Faithfulness to Source material

My first interest that drove me to Blizzard games in general was StarCraft, but I grew fond of Heroes of the Storm three years ago and witnessed a ton of hero releases and reworks.
I am faithful to this game and will keep playing it until I die but some details regarding character differences between their original game and this game makes me feel sad or unsatisfied.
Some examples:
1- Raynor never had stimpacks in his kit in any of his iterations
2- Stimpack not properly introduced on Blaze as well
3- Alarak auto attacks hit harder than Zeratul
4- Half aspects of Tassadar and Artanis
5- Probius isn’t a support who can build shield batteries and summon units
6- Medic that has no Cleanse ( Restoration from SC1)
7- Kerrigan without a single human ability
8- Stukov without any infestation abilities
9- Nova the generic sniper from a game like counter strike.
10- Protoss shields isn’t properly introduced on anyone but Fenix.

I just feel Heroes could have been made more reflective to their original versions and still served their desired purpose in this game just fine.

Here’s my request , Surely in a couple of years heroes will get updates and tweaks , please look deeper into the original characters while you are planning to rework a character.
Thank you for the awesome game regardless


But Tassadar can turn in an Archon by himself

How awesome is that?


Tassadar is hiding a High Templar apprentice in his pocket to perform this stunt of turning to an Archon :joy:


Considering that in Starcraft, her only human ability once infested was Cloak, and that was hardly unique to Terrans . . .

His only ability in Heart of the Swarm that related to infestation was to spawn Infested Terrans. And he wasn’t unique in that regard, either; Infestors had been doing the same much earlier.

Actually, it’s Nova the generic sniper from a game like Wings of Liberty, where she first appeared.


I do agree with most of this but the toss sheilds. For us support mains hes a pain in the butt to heal. Cant heal him at all till his actual hp starts to drain and by that time happens he could be brusted down.

What about her psionic abilities and basic attacks in Heart of the Swarm ? , Psionic storm in SC1 ? , the point is she always had something not zergish but she is totally zerg here.

He doesn’t have to be unique , it’s his defining nature , and he was acknowledged as the leader of the infested in both heart of the swarm and legacy of the void and he is a Co op commander leading a unique infested army.

Nova is the strongest ghost in the terran dominion so lore wise she has psionic abilities , she represents the ghost unit and ghosts use nuclear strike not precision strike AKA magical laser from the sky :smile:, ghosts have EMP and used to have Lock Down.
Nova herself was given a good number of new in game kits in her dedicated campaign and co op commander.

I understand you but balance mechanics can be introduced to fix the issue like having some Armor on health pool

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I am unsatisfied with it as well

OW heroes meanwhile


If anything raynor should of been just the basic minons of braxis/warhead

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In overwatch, Ana’s biotic grenade heals her for half her max hp (100/200). Here, that’s not the case.
Please understand that HotS and SC(II) are different games and that an enjoyable experience is more important than 100 % faithfulness.


I guess?

I mean,everything you listed are intentional design decisions. If that makes the heroes feel more distinct, balanced and fun, I’m fine with that. Having racial unity and adhering to lore through gameplay mechanics and theme is far more important in an RTS than a moba.

That said, it’s not to say I agree with every deviation from source material. Nova definitely fails the ghost representation considering being a sniper and covert operative are only two thirds of what they are.


Malestorm and the explosion after using her pull.

Different games are… different.
Stukov could be a “summoner” in SC, but HotS can’t have that much summoners, so they need to be careful about it.

I understand that you like SC and want your Heroes to be similar to what they are in their original (bit more generic (cuz RTS is originally not about uniqueness among the members of the same units)) form, but HotS needed something else, so they are different.

And if you’d be more familiar with Heroes outside of SC you’d know, that this happens to all of them.

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Yea, why can’t I play starcraft while playing heroes of the storm.

They should be a new mode for that.

I didn’t say I want 100% faithfulness but I want more than 50% faithfulness , a hero look probius is kind of 35% faithful to a real probe !

