Faithfulness to Source material

We aren’t talking about how broken the balance is in the game. We are talking about if they took the true power of these heroes and how they represented in the game… If true to “life” Illidan would own pandas any day of the week. Including Lili, no matter who she is or used to be.

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Raynor doesn’t have a Stimpack in HOTS either.

If you’re talking about his Attack Speed boost, that’s Inspire - which is just Raynor using his experience as a Marine to attack faster and his experience as a leader to inspire everyone else around him to also attack faster.

If you’re talking about his healing effect, that’s Adrenaline Rush - which isn’t specifically stated whether it’s a medical function of his suit or just Raynor himself getting pumped up and shrugging off some damage. Regardless of what it actually is, it’s very specifically not a Stimpack.

He has three different kinds of Stimpack available to him at Level 1, one of which is the Adrenaline Stimpack (which closely mirrors the function of the traditional Stimpack).

And Zeratul is missing Void Armor, Shadow Strike, and his ranged Anti-Air attack. Not everything from the source material is going to be worth porting over.

Tassadar yes, Artanis no. Tassadar is getting reworked, though, so all you have to do is be patient.

All of his Level 13 talents turn his Pylons into support structures.

Also he summons Warp Rifts, Photon Cannons, and the Null Gate.

I won’t argue with this one, but I would like to point out that Lt. Morales’ Safeguard was made canon via Raynor’s Medics in Co-Op.

I have no idea what this means.

Healing Pathogen is literally this. It even says so in the tooltip:

First word of the first ability, even.

Nova’s actually pretty faithful to her Wings of Liberty incarnation. Which is her first canonical appearance.

And Fenix is a great example of why this is. In a MOBA, Protoss Shields are incredibly strong. I don’t even want to think about fighting an Artanis with them.

What do you feel the “desired purpose” of the listed heroes are?


I mean the other way around , he is missing stimpack when he should have had it because he represents the marine unit and what is iconic about a marine unit is the stimpack ability

Original stimpacks as you know trade life for their boost , I would have been perfectly fine with the stimpacks Blaze has if Raynor got the original stimpack.

Void Armor should have been introduced in his level 13 talent after the rework , shadow strike feel was introduced with his new W build and Might of the Nerazim heroic that enabled him to strike and teleport several times , great import in my opinion to fit the Moba , anti air aspect is non existent in heroes of the storm anyway and it exists in StarCraft coop just so your heroic unit doesn’t become helpless against few flyers.
But my point is about one of the defining points of Zeratul through out all his iterations in StarCraft was having the strongest pure Auto Attack in the game , his attack speed and damage changed many times but still was one of the strongest surpassed only by wings of liberty queen of blades , Alarak on the other hand had weak auto attacks but much stronger Abilities and relied on people dying around him enemies and allies alike , I love Alarak the way he is although I would have liked Soul Absorption to be given to him in someway even like a talent or part of his trait but no luck, I love Zeratul as well but his subpar non talented auto attacks doesn’t fit his fantasy specially when compared to his Taldarim protoss here.

Artanis is tricky because he represents Artanis the Hero and the Zealot unit so I won’t argue your satisfaction with him because I love himself but miss a couple of things about him too.

Probius should have never been a heavy damage dealer the way he is , his level 13 talent being supportive doesn’t make him a support, he should have been building shield batteries instead of firing his Q missiles while keeping the warp Rift only as a slowing zone not a bomb and photon cannons as his supportive damage , perhaps building a gateway and summon units like zealots and dragoons but the team wanted to abandon specialists and avoid summoners so I can give up the units part anyway.

Kerrigan was always able to cast an ability that isn’t zergy but she doesn’t have this here but someone above drove my attention to maelstrom and the little explosion she deals after casting an ability after the rework so I am ok with kerrigan now.

I agree with you on this , he often replies to encounters at the start of the match ( I will keep you alive but you may wish I haven’t ) which implies infestation nature of his healing , but I would have liked to see some infested terrans instead of one of his Arm heroics or just as an active ability on storm tier or something.

No she isn’t simply because Nova doesn’t only represent Nova but the ghost unit as well and because she had domination ability and she calls down a nuke not a giant laser from the sky , please read the comments , this point was covered a couple of comments ago.

Not that strong by anymeans

The developers are trying to fulfill different roles with variety like:
Raynor: easy to learn and use marksman
Zeratul: burst stealthy assassin who can confuse enemies with teleporting

Were the books removed from canon?
Because I’m pretty sure it went:
-invented for covert ops games
-books launched meant to be done with the game
-game pushed back, so books came before(?)
-game canceled.

