First they came

I’ve explained elsewhere. Basically they removed a unique strategic character and added yet another bruiser, because if you don’t like the other 15 options you now have another flavor. However, the option for strategic character is gone forever. The character with one of the consistently highest win rate and one of the highest skill caps is gone because few players could play him well, and no character should require players to actually think. If you think he was worthless, you were playing him wrong. I’m old and slow and still had a 63% winrate with him in Masters, I can’t stutterstep or hit skillshots like the pros, but I can sure as hell outplay them strategically. Now the only character that let me capitalize on that way of playing is gone. The only character that I and few others thought was a lot of fun to play, regardless of winrate is gone. Now all you low skill players can be decent with him, but greatness is gone.

What is stopping you from doing the same you did with old Gaz with thr new reworked one. He still has most of his kit. Just a lot of his talents that no one used were removed and made better.

(In Masters only:)
He was 21th in the patch before his rework with 4% popularity and a nonexistent banrate.
12th before that with 3% pop.
35th before that with 3% pop.
86th with 2% pop before that.
79th with 1% pop before that.
21th with 2% pop.
81th with 3% pop.

If I check all his masters stats before rework:
52th with a pop of 3%.

And he saw one of the least proplay.

So barely anyone played him, basically just his most dedicated players yet they still weren’t able to put him to the niche gods like:

  • Kerrigan: 2th with 8% pop
  • Samuro: 4th with 16% pop
  • Butcher: 6th with 5% pop
  • Probius: 14th with 2% pop
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Also more trolls the past 2 months so ye.

The laser is no 1/4 the previous range ,it can’t turn and it can’t be held (goes off in 2 seconds if you want it to or not). I would often hide, wait for players to retreat from my teammates and kill them when they turned to run. At 20 I could 1 shot 20% of the characters in the game, and zone out ~95% of them completely. I consistently(> or ~ 50%) did more hero damage than any other player in the game.

So his old laser is gone, so are ALL of his talents that allowed him to be great.

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I only played him in ARAMs as i did not bother to play him elsewhere, now i´m not even playing him there.

Seeing that laser go from high damage on silly range to tickle-beam that i don´t care about when playing against and these annoying stun-bombs to small-radius, low damage, low impact stuns that are still easily evade-able is laughable in a tragic way.

I also absolutely detest the Tyrande and Whitemane changes; no hero should ever be changed in such a way. They are essentially playing the players of these heroes to go screw themselves, surely very helpful to tell your players such things.


You say your great with a hero you know. You know who is that also?
Every other master

The hero is unique but he never fitted . Im not saying he was worthless. Im saying he was incredible outdated. They fixed that and now people want gazlowe in their team

you basicly discribed Na

Might showing proof your master in a recent season? :innocent:

But you stull havent explained a thing. His turrets are still there, its a good build
Might wanna explain more then mah winrates

And finally they came for the Nova players, and everyone had a huge party - because no one liked Nova mains.

Seriously, when Nova gets reworked, it’s going to be the same mudshow how, she is now ruined and people were just playing her wrong. And those people should have their keyboards confiscated.

I know it’s a bitter pill for Gaz mains but the benefit of many outweighs the benefit of few. Gaz is finally a real hero and not excess package the team has to deal with.

You know, I’m Nova player.
Yes I understand why people dislike us, but in the same time I understand Nova players. I understand why they just mute chat and pick Nova when they want.

If my team gets tilted when I only prepick Nova - it says enough. Soon or later I will disable chat too if people don’t stop to flame me before game starts.

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I only played him to solo camps.

it’s just novelty. soon enough the master players will forget about gaz, and he’ll be just as unpopular and “unfit” as ever. and smuggies like you won’t even care…

So it wont impact you. You know a silver player, you dont have to worry about the meta

But what are you talking about they made his kit more valid and up to date. Why do you think he will just unfit again?

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so your aware of this forum Dave and anyone else reading this reply of mine

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Didn’t knew the French revolutionist Jean-Paul Marat was in the forums


Lol. Yes revolutionary violence = hero reworks. Great comparison!

Also most of those reworks were pretty good. Gaz is fun to play now.


for those that like the rework to be honest

Those that lamented regarding Sylvanas’ permanent structures disable were mostly players that solo laned the entire game without helping the team.

Sylvanas pre-rework was really a bad damage dealer with only Wailing Arrow as a sort of ‘saving grace’ but wasn’t enough.

Sylvanas’ rework made her better than before without having to change how she plays.

Now… Whitemane rework is an issue, though they did give her more utility than before, but it also gave her more mana tension and a wee bit more talent diversity, it’s still inferior compared to her pre-rework version.

So this one is in my opinion is a bad rework, though I won’t mind for another rework that includes her utility from the current rework, I prefer her pre-rework version.

This is an interesting change that changed Tassadar forever, pre-rework Tassadar was a great utility and support Hero, that had a lot of things to compliment his teammates, but it also made certain Heroes rely on him and his balance relying on those certain Heroes.

Which was really bad, but they reworked him to a very high damage mage or re-made is a better term, he lost almost all of his supportive use but he gained a good reputation as a reliable damage dealer, so there’s that.

Both pre-rework and post-rework were great, it just ‘seemed’ that it didn’t fit Tassadar apparently, I don’t have much to say regarding his rework.


I wish downvoted still existed.

I got Murky reworked, where I was winning 65%+ of the games as him with MotM when it was the “troll ultimate”.

He was reworked, you know what I did?
I learned to play the rework. I enjoy playing him. I sadly do not “click” with him and he doesn’t feel like second nature to play. I lost my insane winrate.

That sucks.

Oh well, I’ve got dozens of other heroes that I enjoy learning and playing!

Artanis got reworked into better!
Plenty of heroes have been reworked where I’ve become more inclined to play and enjoy them.

Abathur isn’t a hat healbot anymore. Although he still has his issues.

The amount of reworks with backlash are minor, and the size of the backlash is minor.

The maddest I got is initially they nerfed Locusts hilariously hard on Abathur.


Then they came for players — and we were overjoyed.


you don’t know my rank, and you certainly don’t know anything about gaz. like I said, once gaz’s novelty wears off, nobody will play him anymore, and you won’t give a damn.

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