Let’s just do a quick rundown of the problems with Exp globes:
-Lane bullies are king. If you’re losing your lane and getting zoned out from XP globe collection range, you’re contributing nothing to your team.
-Early ganks are king. You can’t farm from a safe distance anymore; if you want to collect any XP at all, you have to leave yourself exposed to ganks.
-Snowballing. If your team is behind, it becomes extremely risky to farm EXP globes. It’s common for the winning team to have a 3-level lead by the end of the game, and it’s very common for the losing team to spend a long period of time at a level or talent disadvantage.
In one fell swoop, EXP globes have undone years of careful tuning to ensure that the losing team never falls too far behind, and always has a fair chance to catch up. Take it away, ASAP.
Edit: Here’s a very relevant quote from the devs, from March of this year.
Correct. Which is one of the reasons EXP globes are a bad change; they cause level advantages to occur much more frequently than before. It’s now very common for the winning team to be ahead by 2 levels or more by the end of the game.
I have never seen the level gaps like I have since the changes. I really think its bad for the game and the community.
Tbh it does not affect me much as I have a lv 192 butcher and it just encourages me to play safe and lane more.
They going to have to buff all ranged heros if this stays around with no changes. Trying to lane as Li-Ming or get any exp is pretty hard now. Not much problems with jaina cause most just run when slowed.
Well, do you enjoy the fact that you have to play safer and spend more time laning instead of ganking? If not, then I’d say it’s still a bad change for you personally.
Having personally dabbled with Butcher, I find that the most fun part about playing him is charging into the fray, chasing down a fleeing squishy, and ripping them to shreds. I wouldn’t choose Butcher if I wanted to focus on laning and playing safe.
My winrate with Azmodan has plummeted. It’s quite frustrating that I can’t do waveclear with a long-range Q anymore, that I’m often discouraged from using my abilities to push my lane, and that my trait is much less useful in general.
But I imagine that if I switched to Ragnaros, then things would be just peachy for me. Bruisers are all the rage now. Whoopty-frickin’-doo.
I want to like them. I think they encourage early game pvp. And if they were there from the beginning, all the hero designs would have been built around them.
But now, it’s just too late in the game. Too many heroes were designed around the ‘soak/last hit’ mechanic, and taking that away now calls for a complete redesign. Blizzard just plain doesn’t have the staff to address the amount of work they’ve created for themselves because of this change.
The other problem is, of course, the bad players. Especially in QM, the ranged players who just want to clear the wave with no regards for whether or not anyone on their team is going to be able to survive collecting those globes. You can’t really yell at them yet, because they might have just not logged on for the last month instead of being bad. But it ruins games either way.