For people who play a hero for the first time

Do it for the meme !

Becasue the game allows you to do so. Other mobas I have played have atleast a req you need to meet before you can play ranked like you need to master max 40 heroes to be allowed to enter.

Hots have made it too easy to join QM and ranked on freash accounts and smurfs love it.

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The usual bully squad is here. They all gained muscle memory through mere observation. Imagine needing to get used to Hanzo’s scatter arrows. Imagine not instantly having the timing down for Probius rifts. Imagine not knowing that Q on release works best for Maiev the first time you load her up. Imagine not realizing what WM’s D give spellpower and her W removes desperation stacks the moment you select her. How inferior you are to them! How dare you imply that these special individuals might be lumped in with the unwashed, untalented masses or that they might not know something?!

Huh? I count only one poster saying anything close to what you assert.

The majority of posts here are people saying it takes time to learn a hero, literally everyone but one person!

Bully squad indeed, I hear there is a cloud that needs yelling at…

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Two people. You know who they are. In every thread where a weaker player dares to complain about the game, they show up to put him back in his place. Guess this game is a big source of self esteem for them.

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no amount of AI is gonna prep you for your first real game as Vikings tbh

even still. It took me, like, two matches played poorly before I figured my crap out.

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of the times you’ve posted that, Narha has expressed they’re done replying to you, not that they have ignored you. In a recent spat, you guys even apologized, kissed, and made up. But on the topics where the post was given of a “yea done here”-type thing, that is usually the last reply narha posts there. Iirc, I think I egged/trolled a reply once out of narha once they said they were done with something.

Kara has stated they did ignore you, but if a reply is posted to a reply, then it’s not hard to just click the button to see the post and ‘verify’ (confirmation bias) the impression regarding the ignore. However, some people do claim to ‘ignore’ posters, and then not actually do it, and then continue to blame that person for their not ignoring them cuz :fireworks:

Of a skim from previous posts posters posted to you, you have a propensity to draw a conclusion and argue from that before reading something through, and then complain to the person that it is their fault that you, or others, didn’t read something through. I generally think hypocrisy rants are poor holy ground and poke replies on that when people use perceptions of hypocrisy as justification for people to not read things through.

Should someone then call you out on that – and it not specifically be either Kara or Narha – it becomes the ‘forum hivemind’, ‘cliche’, ‘bully’ so it seems you’re just as content to make assumptions about the who/what/where/why on topical agreement not mattering, that others probably do that to you for your cycled rants regarding argue/disagree. It might not help that you’ve posted on two different accounts before you agree with yourself (regardless of reason, even when stated) and since few people genuinely stand out on the forums, anyone with a letter in a name matching a similar icon is prone to others just lumping them all into the same claim (e.g. if i posted with a slyv icon, I’d probably get other people replying to me as if I had written something else)

btw, I replied so I’m just another ‘bully’ here too :open_mouth:

yep, every thread! Except the other few you were complaining in that didn’t actually have both people respond to that. But so long as people exaggerate something to be the case enough times, people can just assume that is the case all the time, and threads can just loop cycles of complaints where people don’t actually read anything through, since they can just repeat references to something they expect everyone to already know.

Btw, I hear the average player is not so good at the game, and tend to operate on a lot of assumptions that don’t suit the observations they are making, so their may be a correlation between bad assumptions to rationalize poor observations making for less-than-stellar game experiences. I might also surmise similar conduct also extends to other activities beyond properties owned by blizzard but :shushing_face:

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With so few people here, the toxic vibe really stands out. Becomes a bit nauseating, really. If you can’t deal with people with much lesser knowledge, then just don’t reply to them. That’s what literally every GM in this game does. These guys, though, basically live for the purpose of rudely telling weaker players how wrong they are about everything. In a healthier community, like even this game’s subreddit, they would be sitting at -10 downvotes.

They are obviously making a problem out of nothing. The OP said nothing controversial. Even pro players will under-perform when they play a hero they normally neglect. In the case of the average QM player trying a new hero, the picture is even worse, yet they will often still blame their teammates and refuse to entertain even the most constructive criticism from players more experienced on the hero. Why can’t he express something about his games and what he experiences in them without posters on an ego trip coming to tell him that black is white?