Mmm well , if you remember Ana had self sustainability issue on release and that was the reason they added a vampire effect on her shrike , perhaps if they sticked to her overwatch design she would have been better on release , imagine if her grenade had a longer cooldown but was able to heal her for 50% of her health , at clutch situations Ana will have to choose who is more important to have the grenade herself or a distant ally ?! Fits Moba just fine

I believe designs could evolve to fulfill both.

Explosion was introduced thanks to last rework and community emphasis on my point, Maelstrom looks like Razor swarm ability from queen of blades in wings of liberty but I think you are right it looks general psionic ability so thanks for pointing it out.

He doesn’t have to be pure summoner by any means , all what he needs is one ability or one heroic or one active ability , do you get what I mean ?


The Jacobs Installation
There’s another mission he has it too, but that missions is only “semi-cannon” so if you know of it, then you might suggest it to not be a valid use for stim. Either case, Raynor has had stims, and he has a backstory of stim/drug use anyway. So gj on missing that :+1:

" Stimulants , or “stims” as they are commonly known[1] is a blanket term used to describe a variety of substances taken by terrans, both for military[2] and recreational use.[3]"

Firebats have a stimsystem, terrans have a wide variety of different kinds of drugs (or ‘stims’) that have more than just one kind of effect. Congrats, blaze has ‘stims’ “properly” implemented.

Might want to explain how that’s not ‘faithful’ to the source.

Psi-blades are a manifestation of psi power, if a user has stronger psi than another protoss, they could have a stronger blade. While the ‘lore’ says nethrazim warp blades are more powerful than psi (use of void), teldarim bane blades are also a void weapon.

If you’re concern is out of unit-stats, than hi, campaigns have unit stats and abilities as an aspect of the game balance (for sc and hots) and not a ‘lore’ claim.

Unless you have ore particularly grounded and specific complaints to manifest, these are fairly petty, mis-guided, not as ‘faithful’ as you try to claim, and otherwise like the better alternative of just suggesting ways the team could implement more ‘faithful’ aspects instead of the useless complaining seen here.


In HotS it doesn’t matter how many summons one has, if he has summons, even one, he has summons and that gives potential clutter and other things to the game, because all the summoners can end up in the same match. They need to be careful with them (as they -themselves- said).

Absolutely, but I must emphasize the “more” part of my post, specifically in the sense of being more fun/distinct/ect in comparison to a stricter lore adherence. Especially since some groups have a monopoly or practically a monopoly on certain concepts. Like the protoss and shields.

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Yes I agree with you on things like that , challenging to give every one of them a slight version of a common attribute, but still can be done as we saw already in Tassadar’s plasma shields , Artanis shields and Zeratul’s Shroud of Adun talent

Just compare every version of the two characters in the starcraft 2 editor and you will find out

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Psionic Storm is a Protoss ability. It’s already on a Protoss in HotS, somewhat ruling it out for Kerrigan. Maelstrom is an approximation.

Source material isn’t what it once was. :slight_smile: I’d prefer the nuke animation myself. Nevertheless, Nova’s first in-game incarnation was little more than a regular Ghost. And the charm ability was common enough through all Blizzard properties that somebody else got it.

What characters become is not necessarily how they show up in HotS. Otherwise, Uther would be a ghost hanging around a tomb and handing out quests to his teammates.

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Hahahaha that would be hilarious :smile: , I know that heroes are imported at a certain stage of their existence in their original universes and I am perfectly fine with that , but they are not copied and pasted , they are designed to bring iconic attributes with them while tweaking to fit in this game , imagine Nova with Lockdown or/and EMP instead of triple tap or pinning shot ! Countless possibilties while staying faithful to the ghost unit.

Oh, I agree. Some translations have gone better than others. However, when Nova was first released, there weren’t so many shield heroes to justify an anti-shield basic ability, and mana depletion was a design no-no, so EMP was out. They may also have felt there wasn’t a good way to translate Lockdown’s anti-mechanical nature.

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