Dont understand

How anyone could take ranked seriously with how piss poor this matchmaking is. and if that isnt bad enough theirs characters like ab and murky. Like what was the reasoning behind them abathar isnt too bad but there is literally no advantage to murky only just hinders the team even more. now i had both of them on my team for demotion game and it was literally lost as they picked which i knew right away. I dont get why people wonder why hgc got cancelled its obvious you cant play a casual game like this at a competition level like esports. its almost as if this was made as a parody. so its been a few years and i like this game but ill just go play league or dota because atleast if i lose in those games its not as bad because individual skill means something. funny how you wanna make a game revolve around team skill yet have such a small player base and the players that do play 90% are retards even level 1000 up its like this game makes you stay mediocre and literally achieve nothing, never have i played any multiplayer game online with such busted mechanics and just overal braindead playerbase but then again mostly all blizzard games are just that now i see why the switch to mobile prolly wont due to bad because its more at a caliber of your play. its literally is almost as if blizzard wants to push people away so they can just erase this game from history its sad it has such potential but when you cater to casuals you cant have a ranked system it means nothing. mechanically even your gms would be bronze in league or dota guaranteed.


There are alot of reasons HGC got cancelled, none of the above is the true reason though.

Also Murky, he is one of those “If you can play him, he will destroy your map with no remorse” if you can’t on the other hand, he just seems like a champ with a low health pool.

Usually Murky players at lower ranks, don’t pressure the map enough, they are running like morons trying to fight constantly.
A bit of a passiveaggresive play is more of the correct Murky style, where you threatn the opposite side with “Hey i’m here, so dont push or i will punish you HARD, also i will just gather up enough stacks to rip apart a camp in 1,5 seconds soon, and on top of that, if you actually mange to kill me, i’ll be up again in 10 seconds repositioned on the lane, therefore i push, i lose no xp and i am scary as hell”

NOTE: Individual skill counts ALOT here, just not the league “Hey i got a kill, now i can snowball” much.
You gotta know how and when to do things, it is what individual skill is in this game.

At this moment, you seem like a quitter.
Quitters never win, and winners never quit.
I’d suggest you play until you figure out a way to go past “bad matchmaking”
Master players consistantly rank up to master, that is no coinsidence


I like your analisys, but I must say murky honestly kinda feels as a sub-optimal hero. Whem there was a specialist role and a different idea of pushing and soaking, he possibly had a sense. Now I kinda don’t see why you should die and respawn to soak or push that lane as a murky when for example azmodan can do it summoning a demon while he fires globes and team fights for obj.

Murky has alot of tools Azmodan doesn’t have, forexample a 3 second stun lock, or an army of murlocs which he can channel for as long as he can or wants to, the army has a huge range, does massive dmg and decent player dmg.
The stun lock that is 3 seconds is actually quite mad when you catch someone off guard.

Also the global pressure that Azmodan has can murky translate to himself, if he dies he respawns at the egg, so he can just die on purpose to head back to whatever lane he wanted to push, on top of that he can get camps while doing so, Azmo can’t do that.
Despite his health pool he also has a good teamfight pressure, and can lure out ALOT of CDs with his E.
Though i do get why low ranked players can’t play him to well.
So as you mention an Azmodan pick can be a more decent pick down there, since he won’t get complaints when actually picking it and will also be fairly easier to learn to play according to the rank.

Well i find it kinda obvious that he can do thigs that the other can’t do, otherwise he’d be a previous version of the same character no?
I am still waiting to team up with a main murky and be impressed, that hasn’t happen yet (tho once we got wrecked by a bizarre team compsition with a murky weaving serious damage and grips around successfully)
Anyway, this game needs serious tuning, the unbalance is evident.

This game compared to forexample League of legends, that i played up to 2017, is actually insanely balanced.
In league when a champ is poorly tuned, it is so terribly overpowered that you see them played everygame, and they usually wreck a whole team.
In league there is no hero that can not be played, and also there are no dominating heroes.

The only place the game sees unbalance is in QM, but that is because QM is random, and you can’t balance a game based on random numbers, would make no sense.
Hence making Abathur one of the stronger QM heroes out there.
At lower ranks melee assassins with sustain also sees some unbalance, but again that is because lower ranks don’t play around them nor build around them.

So atleast to someone whos climbed up all the ranks and has alot of MOBA experience, i see the balance in this game, and i would say that it is oddly well balanced for the powerfull talents and spells that are currently in the game.

Well i completely disagree. Other mobas being more unbalanced wouldn t be a reason for this to be balanced.
Just rate the various skill, their %cost in mana focus or whatever, their area of effect, range and damage into a costant K.
Some skills (spirit swoop for instance) would score very low, some others (keltuzad, keltas) would score more than double that K. This is pure mathematic unbalance.
The fact that expert players play around it, ban some heroes, expertely neutralize them, it has nothing to do with the plain obvious unbalance of heroes of this game.
It reminda me of apartheid states: some heroes are good and have great skills, some heroes are crap and suck.
As a prove of this, just play even only 10 drafts and note down a statistic of heroes picked and banned. So obvious it is.

At this point, it’s less a MatchMaking issue and more a no-playerbase issue.

Golds play about akin to how Bronze played when the game was first released.

This is also the first season where I’ve seen an overwhelming number of Masters with no concept of soaking or camping.

It’s not that MM is broken by matching you with bad players. It’s the the pool of players left are overwhelmingly bad.

Watch some of the GM streams. It’s hilarious. You’ll see Bronze level mistakes and hard throws by this new wave of “Masters.”

I just am trying to fathom why certain characters like murky were put in game honestly that hero alone takes away some of the competitive feel and makes it almost commical

IKR, it’s funny how his winrate skyrockets in games he gets to lvl 20 in. Almost guaranteed wins crack me up, too.

