cant log in into eu server… get this message when i try to log in
ERROR: You were disconnected from blizzard services
any solutions?
cant log in into eu server… get this message when i try to log in
ERROR: You were disconnected from blizzard services
any solutions?
Howdy RedBaron,
There were login issues affecting the EU region but this should be resolved now, so you should be able to log back in.
If you’re getting a version mismatch error though, go into the app, click the Options button (next to Play), and select Check for Updates.
A post was merged into an existing topic: I CANNOT LOG IN ENGLAND play on US servers
Wrong still cant get in. I have pings of over 1900 and keeps dropping me. i have leaver status and i just paid for a hero pack. for 30 plus bucks. i need help with this how do i open a ticket with tech?
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unable to login to HOTS