Dr. Boom Concept [WoW, but also Hearthstone]

Ngl I’ve never seen Dr. Boom in WoW but he’s a cool character in Hearthstone, so I mainly designed this based off that with his Boom Bots and hero card. I hope it’s okay!

Dr. Boom

Title: Mad Bomber
Role: Bruiser
Difficulty: Easy
Franchise: World of Warcraft
Attack type: Melee
Health: 2175hp
Health regen: 4.5
Resource: None
Unit radius: 1.0
Attack speed: 0.9
Attack range: 2.5
Attack damage: 90

Q - Micro Squad - 9 seconds - Deploy 2 Boom Bots to your side.

W - Zap Cannon - 7 seconds - After 0.5 seconds, fire a ball of plasma up to 5.5 units away dealing 120 damage in a 2 unit diameter range. A pool of plasma is then left for 3 seconds, slowing enemies by 15%.

E - Mega Thrusters - 14 seconds - Blast your rocket thrusters, dealing 180 damage in a 0.5 unit range behind you and gain 30% move speed for up to 2 seconds; upon ending or when activated early, land after 0.25 seconds dealing 110 damage in a 1.5 unit range around you and stunning enemies for 0.5 seconds.

Trait - Blast Shield - 60 seconds - Gain 75 armour for 2 seconds.
Boom Bots - Boom Bots, when summoned, have 100% move speed and automatically travel down lanes. If an enemy enters a 5 unit range, they activate after 0.5 seconds, travelling at 140% move speed towards the nearest enemy and exploding when entering a 0.75 unit range, exploding and dealing 70 damage in a 1 unit range. Boom Bots have 200hp and last 8 seconds.
Buzz Saw - Basic attacks deal damage in a 180 degree arc.

Z - Thrusters - Hero specific mount: Gain 20% move speed after 3 seconds. Once mounted, it becomes uninterruptible.

R1 - Big Red Button - 75 seconds - Reduce your move speed by 35%. After 3 seconds, explode dealing 1250 damage, decaying to 500 damage the further you are. You then spawn at the hall of storms.

R2 - Unstable Rocketz - 90 seconds - After 1.5 seconds, become unstoppable and constantly travel at 140% move speed. Every 0.5 seconds, drop a Boom Bot. Lasts 7 seconds.

Lvl 1
Mega Thrusters are GO - Increase move speed increase of Mega Thrusters to 40%, and increase the move speed of Thrusters by 10%.
Dr. Boom’s Scheme - Quest: Gather regeneration globes. Reward: Every 7 regeneration globes increases your maximum health by 7%, up to 77%. Passive: Increase your health by 7%.
Iron Legion - Every 12 seconds, spawn a Boom Bot. Passive: Increase the health of Boom Bots by 100%
Damper Suspensions - Gain 10 spell armour. Receiving spell damage reduces the cooldown of Blast Shield by 3 seconds.

Lvl 4
Cool your Jets - Decrease the cooldown of Mega Thruster by 3 seconds. While Thrusters are active, Mega Thrusters recharge 100% faster.
Hired Goons - Increase damage dealt to minions, mercenaries, and monsters by 100%. Nearby friendly mercenaries deal 100% increased damage. Passive: Increase basic attack damage by 20%.
Macro Squad - Increase the duration of Boom Bots by 100%, and their move speed while not triggered by 15%. Passive: Gain 5% move speed while dismounted.

Lvl 7
MORE EXPLOSIONS - Increase the number of Boom Bots summoned by Micro Squad by 2, and the explosion range of Boom Bots by 1.
Xtra Rad Fueling - Increase backwards explosion damage of Mega Thrusters by 100% and its duration by 1 second. Passive: Increase the move speed of Thrusters by 10%.
Conduction - Increase the damage dealt by Zap Cannon by 20% for each enemy hero hit, and grants a shield for each hero hit equal to 6% of your maximum health for 3 seconds.
Backfire - Deal 14 damage per second around you with a 2 unit range. Casting a basic ability releases an explosion dealing 100 damage. Passive: Increase the explosion damage of Boom Bots by 30%.

Lvl 13
Bog Blast - Increase the slow of Zap Cannon to 50%, and the duration of the pool by 1 second. Passive: Zap Cannon’s slow remains active on heroes for 2 seconds, but decays to 15% over 1 second.
Buzz Off - Summoning a Boom Bot increases your next basic attack’s damage by 10%, up to 30%. Passive: Every 4th basic attack summons a Boom Bot.
Can’t Stop Me Now - Mega Thrusters’ duration is increased by 100% and you become unstoppable for the duration, but the ability can no longer be cancelled. Passive: Every 1 second during Mega Thrusters, trigger the backwards explosion.

Lvl 16
Boom Cannon - Zap Cannon gains a second charge, and increase its area by 50%.
Sneed’s Shredder Blueprints - Basic attacks deal an additional 50% of its damage over 3 seconds and decrease their spell armour by 15 for 3 seconds.
Small Red Button - Upon reaching 30% health, automatically trigger Blast Shell. 60 second cooldown, decreased by dealing damage with basic attacks. Passive: Increase basic attack speed to 1.15 per second.

Lvl 20
KABOOM - Increase the damage of Big Red Button by 100%. Reduce its cooldown by 15 seconds for every hero hit by Big Red Button.
YOU get a Bomb! And YOU get a bomb! - Reduce the cooldown of Unstable Rocketz by 60 seconds, and its activation time by 0.5 seconds.
Nuclear Bunker - 30 seconds - Enter stasis for up to 7 seconds.
Don’t make me Push Buttons! - Casting basic abilities gives a chance to also do one of the following: Summon 2 Boom Bots, gain 25 armour for 7 seconds, lose 7% of your current health, restore 7% of your maximum health, cause your basic abilities to recharge 20% faster for 7 seconds, or grant 25% increased basic attack speed for 7 seconds. Only one effect can be active at a time.