i got 0 in couple of years of reporting this type of things. which is questionable
soo… if thats true
then all the reports pretty much dont mean crap for example that i have done on real feeding, afk, abusive…
since i have never seen a message like that saying they did anything.
just like me here. literally not even once
thats weird,
why is it that you never ever got one while ive had them ?
good question that i would like an answer to it!
Likewise, I too received an email today. It was just about action taken against someone who AFK or died on purpose as I don’t report for abusive chat, unless it’s racist slurs or real life threats.
The last time I received emails about player being banned/suspended/silenced was back in 2015 after reporting several Chen and Leoric feeders. (God, I hated Leo so much back then.)
And then, that’s it. No more emails sent ever since.
i even posted a video about someone feeding on purpose. A VIDEO PROOF not just he got reported by all the team but also a video of him running into towers and dying over and over again till we lost. here’s the video and i got no email about him being banned or any type of crap
an explanation from blizzard would be appreciated honestly if they give a single crap about it that is. fun fact they silenced him as if silence gonna stop him from feeding in QM/Unranked