Explain ranking league positioning

my problem is i see this in MAJORITY of the games.
this is not just a bit of chaos. this is a failed system.

Thankfully we have players like you who take care of that by intentionally loosing until they got into bronze 5 trying to restore order xD

Rank does not equate to skill no matter how many forum warriors demand that it does.

for any1 hardstuck delusional ragequitter, this is for you : ("I am better than everyone in my area, I just keep getting idiots on my team" - YouTube)


You can get over 60% winrate tho. But you need to be really good with a really low starting point. A Gold player shouldn’t have 60% wr in Bronze for example.

Nah u are too pessimistic, there’s much difference between a bronze and a gold player lol

I didn’t watch everything but the beginning just reminded me about internal and external causes in socio-pschycology.

yeah that grandmaster players is a psychologist, and explained also why ppl have that bias, not jsut that it’s a bias. Summary is tho that u’ll win no matter waht 30% of your games and loose no matter what 30% of your games. The winrate variance of a player should be between 30% to 70% winrate (unless that player is a legit bot or intentionally ruining games on cooldown, then he can loose so much to go below 30% winrate).


Oh I didn’t know notparadox studied psychology. Yeah, the secrets of the mind are still to be unfolded.

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i stopped at minute 1, because he is wrong.
he is using statistics on matchmaking algorithm that have a rule against it.
that rule is the more you lose, the more you are placed with better and better players, so they carry you.
I made that experiment a few years ago, even if you constantly feed and leave, you start to win at some point. not you obviously, but the team mates, the other 4 team mates overcome the enemy 5.

many ppl no matter how many accounts they make, they always reeach again the rank where they are hardstuck, hard to swallow but u get equivalent ammount of feeders on both sides, if u win 50% of ur gaems u reached ur skill level, games are not in your team favour not enemy team (on average, but again feeders will be on both sides) But u have to not feed or leave or ruin games urself

as I said 30% of the time ur team will be for whatever reason better than the enemy team (pro smurf, enemy team has a leaver/feeder, desync, whatever rly) and also the contrary (30% garanteed wins or almsot and the same for 30% garanteed losses or almost). Ranked matchmaking works as intended, the less better u are to a certain mmr the less u cna win in a certain ammount of games (the winrate variance is represented by ur skill). ALso if u stop at min 1 gg onestly, u accept ur rank. Hope u at least have fun while playing

This seems legit, because the spectrum of win rates between worst and top players does seem to be 30-70%.

That doesn’t include obvious trolls/griefers with like 11,7% or smurfs who are on a temporary 90% streak with a low number of games.

But even a top GM will lose ~30% of their games for reasons out of their control in HotS. The best GM’s winrates are 65-70%.


i used to play 6-8 hours a day. now i play maybe 1 game/day and when new world comes out next week i am forever gone.
activision have this habit of ruining the games and the communities.
hope to see them bankrupt soon.