Fix Mouse Lag please blizzard i cant play gameI

I wan drop money but its unplayable. It truly makes the game boring and Id rather play hearthstone or Starcraft 1 or 2 which also has mouse lag (only Starcraft 2 has mouse lag) Maybe decrease graphics even more this might help. I don’t know. Its so frustrating, I profusely get attacked and bullied by not being able to keep up. I have to predict the future constantly, any tips on predicting the future anyone? I cant play this game anymore and Im tired of it. I mean blocking communication by the bullies mid game is great but its so boring with mouse lag and unplayable.

Im only level 21 and I cant do this anymore blizzard. Ive played for 2 weeks. Ive played your games for at least 10 years this is my 3rd account.

Ive even gone as far as turning off all sound. I also use lowest resolution, I also have lowest graphics on. Ive even gone as far as doing so many troubleshooting steps on the actual computer itself. Reduce mouse lag option does NOT make a difference. I use Raynor now and only focus on minion push and stay back from heroes -.-

I constantly get hero assists, ALWAYS, Im at least half to 1 second behind and this makes a huge difference when your entire teammates do not have mouse lag. Getting assists is normal with any hero even strong heroes.

do you have vsync enabled?
Also #technical-support forum might be more helpful?

Use the icon “`” (key to left of “1” key above letters) on each side and copy paste DXDiag might mean can help.

There is the post, you will probably be asked for a DXDIAG, here is a Blizzard post with instructions on that:

Thank you for your support! Thank you for being so chill about answering my questions good sir, i will see about doing these steps

You may want to verify if your mouse does not have some new drivers avaiable too.
I haven’t had mouse lag in years with this game.

I get such brutal remarks on things, my last game was a guy being extremely vague about messing something up when he left me on my own with a turret, i got rushed by heroes than he started hammering me about how i should’ve known better. People on the game act like you ruin it for everyone and how terrible you screw the entire team, what a toxic community!

Ill check it out McWeak

You might also want to check the mouse sensitivity setting in Gear in the lower left corner of the hero screen.

Select options

Select Mouse and keyboard.

there is a checkbox called Reduce Mouse Lag, and there is a mouse sensitivity setting.

Start low, then go to try mode or Vs AI with AI team mates and see if you like it. You don’t have to play the whole game you can quit as soon as the mouse feels right for you.

Good luck.


Are you still unable to post in the Tech Support Forum? Have you tried deleting your browser cache and your browser cookies for the Heroes of the Storm forum? If you continue to have issues with this, please submit a ticket to have this looked into: Contact Support

In regards to your mouse issues, many things can cause such an issue and some great suggestions have been made. Planar is correct in regards that a DxDiag will be asked for to further help with the issue.

Here are a few things you can try if you are still having issues despite trying what Planar, MacWeak and MrFizzbin761 have mentioned and if they do not help, a DxDiag will be needed.

Make sure Drivers and OS are up to date

Reset In-Game Options

Disable Overlays

Thank you Planar for pointing this post out in the Technical Support Forum!

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