variety of reasons that their skill isn’t congruent with their MMR.

But that’s on them, not the matchmaker.

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Then what’s the point?


I am not sure you understand how the matchmaker works. I am a Master/GM player and I play all modes including, Ranked, Unranked, Brawl and QM. In Ranked the system for matching players is much different than these other 3 modes. For example in ranked lets say its a Master level game. Everyone is going to have an MMR of about 2800-3100. Although this can make the que times unbareable at times this does not apply to QM and unranked. (Unsure about brawl matchmaking to be honest.) But in QM and unranked you can have players of 3000, 1700, 2100, 1600, and 2700 on one team and the other team has lets say the other team is all 2200. The 2700 mmr player and the 3000 mmr player are expected to carry the game and win it for the lower mmr players but this is not league or Dota where you can 2v5 or 1v5 the other team. If you have teamates who are feeding or rushing objectives down a talent tier when they could spend an extra 15 seconds soaking and then fight the objective instead it makes it almost impossible sometimes for higher mmr players to carry lower ones.


Lol dude, i have been playing this game since closed alpha, i am probably one of the oldest players still around. I have seen the game rise and warn against its failure long before any other. I have seen the time when match making was decent and when people left the game en masse and killed the ladder/pvp environment.

The theory that match maker gives harder opponents not worse team mates is simply not true. The game will try to stop your win streaks actively by giving worse team mates when better opponent doesn’t cut it. Blizzard match makers have always been abour stopping your sprees, and this happens in every blizzard game.

Anyway, i see you have no real argument against what i said, so go on an happily ignore any shred of reality.


He is clearly contradicting himself, probably hoping to get some blizzard forum points or something.

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You literally just stated why it’s the Matchmaker’s fault, not the player’s.


Yep, it’s my fault I can’t carry this 1113 MMR D.VA.

Completely my fault.


This is precisely what has happened to me. I held a near 80% winrate my first 40 games of the season, now that my MMR is high, I’m being placed with very very low skilled teammates to try and offset me. The problem is, their negative impact is higher than my positive impact. I cannot carry them, and then I lose. Now I’m going to be met with a 20 game loss streak until I get to a point where the system horribly underestimates my skill and I go back to winning games left and right.

This system is awful.


Pretty sure you don’t understand the relation between match making, mmr, and skill.

The player has no influence whatsoever on how the mmr is calculated. It only happens right now that only wins and losses modify mmr, but blizzard can change that at any time.

High mmr = higher skill level. If that mmr is skwed and disconnected from the actual skill level, it is all blizzard’s fault.

Blizzard did mess around with pbmmr, almost destroying the entire ladder and skewing mmr for everyone (they even admited that). And players were not to blame.

Now, get this between your ears: match makers purpose is to keep you at 50% win rate. That is why it exists. It should always give you better opponents and better team mates as you win more, because the mmr increases. Due to low population, that is almost never possible in the current state of affairs. So it will give you bad team mates for you to carry . When you reach a high enough mmr point, you will feel it on your own, like many of us do on a daily basis. This game simply cannot accommodate good players.

And you need proof for it giving worse team mates as you go up? Why do you think blizzard introduced the division limits in ranked? Certainly not because the mm was very good (it still sucks).


This is because your mmr deviates too much from the pack and there are not enough players to provide you with a fair game. As i said, the current system fosters bad players and punishes good players. And the situation is only going to get worse.

It is especially painful when you are clearly the best player on the field and witnesses your team mates inability to punish enemy mistakes. Even if you point them out.


Even if the matchmaker doesn’t directly “force” anyone to lose such games, balancing teams in the manner shown in your screenshot is disgusting. You can’t just put a 2,5k with two sub 1,8k’s and expect him to “carry them”.

If even one of them is very bad at the game, your best plays, solo objective captures and quad kills wont offset the negative impact these people have on the outcome of the match.

Yet more reason to only play HotS as a party of 5. That kind of matchmaking is disgusting. The MMR discrepancy between the enemy worst player and your worst player is about 2 full league tiers.

I absolutely, wholeheartedly think it is because of the reason stated above by Moon; There are not enough people queuing (even at your 2,5k mmr!) to give you a match filled with people of your skill level.

Instead, it created a match where both teams average 2000 MMR, and this is the worst way to go about it (put together all kinds of players ranging from 1,1k to 2,5k to make the average of both teams 2k)


Even at peak hours, anyone above 2K mmr is going to have a hard time finding balanced games. This is because the vast majority of players are simply bad.


Yet, it’s happening consistently. I can’t win a game now because I’m being paired with absolute bottom of the barrel teammates and I cannot carry them.

What SHOULD be happening is I get better teammates AND better opponents. Instead, I’m getting the same average of opponents and WORSE teammates to offset how much I’ve climbed.

It’s disgusting, you can’t expect working matchmaking like this, and it’s why games have felt off this entire season. I had 40 games of easy wins, now I’m being punished for it.