Its pretty much the same thing, except he still sees my posts. Either way, its funny how the last time he posted on this forum was July 5th and it was to me, doing the exact same thing… fighting for Karabar’s honor. If anything they’re kissing each other, not me.

I’m just saying its odd that people love to say “im done with you because I don’t deal with people like you”, then continue to do so. If you dont want to speak to me, don’t. Yet, they still do. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have to comment on things I agree or disagree with. I don’t go around telling people I’m going to ignore them because I didn’t like what they said. Yet these two do, and still reply to me. And I know Karabars pays attention because he likes what his buddy replies to me, but just doesn’t have the gal to reply to me for whatever reason.

Says the one who “skims” through. Why don’t you read everything then, hypocrite?

If you had actually read what I believe you’re referencing, you’d know that Karabars stated one thing, I questioned it, and then he said I couldn’t read… when he just didn’t understand. Not my fault tbh. I guess he just can’t handle not winning an argument with someone like me I guess.

Well, if I remember correctly sir, or ma’am or whatever you are, there’s a list of people I know to be part of that, and since I can’t out anyone directly it may seem to be like I’m just hastily assimilating anyone who disagrees with me into that group when its actually just a coincidence that the people who reply to me in defense of others, happens to be a part of it. It actually just confirms that you guys will defend each other to no end… for whatever reason. But you’d just assume its me being me right? Of course. The forum hivemind couldn’t possibly be real right? Oh of course… it must not be because I’m just crazy! Oh please…

How does this discredit me? Because I agree with myself? I mean, if you want to use that one time I did it, sure… but I don’t see how this even matters in this conversation. More fuel for you to try to use I guess idk.

Hmm. Its not just me then… almost as if… I’m right!

You want to R at the same time as w. If you cast it after Q, the root will be over before shadow fissure goes off.

While I agree with you in principle, the OP’s entire post is one sentence and it’s not particularly clear what point they are making.

I mean, okay? The majority of players (especially me!) when playing a new hero for the first time aren’t going to know how to play that new hero to a high degree of proficiency, that’s self evident. The OP also tells us “just don’t say anything”, err alright?

I mean sure, you could be right that the OP is saying “don’t blame others” but really that’s reading into things, unless the OP comes back and clarifies their post.

I stand corrected, not one but two, but that isn’t exactly the majority of us here. I agree with you that people shouldn’t belittle people posting here just because of their rank or skill. I got bothered by this same bad attitude in an earlier thread.

I don’t really think that’s what’s happening in this thread though, but possibly you could say that “skill shaming” is actually the position of the OP of this thread.

Not only that but blaming others for being bad lol

I read something through in it’s entirety already. I then read something else through; before replying, I go back to read something through before writing out a reply. I then look through related information (possibly referenced posts, topical context, replies to that). So by the time i’m “skimming” something, I’ve given it far more read-time than people give the courtesy to assume of someone else for their first “read”. Esp the ones that are already replying to a clause, and pride themselves on disregarding the context.

But ya know, good job on walking into to my ‘hypocrisy’ jab :+1:

In a written medium where people tend to forget that previous stuff can be double-checked, it’s oh so magically wonderful how the intentionally-ignorant take pride in their smarm cuz "foot in mouth’ syndrome typically requires some sort of public humiliation to call them out on it, and that doesn’t exist here. Not that that really helps impose ‘self awareness’ on those fixed on imposed "hypocrisy’ to actually get over themselves. I guess if they did that, they’d actually be happy and spend their time elsewhere instead of engaging in neep-e gniruseam for lacirohpatem schunue.

What I posted doesn’t ‘defend’ either party: I posted clarification on something you misconstrued with bad assumptions. The bad assumptions tend to lead to other stuff that I would rather not happen, but funnily enough, it’s almost as if the people that fault anyone else they can don’t learn to stop doing this stuff and repeat it from one topic to another. Once they do it enough, then it’s a ‘hive mind’ that has to call them out on bad assumptions despite the odd coincidence of events the follows for users that actually come to the forums and post a complaint more than once per account.

