Fastest mirror ARAM in the history

game ended 15 seconds before it started

it said game ended because all enemies left…
im not a fan of this ARAM mirror matches but this was impressive


Can’t say Nova without the No


It was probably a premade party who decided they just don’t want to play mirror ARAM’s.

And there is no downside in mass leaving as a party, because you get penalized and forced to play … More ARAM’s :smiley:

I can’t blame them though. 5v5 Nova just isn’t fun after you’ve tried the Nova Brawl once or twice out of curiosity (it was a brawl on the Towers of Doom map I believe).


Always said the Mirrors I would ever leave would be all Nova or all Hammer.

All Nova games are like torture.


I don’t particularly mind Mirror aram’s, but Nova Mirrors are definitely the most irritating one out of all of them.

Because everyone just dies in one shot, and they changed the shimmer to be so much more visible, everyone just dies all the time. You spend like 90% of the game either waiting doing nothing (because anyone who is revealed dies instantly) or looking at the death timer.

I know it’s supposed to be all Random, but it would be nice if some heroes weren’t present in the roll table for Mirror games.

I have no problem with Nova in ordinary arams.


That always reminds me of a player I encountered several times who had the B-Tag of “NoMoreNovas”, not because they liked her, but rather the opposite.

If I recall correctly, this player was an Abathur main, so I can understand where that disdain might be warranted. Prior to the tower changes that revealed stealth, Nova players would play “hunt the Abby”, which we can all agree was just cruel and rooted in jealousy, due to Abby’s undeniable cuteness.


Never have I seen five players agree over something in such a short time.

yes…if im remember well… there could be a 3 man party on the other side… because we also had a 3 man party… but their 3 man premade left all at once

haha yea the No-novas

in fact it was my 1st all nova brawl… for me the most boring is all mephs or vallas… and the most fun was all illidams

thats because people hate this so much… i dont hate it so much… but i dont like when i have to play a shiqhy high dmg ranged asassin… its unfun… i would like to play other stuff like more melee asassins (like all murky or butcher), bruiser (imagine all hogger or gazlow), tank (all diablos or garrosh). ot even healers/support (imagine all mevdivh, zarya… or all reghar or kharazim)… stuf like that. not alway the same trash like nova, valla tychus raynor mephs over and over

Those, for me at least, were the most enjoyable heroes to play in this mode. I also liked MM Nazeebo, the problem with “fun” though, is it’s very subjective. For every person who loves an all Butcher match, there will be another person who hates it.

I do think that MM could be improved by removing some heroes from the pool, such as Nova.

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For me seems fun, same as naz, hammer

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You jinxed me!!!



:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


can u upload the video?



Was that actually you? I kept wondering while I was in the game.

We had a bot that kept getting farmed. It really isn’t anything entertaining.

Incredibly difficult to get people to agree on anything. Getting 10 is almost impossible. Really goes to show mirror matches are a failure. All they needed was an option for choosing whether to allow it or not

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I’ve had two all Butcher games and I want more! They were so fun and nobody quit, likewise for the 2 all Murky games I’ve played.

Nazeebo (your favorite hero) is a close third for the fun factor, zombie walls everywhere!

Blizzard knows how to ruin their own games. Remember when some clown came into the forum and announced this as big achievement the playerbase would like to have?

ARAM was already bad back then because of the forced meta picks in it, but this just make it straight worse.

Its only the minority that hate it. Reddit had two topics asking people to vote and about 90% of the 1500 voters voted yes to have it back.

If people truly hated mirrors those two votes would have majority of the voters vote no.


The people on Reddit like everything beside themselves. Most of them don’t even play the game.