"Exception" to Storm League matchmaking

OK so the 50% winrate discussions and the fact the game is most of the time decided even before draft and the fact there is no hero league put aside… here is what happened…… Im Silver 2 Right now I got in a game with a MASTER Opponent and 4 Silver ones ( Cursed Hollow)… master chose Morales. How is that possible I thought … well it is because … "Patch Notes- Storm League- “Exception”: For Players in a Party of 5, any Player outside that Party´s League spread maximum will not be counted toward matchmaking requirements. Most of us read it, I suppose, but now I know what it means. Must have been a streamer I suppose, getting 4 Silver guys, all going top and killing fort, easy, if you´re in voice chat. Then Medivac at lvl 10, killing Keep and wiping. No matter, next Medivac, core down. Must be really good to get rank points from silver Players if you´re Master and have a bunch of minions waiting for them to be their turn winning. I dont blame any of those players, agains a good Team it would not work (but all of us silver xD), but I totally 100% blame that “exception”. It is not fair, it waits to be abused in excactly this way and I hope more ppl do it tbh. Blizzard might react by nerfing Dropship hahaha, if you guys get my drift :slight_smile: EDITED 04/18/19 …. no, they removed all party-size restrictions for matchmaking lolz.

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