Ranged Assassin: deals dmg from range.
Melee Assassin: deals dmg from range.
Tank: tanking for the team.
Healer: heals the team.
Bruiser: ? bruise? brawl? sololane? deal dmg from melee? oh wait… dive? disrupt?
Obviously Assassins can do more dmg than the rest, but other than that, Healer is the only Role that you cannot act like as with other Heroes, because it requires actual Heals.
Every Hero can be built or played into focusing more on dmg or on tanking, that’s how players adept (mostly in QM games where they often lack Heroes dedicated to those roles). And that’s why you can see “offmeta” comps in Draft, where certain Heroes fill niches differing from their labels.
Basically, M.Asssassins, Bruisers and Tanks are all on the same spectrum. Bruisers more or less look and act like either Melee Assassins, or Tanks, lanking in either their dmg, mobility or tankiness. That’s why in the old days, Warriors was the group which consisted of Bruisers and Tanks.
For example, Kerrigan has peel, has a ton of shields, even a Stun, yet she’s still squishy, because her kit doesn’t support a Bruiser or Tank role and putting him against those would negatively affect her winrate. The same can happen from the other side, like when Varian who is only 1/3 of a Tank (due to how his Heroics work) was positively affected by matching him against Bruisers.
Dehaka and Yrel were planned to be Tanks, bit they couldn’t perform well in those roles.
If you match a Tank against Bruisers, it’ll be a buff. Now we could tweak the Hero latter, making them fit into their new role more, but what’s the point? Labels are pointless.
Valeera is a Hero, who has more HP than many Tanks, yet she cannot tank.
So while it’s interesting that you compare the hp of Tanks and Bruisers (and Assassins) regarding this “Cho Tank or not” debate, it’s pointless.
Cho has many defensive tools, enabling him to tank. Like his Armor, and you don’t sacrifice Gall’s dmg for that, it’s a Trait that cam be switched often, makes them harder to play, but still effective.
Your data is raw and misleading. Like we cannot know how his CC is comparable to the best Tanks. And CC is something all the other Roles have, so what’s the point? Like Qhira is probably super high on that, but that proves nothing.
And CC is not everything. Ten 0.2 (2) sec Stun is probably less useful than 1 1.5 sec. Quality CC over quantity. Plus Bodyblocking is part of the tanking job.
So while it’s nice that you provide data, what matters is, that Cho struggles as a Tank or not. And he’s not. So why change?
Because you cannot play him as his role?
There are ppl who can.