just don’t say anything and accept that you don’t know how to play that hero .
So what exactly the context of this thread?
I personally know how to play a Hero on first try.
Like I have every Hero on lvl 15 (except Nova), I reached Masters and I read every Ability and Talent. I’m perfectly fine in QM at first tries. No Hero can be that new.
Also there is an mmr adjustment, when you play something new, your mmr is treated a bit lower than it is for easier experience.
This looks like a weak complain thread which tries to redirect the blame.
Plus it sounds like you’re engaging them in chat just to demand silence… like you just want to “lecture” them how bad they are, cool…
^ ^ Ahhh, yes. The so-called “Master player”. He knows every character in & out on the first try.
Until it comes to actually discussing said character, in-depth. Then suddenly all he can do is parrot website stats and things “he heard”.
I think i know what you’re getting at here…
…If you’re trying a character for the first time AND Insist on bringing your noob character into a match with other players? Do NOT start off the match with, “hey guys this is my first time playing said character”.
Because all you’ll do is kill team morale. When your guys realize they have a player on the team who’s dead weight, they’ll be mad at you the whole match, and it will do nothing but make things worse. It’s best to just play your best match and don’t even mention it.
And if that’s not what you meant? It’s still good advice.
Edit: Although for the record, it is a Jerk move and insensitive, to take your noob character into a match with other players. The least one can do is grind out a few dozen A.I matches to at LEAST get a good sense of what works with that character first.
A few dozen? Like at least 24 games? Thats so many.
You might not understand it, but I do, the basis of what he’s talking about that is (I mentioned basically same thing before as well).
In this game, there are macro and micro. Macro is generally not hero exclusive/hero specific, but can be utilized using any heroes. Micro is tad different, but also can be not that different (can be utilized with any heroes) if you categorize heroes’ trait (English definition, not in-game one), strength using some sort of ‘proficiency, ability type’ as in some rpg game.
For example, categories such as ‘zoning’, ‘skill shot’. If you know how to do that with xx hero, you can do similar with xxx hero. The examples I used back then was, Li ming - Hanzo, etc. If you can shoot and land skillshot with Li ming, so can you with Hanzo. You can easily catch up even if some heroes are new to you. And basically all the heroes in this game are linked that way (Hogger - Yrel, Li ming - Hanzo, most of every tank). Know how to macro (understand how the game works), know how certain heroes are played, you can adapt with any heroes.
This is not just some theorycraft smokes and mirrors mind you. That’s what I experienced. In my early days, it took me a full week for me to get used to f2p rotation hero I’m new with. That learning period got lower and lower as I improved in the game, by which, at the end of that period, basically a day was enough. Yrel - Hogger, I didn’t care to learn about it, and TLV, though I know the concept, my muscle memory isn’t there (players who can play them, you be the big boi and I salute you. me, not gonna bother).
I personally took every hero I wanted to learn into training mode for atleast 5 lvls before I went into QM wih it. You just need to learn the basis of the hero. Then everything els you learn as time goes and you play more and more games with it.
Problem is tho that many newbies never walk into traning mode or AI to learn a hero. They walk straight into QM and ruin the game for his own team and then complain about why he the next week got suspended for distrubtive gameplay.
But since QM is already open for a freash new account then they have no reason to enter training mode or AI when they can just enter QM and hope he gets carried by more experience players.
Most newbies are not filling to learn when its more easy just to get carried.
Yea, if you can position well, land skillshots, have good map-awareness, know how to do stutterstepping, you read what your kit can do and understand the role you fill, it’s not hard to not be bad at a Hero on first try for QM standards.
There are many things that are the same for many Heroes, and what’s different are usually:
- cd
- shape of ability
- numbers
I believe most ppl play poorly on first try because they didn’t read what their Hero can do and instead figuring things out on the get-go. (Or they are just bad regardless of character, happens.)

I personally know how to play a Hero on first try.
So you know every hero’s ability range, AA range, know how to position them, combos, talent builds that fit your play style, and where they fit in with a team the very first time you’ve played them? I highly doubt that. This is the most pompous, puffed up reply I’ve ever seen.
I highly doubt you knew exactly how KTZ’s combo worked and how Zeratul’s in and out bs worked as well your first time playing them. Go toot your own horn somewhere else.

