Do you think Deathwing was the last hero, ever?

Wait for 3 years past the last hero then you’d have a more accurate prediction

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Not to worry, he is far from the last hero. Do keep in mind that everything is a bit slow due to COVID19.

We will get new heroes, I promise you that.


I think DeadlyPants is going to be pissed someone else in the forums is wearing pants.

What are you writing here?
This is an ugly thing for a good girl. Correct it.

I’m pretty sure the snowing theme is a teaser for a fire breathing skin for dw.

That’s nice to hear. So I guess Deathwing won’t be the last hero after all. That’s nice!

However saying that we’ll get a new hero in June is not true, if we were we would’ve known about it already, and also 4 or even 3 new Heroes this year is, imo, unrealistic. First half of the year has already passed and there were none, so I think 2 new heroes in 2020 at most. (and probably even less in the coming years :frowning: )

As for the new heroes here’s what I think:

Warcraft: Honestly there are dozens of WoW(and even Warcraft 3) characters, that are kinda overdue and would fit in this game nicely. Some examples are Vol’jin(there are no troll heroes in game), Kil’Jaeden, Archimonde, Cairne Bloodhoof, Velen, Grom Hellscream, Moira, Khadgar, Alleria, Turalyon, Rhonin, Vereesa, Taran Zhu, Thalyssra. I know that some 50% of heroes are from Warcraft, but still, it’s Blizzard’s largest and most complex franchise. There should’ve also been (many) more Warcraft battlegrounds, there were a lot of potential like Ashenvale, Barrens, Gilneas, Arathi Highlands, Jade Forest, or not even necessarily Alliance vs Horde battlegrounds like Uldum or Broken Shore or Zangarmarsh. Sadly, I’m kinda certain we won’t be seeing new Battlegrounds :frowning:
The hero from Warcraft we’ll imo most likely see is Lady Vashj(with newest Hearthstone expansion and WoW TBC all but confirmed). I also hope Jaina and Tyrande will get their BfA skins, they’re kinda overdue.

Starcraft: The thing this game imo mostly needs from Starcraft is a female Protoss. There are quite a few Protoss heroes, but all of them are male so Selendis, Vorazun or Raszagal would be very welcome. As for Terrans, General Warfield and Mira Han would be good, but Horner and both Mengsks would also be nice. As for the Zerg, they don’t have many characters and all are pretty much present.

Diablo: When it comes to Diablo Baal is the only Prime Evil that’s missing, but the other three Lesser Evils Belial, Duriel and Andariel would be nice. As for the heroes I think the Druid(D2 and D4) and Sorceress(D2 and D4) would be the most likely. That also makes Duriel and Andariel(both confirmed in D4) kinda likely and maybe Lilith or Inarius.

Overwatch: Never played OW much(FPSs are kinda not my thing), so I can’t say I would personally care much about any of these. But here I think it would actually work better the other way around, having Qhira retconned as being from idk Cameroon(that became Wakanda in Ow time) and having her join OW and adding some of the most popular Ow heroes like Winston(kinda overdue), Reinhardt, