Fastest mirror ARAM in the history

I hear the pits of hell echoing for your crimes against humanity


I will always have a soft spot for Nazeebo I’m afraid, he was my late husband’s main in D3.

Is my punishment reduced if I share with you that Whitemane is my 3rd most played healer?

How are you privy to such information? Did you poll the Hots Subreddit and ask how many of those people play, or are you just making up “facts” to support a certain narrative?

I guess we will never know.

Say hi to Pureblood for me!


Just a baseless assumption cause it sounds great in his head.


it’s not your first played healer.
your impurities are apparent and will not be forgiven

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How was your day?


Grim’s link.


It is very easy. Following it for years. I could ask the question why Blizzard thinks this is a good peer group to ask, they just did it instead of doing something more representative like asking via the launcher => people who play the game.

When HGC was alive Reddit was a place which was somehow okish for HOTS. Since years it’s a place which is full of bronze play videos and comments plus Brightwing fanart. I would never ask something there in regards to game design and it is just foolish to believe it is a good idea.

The silent majority does one thing since this change is out - complaining. If you play MOBA games a lot you know mirror matches are not a thing. First of all it introduces a new level of toxicity called direct comparison, second it is just boring depending on the hero. So only a group of none competitive persons or people who play <10 games per month can come up with something like this.


I read the Hots Sub, and I really can’t recall any excess posts of Brightwing Fan art.

Just like the above statement, your source is “trust me, bro.”

We do agree on something, naturally there should have been a poll on the Launcher or in Game. The thing is, the Dev’s can change what they like, there is no rule that they need to consult the community at all. Hots is also currently enjoying retirement, basically any change is the exception and not the rule.

I could mostly agree with you, Reddit isn’t a place a great place where everyone should go to explore opinions because the moment someone comes in with an intelligent thought they create a feeding frenzy and all other contributions get buried once you are late to the party. On the other hand, there’s no better place on internet when it comes to seeking niche advice or staying informed in real time. Open folder full of subreddit bookmarks, skim through titles and I move on with my day.

My account has been banned after calling a guild of deaf wow raiders obnoxious morons over constantly bragging about their accomplishments in-game, the exact thing which random pick up groups ups have done four months earlier during the first reset of the patch.

As expected, someone took it too personally. Stupid mods with zero humor or self awareness.

I can’t speak for the Mods over on Reddit, but over here there is almost no consistently in what is punished and what isn’t. I wouldn’t attribute your ban to malice, when more likely the action was taken because you were flagged.

Remember, over here we have had whole threads removed due to a single post that broke the rules.

Ah yes, flagging. It’s a platform that weaponized its reporting system worse than battlenet while catering to such a diverse audience so everyone can get offended over something. I miss the days when you could attach a healthy dose of s***talking at the back end of your argument and no one would mind.

No it’s not as it’s a fact that 1500 voters on Reddit doesn’t mean 1500 active players. All you need is an Reddit account to vote.

You must be the type of person who likes walking on lego pieces.

depends on what time of lego piece and the context of thestepping

I mean no I would never enjoy that

I’m not the person saying the above is the case. Either way, the burden of proof falls on you as you made the claim that the “majority of people don’t play Hots on the Subreddit.”

Prove it, give hard evidence and not your feels.

All Butcher was seriously fun, I’d like a Lego Butcher figurine… What were we talking about again?

By your logic then the 150 that voted no dont play the game either since a vote on Reddit that are full of non-playing players is not proof.

It just depends on how bad the mods are at following thier own rules. I have been banned multiple times on Steam forums for not following the hive mind or having a different view on topics. People calling me troll and give me clown rewards for telling the truth and then getting a 24 hour silence for calling the true trolls out.

Or mods that keep woke topics alive but bans everyone who says stuff they dont like.

A troll has now harrashed the MHW forum for over a months and has still not been perma banned but yet I get a warning for calling the troll out. Thats just how bad public forums has become these days. Not just here but on Steam aswell.

We dont live in the 90s anymore where people did not care about words on the internet or racisme had no punishment. People have changed. The society has changed.

That’s hardly an accurate depiction of the player base or their feelings on this game mode.

If it was that well received, then they wouldn’t have just reduced the chance from 5% to 2%. People are either complaining that they don’t like it or the ones that do are angry because the ones who hate it keep leaving or afking the game, making it even less desirable in the end.

We’ve already seen blizz make the change to enable and now lower the chance. I’d bet money they’ll remove it eventually due to the dislike of it.

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the positive reception to the mode likely has little bearing on this change.

People are not leaving normal games to get mirrored matches, they’re just cooperative people that play the game regardless because the context of the game favors cooperative players over anti-social ones.

Some of the most outspoken on the forums are also problematic players for other things, and mirrored aram was just another scapegoat for them.

Of the options to keep things the same, remove the mode, or improve the mode, lowering the % is the easiest option to both try to appease middling complainers while not upsetting people that like the mode as part of the gimmick is the novelty of it.

I’d like the mode on a more regular basis if people weren’t as bad as they are at it, so having a reduction of the mode doesn’t ruin the experience for me the same way that people wanting it removed entirely have the opposite take for what they want by comparison.

People aren’t going to quit HotS over having less MMARAM, so it’s a simple appeasement adjustment because “this is why we can’t have nice these” meme.

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Exactly this. At least they slowly recognize that a clown made a decision for the game. What they should do is to remove it and to nerf certain spells in ARAM.

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It pops up less so people who enjoy it can still play it while those who hate it see it less.

That clown just did a win win trade for both sides.