Druid Multi-Class (HotS Character(Or take from another game))

AS WE ALL KNOW, Heros of the Storm currently only has Varian as our Multi-Class. First, he can be a tank and battle the front lines and defend his allies OR he can become a deadly assassin. Don’t forget about the mix between the two, his sustained healing and damage build. We can’t get enough of Varian between the variety and how much fun he is. But, why do we only have one? I think another one should be made. In WoW we have a class called “druid,” druids have all specializations in the game. Tank, Healer, Dps. They could create their own “druid” that has all of them. With visuals like shape-shifting and spells that match the theme. You think of a bear as tough and aggressive. (Tank). You think of a cat as a ferocious beast but not insanely strong. You think of a healer as uh- a healer! I think some kind of druid should be a new multi-class.

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This has been suggested a few times in the past (including the old forums, so I don’t know if there are no other threads about it now), so I guess many people agree.

Also, I remember when Valeera was revealed, someone mentioned that at the previous Blizzcon or something, a dev had stated they wanted to eventually add Broll Bearmantle and “get the gang back together” (i.e. have all four of Rehgar, Varian, Valeera, and Broll), so he’d probably be a good candidate for the shapeshifting druid.

All that said, Multiclass is going away when the new classes are implemented, and Varian will simply be a Bruiser (I expect that to happen when the “Toys” event ends in january).
So it seems we won’t be seeing any more Multiclass heores. Ever.

Wait, really?! Dude, I legit just got Varian and It’s the best person I’ve ever played- that’ll make me so upset. That’d be cool though. Thank you for telling me all this.

We might see another hero with the Multiclass mechanic, they just won’t be labeled as such.

That said, Varian has been a nightmare on balance, and gave Quick Match a real headache. If we do get another Multiclass, it’ll probably be another Bruiser/Assassin hybrid - easy to balance both forms, and equally expendable in QM.