My understanding is at least Nova and Tosh books/comics were canon, but idk.

either a pointlessly small change, which wouldn’t be meaningful, or would be insanely strong and would mean the hero was “OP” while stimmed, and weak while not stimmed.

Probably possible to design around it and “fix it” but that is putting artsy stuff BEFORE gameplay. Big no no.

I’ve played through all the campaigns at least half a dozen times, in SC1/BW/WoL/HotS/LotV/N:CO

Literally never picked up on this.

You find it so. But it isn’t. Also Alarak has WAY auto-attack damage potential in Co-op.

shield batteries are not the hallmark of a probe. Cannons and pylons are FAR, FAR more in line.
Gateways/Nexus would have been WAY more in line than shield batteries.

literally a mission in SC2 after she becomes zergified again, and uses only zerg abilities.
Funnily enough, that is the model/look they used as baseline in Heroes of the Storm, to my knowledge.

you’re just factually wrong a lot. :expressionless:

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Ok, ok, soo…

Raynor - Adrenaline Rush is the equivalent of the stim. I think that they couldn’t call it stimpack for the same reason that they got rid of cigars. Or something stupid like that.
Blaze - Blaze has 3 Stimpack talents.
Alarak - I see no reason why Alarak shouldn’t hit harder then Zeratul. He’s the Highlord!
Tassadar… Yea… he’s a glorified sentry now… Maybe the rework will help?
Artanis - We don’t actually get to see Artanis do much besides wave his little psi-blades around. Not too much to work with there. His current Zealot-lite kit sticks to the lore allright, with his ults representing his ship.
Probius - Probes do not summon units, they summon buildings. THEN units are warped in. The equivalent of this would be a lvl 20 talent that allows you to warp allied heroes to your pylons, but that has a LOT of trolling potential there.
Also, Shield Batteries are a LATE SC2 thing. They weren’t around in SC, or even the first 2 “chapters” of SC2.
6 - Medic did have cleanse at one point. It was removed as part of her rework.
7 - Kerrigan in HotS represents the Kerrigan we see in Heart of the Swarm, not the SC version of Kerrigan, nor the Xel’Naga version of Kerrigan. What’s more, her “primal” version is more represented then her “psionic” part.
8 - Every single one of Stukov’s basic abilities are a infestation. They just don’t MC minions that then get instantly killed by incidental AoE, or soak 1 tower shot and die without doing anything. His current kit does help to represent him, especially since in the SC2 campaign, he’s a healer support unit.
9 - Nova IS a sniper who uses her psionic power to help her aim and help her bullets fly faster then they physically should. Sure, Nova has the ability to make a minor psi-storm, but then she’ll pass out.
10 - Protoss shields ARE introduced on every Protoss hero except Alarak. Sure, only Zeratul, Probius, and Fenix have shields that regenerate after not taking damage, but you know that those aren’t the only kinds of shields Protoss have, right? Artanis and Tassadar give Immortal-style shields (Large, temp shields), and Alarak is a Tal’Darim, who AREN’T known for the strength of their shields. If anything, their shields are kinda crappy.

Jim Raynor only had Stimpack in Starcraft I. In all of his Hero Unit incarnations in Starcraft II, he didn’t have it. While he doesn’t have Stimpack specifically in Heroes of the Storm, Inspire functions almost identically.

Just because something functioned a specific way in the original source material doesn’t mean it needs to function the same way in the adaptation. Both Blaze and Raynor have abilities that increase their Movement Speed and Attack Speed, and that’s close enough.

Why? What gameplay purpose does it serve?

Okay, you know what? I’m going to stop here. You don’t get to complain that certain things weren’t translated on a 1:1 scale and then turn around and say that you’re fine with an indirect translation in a separate case. Go whole hog or not at all.

I meant in terms of gameplay, but thank you for pointing that out.


Shield Battery was introduced in brood war, and are not the least built thing in pro play. At least I assume that Scouts and Infested Terrans are less built. Not sure if Infested Command Center counts as being built. Given it is infested.