You don’t read things through, claim you do, or are right anyway, and persist in disingenuous discussion that try to draw an “us” vs “them” viewpoint. Having a second account to ‘agree’ with yourself is just more evident dishonesty, but I guess for people that actually read and think through their stuff before going off into indignant automation, that might be more obvious to realize before someone points it out.

You draw an oddity that people say the ‘ignore’ you, don’t actually reply to everything to post, and then find it odd that when you reply enough to something, that they do actually check something out. You then disregard most anything else in favor of a conclusion of ‘right/wrong’ and effectively assert you’ve better for doing stuff that makes you lose worse to others that actually read more than the latest reply a person posts.

That is not actually what ‘every gm does’.

con·tro·ver·sial | ˌkäntrəˈvərsēəl, ˌkäntrəˈvərSH(ə)l |
giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement:

people have disagreed with the ambitious statement, and the ambiguity of the post. So that does make it “controversial”. Unless the context of this environment consists of too few a people to be the ‘public’ now.

A lot of people assume that their experience is what ‘everyone’ else has, thus problem and complaint. If someone doesn’t have that same ‘experience’, they don’t see it as a problem, so they’ll voice their ‘ego’ as a way to confirm that not everything is as what one particular perspective has claimed.

If someone doesn’t decry a particular perspective, then some come to assume that that is the only case, so when certain things happen to them, there isn’t any alternative. Without the option for alternatives, people some looking for that deviation and it mires into the same mess. Since “toxic” is so easy a word to toss out now, people tend to fixate on only two outcomes: agree and disagree. So if something doesn’t repeat the complaint/whatever, then it has to be “toxic”

What has been expressed by the ‘bully’ perspective has attempted to be clarified by more than one post. From a wide-context in the game, the ‘average’ player does not learn good ‘core’ functions of the game, and essentially seems like they have to re-learn the game each time they pick up a different hero. Some posters also claim they are incapable of learning from AI modes and insist such things are ‘bad’ for players to use.

So in place of just ‘one’ counter-perspective, there are several nuisances that differ in opinion, rather than just an agree/disagree or ‘defend/bully’ perspective. However, if people are only looking to see someone bloat their ‘ego’ instead of sharing what worked for them, then it’s going to make anything seem ‘toxic’ around here since tone can be imposed however anyone wants. That is the magic power of reading.

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Dude, just learn this lesson already: Some peeps around here, you really just have to put on ignore and be done with it. They may disguise their replies to you as actual discussion but, they don’t really care about the topic at hand. It’s just passive-aggressive trolling.

It starts with them challenging your views, or asking advice on something and…before you know it, it’s 15+ posts of stupid arguing. Like a certain Water-Panda in here LOVES to do. Don’t waste time trying to reason with them, just move on

Also show some Respect! Karabars is a (laugh)master player. He’s gotten every character to at least level 15(ha!) except Nova. I don’t know where to begin with such foolishness.

As the saying goes, “Those who say they know Everything? Really know nothing”.

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Eh? You mean like what the OP is basically doing or alluding? Nothing against the OP, just find it ironic how main point of Karabars’ post was even less direct, confrontational than what you’re saying in the above quote, yet, you still have a problem with it.

For reference,

I should clarify, it’s not even the OP, as he didn’t much say afterwards. It’s the other people that defended the OP, of how certain players (bad or new to something players) should just shut up. That’s not what Karabars said but basically by others by being against his stance.


maybe those two people you’re referring to are not who I think they are? And maybe Karabars isn’t one of them?

The debate that’s going on is a separate issue from him, as he didn’t much participate in it, other than ‘part of’ his comment that started it, just like the OP in this.

What I see it is,

So why wouldn’t I find this ironic, amusing (not really in a good way. bitter amusing, if you will).

Again, what came after is a different debate (decided that I shouldn’t mention names here, both sides).

That isn’t what your replies tell me. Karabars literally stated one thing, and I argued against him on it, and then he told me that I don’t understand and can’t read.

