Downloading The Game Issue

The game does not download after 42% 8.49GB left … stuck like this for the past 3 hours… I tried uninstall and re-install, Restart computer, Re-download blizzard, Refresh my net , close any other apps like Steam, EA , Epic Games . Just having Blizzard on … nothing works. I played Hero Of The Storm before and works fine, just going back to it.

Any Ideas? or Blizzard just turning to sht ? I sometime have connection issue with Overwatch too and the Blizzard app too sometime… it would disconnect me when my partner is perfectly fine. If anyone suggest its my net issue, It works fine, all other things work perfectly just Blizzard is having stupid issues.


Given the other connection issues. You may wish to see if you can temporarily try using a VPN, if that helps, the Internet Service Provider can help review your current connection to resolve this issue.

Note: We do not support cellular connections. Not all data can be downloaded in these connections if unstable thus you end up becoming stuck. You may also try a local broadband Wi-Fi or go wired at a friend/family members home to finish the download.

Thank you.

So , I could find only 1 solution was to ask my friend give me the game through hard drive. and scan the file. Now I am able to GET into the game but … I see no heros and my profile and I cant press the PLAY button…

Why ? what is this problem now ? makes no SENSE. Does blizzard not want me to play HOTS ?

Howdy Jin,

This sounds like something is blocking the connection. You may want to try testing your account on that other computer. If you can log into your own account on that computer, then this points to something on your computer that is blocking the game. A common cause is background programs like security software.

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