For those anticipating the D.Va rework

Blizzard has disappointed me too many times.

-Even if the new Tassadar is better, the one I was playing with is gone for good. Forever.
But It’s OK, there are far worse things:

-WarCraft 3 Reforged fiasco (I can’t even ask for a refund because my country is a 3r world country and PayPal only works one way here: to pay.)

-StarCraft Remastered feels abandoned, they discontinued the editor (OK, ScmDraft is a thing but still) and they have left many things pending.
-StarCraft 2 has some things that I’m really angry at:
For example this bug

which I also have encountered here in HOTS:

This other bug with the SC Mass Recall mod:

https:// www. sc2mapster. com/projects/starcraft-mass-recall/issues/126

Since it is not a major thing, most Mass recall players shrug off! But hell!
There are TWO maps where saving is CRITCAL. KelMorian Combine where the command centers you infest are carried over to the next mission and Dark Origin. If you can’t save in a map to map you are SCREWED. That makes those two unplayable for me. It’s horrible to be unable to play Dark Origin and not having the results of my efforts in the previous mission. Why nobody cares about such a game-breaking bug is beyond me. Besides, having to go back to the selecting screen after finishing each mission is annoying. It’s utterly irresponsible that Mass Recall players are not asking Blizzard to fix it, and it’s quite stupid that Blizzard has not to been able to notice it and fix it already after so many years!