If you take this one phrase picking Talents and Heroes are not ban and report worthy"alone, he’s right, but that isn’t all he said. In front, he added And tho and at the end he added in some cases that is a clear sign of non-cooperation, and individuals lacking teamwork are not well-suited for games like this, since they’re all about teamwork.

They completely disregarded the fact that Karabars is insinuating that reporting someone because they are displaying “clear” signs of non-cooperation based on what talents/heroes they pick. I stated that he was wrong to insinuate that and then only quoted that one phrase to prove his point, neglecting the rest of what he said which has more impact than he wants to believe. Plus, he neglected the rest of my post anyway so it doesn’t even matter.

When you write more than one sentence, you can’t only reference one part of your post because that single piece has no proper context.

How many thesaurus’s did you use for this insult? If you can find a piece of my posts that contradict what I have said myself be my guest… or would you be happy spending your time elsewhere instead of using your “elevated” vocabulary that is complex enough for some as if I’m going to misunderstand you.

Its not a misconstruction because you say it is and they aren’t bad assumptions. I’ve been noticing things since I first came on these forums in 2018. And actually, it isn’t only me who has since others have addressed this exact thing… and guess what the ones who have defended it are the same people as always. Or are they just as discredited as me because you say they are too?

Its not that, even if you’d like to think it. Funnily enough, I’ve noticed that people don’t reply to my post as a whole, but to one single part they can disprove.

Omg I’ve posted on this forum thousand of times and you all are circle jerking around the fact I posted on a second account and agreed myself. Does it magically make what I said untrue? Or do you just not like it. Seems to be the latter to me. My opinions, on either of these accounts have been generally the same. Oh but you can’t let go of one post. How sad.

If you are going to reply to someone, whether you put me on ignore or not… reply as a whole, not one single sentence with a strawman. If I’m not someone people want to deal with why would they care about what I say enough to reply? That explains why I said they had a hard on for me because idk about you but when I ignore someone, based on previous altercations… I actually do it. I mean why would I put attention to someone who isn’t worth it. The logic doesn’t make any sense. And it isn’t a matter of win or lose… its a matter of pointing out the toxic environment you all have created here where people who speak up about something get crapped on by the exact same people who think they’re better than anyone else.

I mean like do you really even need to reply to a thread that you have no interest in? If you are annoyed with it, mute it or just scroll. This all goes back to my point in another thread where if you have the solution, fix it. Instead these same people insist on commenting on every thread where they can point out their superiority and belittle others, complain constantly about how they’re tired of certain thread topics and whatever, yet still reply to those same threads. Its easier to scroll than take the time to write up a spiel about how “oh I play every hero perfectly and you need to be like me because I’m a master player and I know everything”. Like seriously? What gets you off about feeding your ego on a forum for a game that is on its deathbed? Do you sleep better at night knowing you can write up paragraphs with complex vocabulary to turn off anyone who would otherwise read your posts if they didn’t take two times to read twice to get them and then seem surprised when people don’t want to read them? If that makes you happy go for it. But you all really just look like a group of jerks who have nothing better to do than sit on here and discord feeding each other’s ego and puffing yourselves up.

^ ^ Take my advice i gave you earlier. I guarantee that you just WASTED your time by making this giant post. The only way to win with trolls is not to play.

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My stand is:

  • That I don’t want others that are not in my games (like @Op) just blindly tell me that I’m bad on my first match, period, and I shouldn’t even say anything (like “mb, first game”)
  • I think ppl who try out stuff shouldn’t blame their allies
  • No one should blame their allies (but being angry is fine)
  • Everyone should read the Heroes Abilities and Talents cuz it’s helpful
  • It’s fine if non-new accounts try out Heroes in QM, it’s not a really demanding environment
  • Ppl should never try out Heroes in SL, because that’s a more demanding environment and it’s not respectful with your allies who can lose their Rank thanks to you
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I just might. Its not like I’m going to get through to them anyways. I agree. Time wasted.

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That’s your problem. I got better with certain heroes, just by observing Fan.

That is how it should be. i dont like a troll player picking a hero they know nothing about then losing cause of that reason

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