Each hero’s name in the Greek Alphabet - Part two - Healer

Welcome to the long awaited sequel to my Each hero’s name in Greek - Part one - Bruisers

Ana - Ανα - Ana
Alexstrasza - Αλετσρατσα - Aletsratsa
Anduin - Ανδυιν - Anduin
Auriel - Οριελ - Oriel
Brightwing - Λάμπρος πτέρυγα - Bright wing
Deckard- Δεκαρδ - Deckard
Kharazim - Καράτσιμ - Karatsim
Li li - Λι Λι - Li li
Morales - Μοραλες - Morales
Lucio - Λυσιο - Lusio
Malfurion - Μαλφυριοη - Malfurion
Rehgar- Ρεγαρ -Regar
Stukov - Στυγοβ - Stukob
Uther - Υθερ - Uther
Tyrande - Τιρανδε - Tirande
Whitemane - λευκή χαίτη - White mane

That;s all for today, make sure to see the next one!


That can sure for next one having remain Melee Assassin heroes as Part Three then the rest of it.

As a greec person everything is wrong.
Please stop this is very insulting to my culture

I dont say trump is troemp and christmass is krostmus

If you don’t like his work why not try to correct him?


He already was. Thought this was a clear hint he had no idea what he was doing. Then he did it again.

I don’t see a correction here, but rather that you are stubborn, because you can’t count his work as inspiration? Sure this names might have no meaning in greek, but does it mean he is not allowed to create new words? Language is capable to evolve. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: But Stavros did some nice corrections though.

I’ve never met a “Greec” person.

Anyway, if you read my last post, I did include a disclaimer saying that I am not very good at Greek, and am just doing a fun project akin to what @Gishki did with Japanese.

I did not mean to offend anybody, and would appreciate some corrections :slight_smile:

If they’re not greek names, they’re not. End of discussion. Title is misleading or the thread failed to fulfill its purpose.

I’m not greek, but since greek ppl say this is wrong I believe it is. Since I had my suspicion that these are just “mirror translations”, so the original names but with the greek alphabet. In which case renaming the thread would be the decent thing to do.

I would also look somewhat disgusted if someone having no clue about my nation would claim here that Deathwing in hungarian is Deszving (the pronounciation with our alphabet) and not Halálszárny (the actual translation and the meaning of his name).

This thread is not inspiration, it’s just spreading misinformation and can be argued that it’s also insensitive.


I know what you mean and still that is not how language in the world works. In fact other languages had massive influence on each other and so new words comes to existence.

So non-greek ppl should create greek words on a gaming forum in a thread that claims it speaks greek?


If they likes to do it, what is the problem with it?

If he likes to do it, then he can write it in his notepad.
This is very noticeable wrong, if this guy is greek and he is trying to translate it, I give him a pass, but then this would be more accurate to an actual language.
But right now its just Troemp instead of trump and Jampyloon instead of jumpylion, yousake instead of yasuke

Its not based onto anything, its just random and obvious google translate while giving people false information. Giving people false info as someone who didnt put much effort to see if it was legit is insulting

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Who is yasuke ? :joy:

Exactly :wink:

And still I don’t mind, if you call me “Yasuke” it isn’t the first time. I read it this variation of my name too many times ingame. :joy: I was always interested how players come up with that idea…

I don’t like it when people speak my language so wrongfully or translate it so wrongfully either, I’m pretty sure you would feel the same.

From what I understand, what Gishki did was simply list the actual, oficial, japanese localization names used in HotS.

Is that what you’re doing here? Or are you “creating” this names? It’s not clear for me.:sweat_smile:.

In any case, I’d recomend diferentiating between “pronunciation” and “meaning/translation”
For example, in this case, it seems the third word is how to pronounce it?

but in this other case

I’m pretty sure that’s not pronounced “Bright Wing” (though I actually didn’t learn my greek letters, even when going through several math courses in university :sweat_smile:).

So like what you did with Deathwing and Thrall in the bruisers post.

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