Each hero's name in Greek - Part one - Bruisers

I will show you ALL hero’s names in Greek starting from Bruisers

Please note that I am the equivalent of B5 in Greek so just bear with me

I am not Greek (to my knowledge at least), so if I get something wrong please point it out in a constructive manner

Artanis - Αρτάνις - Artanis
Chen- Τσεν - Tsen
Deathwing- νεκρός - Nekros - Death
Dehaka - Ντεχάκα - Nehaka
Imperius - απειλή - apeli - threat
Leoric - λεκτικό - Lektiko
Malthael - Μαλθάελ - Malthiel
Ragnaros - ραγνόας - Ragnoros
Rexxar - Ρέτσαρ- Retsar
Sonya - σόνια - Sonia
Thrall - δούλος - doulos - Slave, underling, a certain slur I’m not allowed to say here
Varian - Βάριαν - Varian
Xul - ζουλ - Zoul
Yrel - ιρελ - Irel

That’s bruisers in greek (I tried my best), keep a watch out for healers later this week!


It’s all Greek to me.

Laugh-track and applause


Artanis - Αρτάνης - Artanis
Malthael - Μαλθάελ - Malthiel
Ragnaros - ραγνόας - Ragnoros
Varian - Βάριαν - Varian

Those guys got a really bad deal.

Would be cool if you added phonetics to know how it’s pronounced.

Missing D.Va one you still find that hero name that missing in the list? I can see that OW hero.

I put it there, after the Greek translation

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I am very angry that you mispelled the name of our hierarch! (you wrote eta instead of iota). Shame on you! You should have been extra carefull with his glorious name!

Whoops, thanks.

And you’re one to talk, who misspelled Shrek

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Ahah, I get it often in my matches. Actually, this is historical. I was playing WoW when they set up Battlenet. It asked me for a name. And it happens that the first think that came to my ming was Sherk. And not Shrek. I really don’t know why it came up but yeah, I have this name now.

ξερεις να μιλας ελληνικα?

At least in greek it sounds like a name that could be a hero on its own aswel. The dutch translation of this is horrible :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel bad for you…

In Russian he’s called Смертокрыл, which means deathwing

And Nekros is just so… edgy

Well, most dutch words sound quite bad, because thats how dutch simply is. For comparison, a skull, is in dutch ‘doodshoofd’ or ‘schedel’. And many of those words are quite similar to german on that (yes, some words vary entirely, but the way to speak the languages is somewhat similar. this is why german people can often enough still understand dutch to some degree).

Nekros on that sounds like a combination of Necro, but then changed to a name, similar to how gods get their name. It might sound edgy, but it would be just as edgy as having a hero called thor.

But for dutch it gets worse. As deathwing cannot be properly translated to dutch as name. Because it requires context of the origin of the name to do that.

  • Doodvleugel - When the wing represents being dead itself (but it remains a name because this concatenation of words is otherwise not used with the word death)
  • Doodsvleugel - When the wing is part of the representation of death (similar to a skull on a pirate flag)
  • Doodsevleugel - A more ancient way of describing doodsvleugel. It then still means the same though.

Doodsvleugel is however the most likely version of this translation, due to it being very similar to a regular translation of a skull. I have no idea what translation is used in hots though, because for obvious reasons its better to avoid the dutch language in games. Even the dutch themselve cant often agree with each other.

(this is also why some translaters who get to translate things without context cause mistranslations that are comical, and why the generated dutch translations on youtube are complete garbage)

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Yeah, Dutch is (I assume) to for example German as Danish is to Swedish

Wait where’s Dva and Gazlowe?

Edit: and Hogger?

D.va - Δ.βα - D.ba
Gazlowe - Γαζλο - Gazlo
Hogger - Χότζερ - Hotzer/chotzer


Oh…It just seemed like it sounds like Greek sounds like English.

Oh my. What in the world. Let me help a bit. Most if not all of the names in greek dont really have a translation into any of the words you wrote, so let me rewrite the ones I think would be best written in greek:

Deathwing - Ντέθγουινγκ
Imperius - Ιμπέριους
Leoric - Λεόρικ
Ragnaros - Ράγκναρος
Rexxar - Ρέξαρ
Thrall - Θράλ
Yrel - Γιρελ

Again most of these words dont actually mean anything in greek im quite sure.


Oh and you can instead say:
D.Va - Ντίβα
Gazlowe - Γκάζλο
Hogger - Χόγκερ

And its quite literally the same pronunciations between greek and english for all of the names I sent

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