DW will always be a problem to this game

God, it’s so easy to play vs DW, but you still make problems around him.

The reason DW still has such a high winrate is because of the ridiculous size of Incinerate. Everyone saying ‘just don’t stand in the fire’ doesn’t understand this hero. Most of DW’s damage comes from this one ability , Heat Wave by extension, and his auto attacks. If you are a melee hero then DW will either melt you or zone you out the entire match. Hell the range on Incinerate is so massive that it hits even ranged heroes standing near the max range of their auto attacks. His gameplan is stupidly simple and his winrate would probably even go up if the devs removed World Breaker Form and his q so that people wouldn’t use them as much and just spam Incinerate and his charge.

54% winrate is not high. Then you have not seen him when he had about 70% on release.

54% is very high when you consider he is first pick or first ban. That means he has a high winrate even when people are given the chance to counter him and regardless of map.

Or Valla. Pick the right Build and get him down in seconds (as long as you don’t stand the whole time in his Fire Breath)

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Sick of all the fat shaming of Deathwing. Being serious he’s balanced now with the last phase of nerfs, you need to learn to play around his unique trait and kit, stop complaining if DW gets another round of nerfs he will be irrelevant.

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He is not balanced in anyway. He gets to control large areas of the map and can walk off anything that does not look favorable. He is not OP alone. He is OP when combined with 4 other heroes, period.

I think people have been using cc as a crutch for too long. If they can’t chain cc something, it’s like they have no idea what else to do.


lmao that’s so true. can’t cc = brain shutdown


Dw global is what i find a bit generous.
His immunity to CC much less, as a tank you have to shift value from CC to damage or armor reduction.

How to beat dethweng

  1. Stutter step
  2. Don’t draft all burst damage
  3. Don’t forget about soak
  4. He’s big and meaty, stay at range unless you have a melee assassin that can trade into him
  5. Keep track of his talents, he does different things based on different talents


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He is not a problem to this game, he is opressive in QM but if you have not noticed. Except nova and valeera, heroes arent balanced around QM and the only reason those two were is because half of the player base plays them.

Jump into hero league and ban him out or work around him. Get better at the game or whatever.

I have played a QM where enemy DW lead all stats and I was like, if my team had dodged his flame breath and blown him up he wouldnt have done nothing.

It’s like with Kael’Thas, these heroes are strong in low rank and QM. Not actually strong.

That is what i have said on this forum for the last 2 months now. Too many players relay on cc to kill these days but now when a hero who are immune to it suddenly comes then people have no clue what to do. I’m fine about a hero like DW is here now since he force the cc meta out of the window.