They’ve been used in multiple pro games, but VERY RARELY due to how they function in SC1

Yes probes are about building structures not dealing heavy area damage , that is exactly my point , you are objecting just for the sake of it

A mission ! , What about the rest of the whole campaign where you can customize your abilities, even in her mission with Artanis in Legacy she had her Q as kinetic blast which was a pure human psionic ability not the leap one from the zerg tree ! If you care navigate the old forums and search how many people complained about her kit visuals comparing her to a zerg Lurker

I dare you to list his auto attack damage in each one of the campaigns and his corresponding attack speed and compare them to Alarak’s Bane Blades and any other unit or Hero you like , if you don’t notice that Dark Templars as a unit and Zeratul as a hero possess an exceptionally strong auto attacks then no point of arguing further , have it your way and peace be upon you.

You didn’t play Legacy of the Void

This is the ultimate proof you never played protoss in StarCraft 1

Yes I know , which is doing more harm than good.

Why ? I complained about simple things that could have been translated better to match the source material more , never wanted a copy paste on 1:1 scale !!, Customization to fit another game is required but a slightly better job could have been peformed to stay true to the original taste , you are too aggressive in your opinions

I agree completely. Although, I’m outa likes, so here:

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In WoL, Zera did 125(I think) damage per hit, at the same speed as a normal DT. In LoTV, he did 80 damage with an attack speed of 0.75(I think).

Alaraks’ Bane Blades dealt 35(I think) damage at 1.5 speed.

Was I close?

Oh, wait. You were asking him. Oh, well, too late now I guess.

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Thank you man :heart::heart:

20 in the campaign and 30 in Co op I think , perhaps 30 in both but never exceeded that :smile:

Hmmm. Let me check…

EDIT: yeah it was 30 in Co-op, and 20 in Campaign.

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Exactly he was kind of a bruiser reliant on his abilities and sustaining himself by killing enemies , aaah Soul Absorption man

Yeah, I killed soooooooo many Zlings with Destruction Wave, just so I could heal him.

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It depends on how we’re defining “canonical.” As far as abilities go, canonical would be what abilities she had when she first showed up in a Blizzard game. As far as lore goes, yeah, whatever they published. Except the first thing where she was made up and came out of nowhere. According to the forums, the first reveal of any part of a back story doesn’t count as lore. :slight_smile:


And they have him building structures. Building another one would be dumb.
You’ve demonstrated multiple times that you don’t know the source material, and do not want everything to line up correctly with it.
As Kith said, either go all the way wanting everything to be “as it was” or don’t.

Your claim was YOU NEVER didn’t have human abilities.

Also, I’ll repeat it again: They modeled her off of her “re-zerged” form. That is what her original skin is based on. There are so many variations of her kit, and it being all Zerg is FINE.

Alarak has a higher peak damage when using his “Empower me” in Co-op.
He can attain a higher damage.

You can QQ about damage given to units in campaigns, but Zeratul is pretty much only in missions where you have few units, or just Zeratul. He is meant to “carry” your game, and his statistics are very high as such. And yes, Dark Templar have high AA in SC/SC2 because… game design.

You do get Artanis/Alarak/other heroes in missions with few allies, but typically you have at least a second hero unit, And they have stronger abilities, to allow the mission to be done.

You have complaints where they fit things, but because it doesn’t fit it exactly right it is not okay… And other things that you don’t care if they don’t fit exactly right.
Choose a side.


Well, it’s cool that you will still play the game despite being nit-picky about details that will inevitably cause problems for better gameplay.

If they happen to include a Zergling. It would be lame with what it has in the original. Blizz would have to invent skills that have relevance to the character and be fun to play.

Game design is much more important than whether a hero had a tattoo on their left butt cheek.

This isn’t a war son

But is it too hard or game breaking to give the hero the tatoo on his left butt cheek ?


i appologise, but you got something wrong.


Anyway, on the subject of faithfulness, Chen’s abilities, talents and playstyle in Heroes of the Storm is incredibly accurate to a Pandaren Brewmaster in WoW. Chen has a couple of WindWalkery things in his kit, like Flying Kick and Storm Earth Fire. However, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire and Fortifying Brew are from Brewmaster. Even talents share names like Brewmaster’s Balance and Gift of the Ox.

Equally, the playstyle makes sense, as Brewmasters are about negating damage, confusing foes and whittling down health bars.

Chen OP.

No it would be quite easy. But it depends on those who is doing the thinking.

Some believe that Anduin is not the legitimate son of Varian. This in turn can make for some drastic changes to Anduin. Perhaps a talent called “The Bastard Son” where he can enrage for a few seconds every time he is slowed.