Expectations for the future HoTS

The problem is that even if you could control the map, you can’t control which heroes will be on your team unless you only play in a 5 man group. Even in AI with AI team mates, there is a decent chance you will end up with a Mephisto, Butcher, or even Diablo himself on your team. Implementing too many features that remove elements of the game will only fracture the already small playerbase even further, making it even harder to find matches.


If you hate that so much then it would be better for you to find a game that has nothing of that.

No one force you to complete those quests and they can be completed in AI mode if you really hate them like winning 3 games can sometimes be cursed.


What an interesting quote. Is it Counter Strike where you have players who like to mod the game so that the graphics are stripped down to their raw polygons to optimise gameplay visibility and performance?

As a side note, i just downloaded the revised Diablo 2. When you first log in it asks you to adjust the contrast of your screen so you can just barely see the image on your screen. It asks you to do this to maximise your experience.

From a gameplay perspective, in order to maximise your chances of winning it’s best to keep your contrast high to improve your chances of seeing all the monsters on screen. Personally i went for the experience, i want the dungeons to becdark and spooky.


Must…resist…commentary! :speak_no_evil: :sweat_drops:


How can u use future and hots in same sentence ?

What can we expect?

Reworks - because it’s easier to change some talents than bringing a new hero to the Nexus.
Old events and new themed events that will last for months - new skins, sprays, portraits, mounts, etc.

No new maps, maybe only one hero per year if we are lucky, no major improvements or new additions.

That’s all for Heroes of the Storm.

I think the quote was meant more in the way of “players will play the ‘best’ (meta) builds, instead of having fun with the options given”.

For civilization in particular, there are many civilizations you can choose with different traits and stuff, and a handful of ways to win the game, which leads to a huge variety on you can play it.
However “min/maxers” will play based on what gives them the biggest advantage, so they usually focus on military strength and science output (to research new military tech), and practically don’t even interact with other game systems like culture, religion, diplomacy, etc.

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Honestly, knowing what little I do about Diablo, it seems more like Law vs. Chaos rather than Good vs. Evil, with the only –strictly– good forces being the Monks


That’s my reading of it also. You have “good” heroes such as Imperius who superficially is on the side of good being an angel, but is much more concerned with order and justice than being “good.” The same could be said for Tyrael who is probably the closest hero that would be aligned with basic notions of doing good, but his actions and words in D3 are usually more concerned with justice than anything else.

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^^ No sir. If you actually cared about the game? You’d still be playing it regardless, updates or not. The Real reason you’re not playing is, NOT because of lack of updates. It’s because you just don’t give a damn about the game anymore.

There’s the door. Take your whining and GTFO.

The rest of us however, will continue to play and enjoy the game for as long as it still remains up. And we’ll be thankful for as long as we are able to do so.

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That’s what losers do though, they compensate for their miserable lives with politics and religion. No one with a healthy lifestyle is sitting there debating religion and politics in blizzard games and forums unless they’re rock bottom.

Lowest of the low, if you ask me.


Another Idea to make hots more appealing for players Like OP: Blizzard give us carbot style hots! :grinning:

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Whatever was changed was not for an individuals request, but a Twitter thread (so a group of people), it is also irrelevant as you admit this was not the case for HOTS or an IP owned by Blizzard. So that is by definition, not a change made for individual personal preference in a property owned by Blizzard.

Considering this:

That claim is highly ironic, it seems you are very familiar with hateful speech. You should also be aware it takes multiple flags from multiple users to have your post hidden. So as you would say, do some research before pointing fingers.


Madonna once wanted to film a music video on the international space station.

I’ll let you guess what NASA said :slight_smile:


I don’t even know if that’s true, but it sounds very much like something Madonna would ask for.

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Happened a few years ago. 2006 I believe.

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My expectations for the future of HotS is that it becomes competitive. Wishful thinking i know… but i’ll just continue repeating Casino League in hopes that that day will come.

Is there is a Youtube video of all of the crew laughing at her FROM the ISS?

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They asked one astronaut to give her a reply in person.

Is name was FatChansky

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Oof! This one belongs here.