Ahhh, yes. The so-called “Master player”. He knows every character in & out on the first try.
Until it comes to actually discussing said character, in-depth. Then suddenly all he can do is parrot website stats and things “he heard”.
Don’t bother with this one, he thinks because he has gotten every hero to level 15 except Nova that he’s a library of knowledge and should be respected as such, even though he lacks respect for others and says things to belittle anyone who slightly disagrees with his narrow minded views.
Can atleast play macro well. Micro well that’s another issue.

I highly doubt you knew exactly how KTZ’s combo worked
Its not exactly rocket science.
If you cannot figure out how KTZ’ combo works from observation, then that a problem with you.
Hit one guy with chain.
Hit other guy with chain.
Cast w and q in the middle of the two targeted heroes. And R if you’re level 10 and took Shadow Fissure.
What is hard to grasp about that?
You can learn pretty much everything you could need to play a hero at an average-to-decent level simply from observation and reading the abilities & talents before heading into a match.
Just because something is far beyond your ability does not mean that others are as bad as you.
Not to mention the whole point of the thread is rather dumb.
“Practicing” against AI may just end up giving you bad habits. AI and players behave very differently — AI are often very predictable and stupid. Not to mention can often be easily manipulated.
Practicing something like Kel’Thuzad against AI could end up being catastrophic.
If you want to learn a hero, you would want to be against human opponents.
It’s just human nature to do the opposite
If you read the abilities and talents first and or test them out on try mode its fine assuming your competent at the game.
The purpose of telling your teammates at the start is so they are aware you may make some mistakes and they may want to adjust their own play slightly. For instance if you’re tank or healer they may want to play a little more cautiously than normal to compensate if you aren’t healing or peeling optimally.
I’ve let people know this at the start of a game and ended up doing better than everyone and getting mvp. So the whole lowered moral issue is
Why do you have a hard on for me every time I say something to Karabars. I thought you both had me muted? Geez piss off.
Observation and execution are two completely different things. I watch Fan play heroes but it doesn’t make me good at them like he is just because I observe. By that logic I know how to play basketball by solely watching Kobe Bryant play basketball, Serena Williams play tennis, and know how to swim just from watching Katie Ledecky in the Olympics. Guess what makes you good at something new… practice, not only observation.
The point of the thread is that when you are trying a new hero, do it in a safer place so that you don’t suck and then lose because you don’t have the mechanical muscle memory to hit your KTZ combos. He’s a hard hero, you’ve never played him, and you’re going to expect people in QM to cater to that? If KTZ doesn’t land combos he’s not going to do anything productive, and I doubt Karabars had the mechanical skill down before he even played him.
Funny how he doesn’t have the gal to speak to me directly and instead likes your post. Lol you guys are sad.
Yeah, that’s like highly presumptuous to the point of being unrealistic. Most people who try a new hero their first time will suck, even people who are skilled and read talents beforehand, and that’s absolutely normal. And even if you don’t suck, you certainly aren’t going to be good.

Do NOT start off the match with, “hey guys this is my first time playing said character”.
I’d prefer honesty instead of assuming the person was just terrible. I can modulate my expectations. If the point of the post is that if you’re new, have some humility, I can get on board with that, as that allows for you to have room for growth and improvement. If it’s that you shouldn’t say anything, that seems counterproductive, especially if you have questions or want to give context. If it’s to shut up someone because they’re constantly telling people to what to do when they themselves have no clue, that’s different.
Also, don’t do it in Storm league.
I am good enough with new Heroes for QM because their kits aren’t that unique and thus neither is their playstyles.
I played most of the new Heroes first in QM and won them.
I get it and support that ppl shouldn’t try out stuff in ranked, that’s a more demanding environment.
But in vsAI ppl don’t learn much after they got the basics.

Like I have every Hero on lvl 15 (except Nova),
Please keep Nova at level 7 or I’m going to take this as a sign the end times are near!
If you are new to that hero, you practice it in bots, then try it out in qm. Then move up to ranked. But nah just que for ranked, play a hero ya dont know and suck, thats what most do.
Fear not, if I ever feel the need to play Nova I’ll go on NA