Dunno if this was requested before but

can we start getting emails about the people we reported if they’ve been dealt with or not? you know it would make everyone happy to know that you’re actually banning the player’s that feed and afk on purpose right? people wouldn’t be calling it a useless reporting system that only abusive chat report works and it’s sadly automatic. in fact i just got a screenshot of someone getting banned for 7 days for afk / feeding on purpose here it is


think about it and show the player’s that you actually doing something about these feeders and afkers that ruin everyone’s games. sending an email telling that player that his/her game was ruined cause they got a feeder in their team and the feeder was banned would make them feel like they didn’t lose anything in that case since the feeder got what he deserve and will make people play the game without worrying about feeders / afkers not being dealt with

that’s all hope you read this and think about it. thanks


^ Cath’s image

Overwatch has something simular, so why dont we?
I really love reporting toxic people so I agree that a bit more is great!


it really should be a thing when it comes to reporting people that doing such things to ruin games. we do need to know if they’re being punished or not for what they’re doing so we know that they’re doing something good when it comes to that type of stuff.

I think it does. I had friends who got those kind of mails for hots long ago.

it actually doesn’t send you email telling you that the player was banned for his actions. i reported countless of player’s who feed and afk in my games and never had an email telling me anything so they don’t

I suspect it has/had a relation with the volume of reports you send.
My friend was very scarcely sending reports while i as a saltlord wasn’t.

it works i know people who got ban for afk it works so good that lot of them unistall game after that

i know a single player who disappeared after we reported him for afk in our spawn waiting for us to lose the game. i assume he got banned but i got no notification about an email from blizzard telling me that the player was dealt with so i’m pretty sure they don’t send emails telling you that they dealt with the afk/feeder player you reported

that’s actually great news. which is why they need to email the reporters about what happened to the players they reported. it would make it so much better to tell your player’s that these feeders and afkers are banned instead of silent work. as if they did nothing unless the one that got banned tells you they got banned…

yeah they should have that .In other mobas u get notified if a player you have reported has been issued a penalty.
Problem is whole report system for example reports in hots are very ez to abuse so i takes lot reports to get taken against same player but u get more aggressive penalty then for example in dota.

yes i don’t like the fact that you need 1000000 reports to get someone banned for being afk / feeder

even if u get ban most of players have more then 1 acc its not like in lol u get rare skin and u dont want to lose that here being good or bad is same . But again punishments are too strict to just ban person form make one or two mistake .
Nobody asks why makes people go afk or troll ,and things like,troll pick and refuse to corporate,or being boosted are not reportable most of that things makes good player go Joker on us , people have lifes u get emergency in middle game u need to leave should that person lose they acc.So yeah u get chances to improve or not do same mistakes over and over. is a double edged sword .

Eh, mass banning all of a sudden and a bunch of emails too, hmm.

it would be automated emails.

Years of experience with video game forums have led me to the opposite conclusion.

If you have to see somebody punished in order to be happy, you’re leaving your emotional state completely in the hands of others. Far better to rely on things you can control as the sources of your happiness.

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it would be better if i get informed that the one who was only feeding in my game or afking was actually punished for making me and my team lose the game. that’s what i meant about that it’s not like i’ll be sad after i report them but i want to know what happened to them. it’s only fair to inform the player’s of the actions they’re taking on the player’s that are ruining everybody’s game

we deserve to know if these player’s are dealt with so we won’t worry to see them again even if they make new accounts they won’t be at the same level as us so we won’t be matched with them anymore and i’m talking ranked not QM since QM match whatever vs whatever no balance at all. but ranked they don’t match bronze with GM’s or masters whatsoever

we actually do ! here is mine i actually received today :slight_smile:


( can i get some help plz XD im not TL 3 yet lol ? )

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what is that exactly i can’t understand a thing. wjaugheuahgueahghagwhagwahwahjn translate pls xD

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Nous vous remercions de préserver l’intégrité de Heroes of the Storm en ayant signalé un joueur que vous suspectez de rester volontairement absent ou de mourir intentionnellement afin de nuire aux autres joueurs.
We thank you for preserving the integrity of Heroes of the Storm by repporting a player that you suspect of purposely remaining absent or dying intentionally to harm ( being a nuisance to ) other players.

Vos signalements nous aident à identifier les joueurs qui ne respectent pas les règles de fairplay ou de conduite et portent atteinte à l’expérience de jeu des autres utilisateurs.
Your Repports helps us identifying the players that do not respect the rules of fairplay ou behavior and undermine the gaming experience of other users.

Nous savons que vous vous demandez souvent ce qu’il advient des joueurs que vous signalez. Dans le cas présent, votre récent signalement a entraîné une sanction pour l’un des joueurs signalés.
we know that you ask yourself often what may happen of the players that your repport. in the present case, your recent repport has lead to a sanction for one of the repported players.

Nous ne pourrons pas vous fournir tous les détails concernant le type de sanction appliquée ou sa durée, mais nous espérons que ce type de retour vous encouragera à effectuer d’autres signalements à l’avenir.
we won’t be able to provide you all the details concerning the type of sanction applied or its lenght , but we hope that this type of return will encourage you to carryout more reports in the futur.

Poursuivez dans cette voie et merci de nous aider à faire du Nexus un monde meilleur!
proceed in this path and we thank you for helping making of the nexus a better place !


L’Assistance Blizzard
Blizzard’s assistance

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so they do but rarely it seems or they only reply to 1 out of 4 player’s who reported that feeder/afker as it seems but not to all 4 of them. the amount of times i reported feeders and afkers literally countless and never got a reply back from blizzard saying they dealt with them or not.

its odd because ive received a few of these so far :slight_smile:

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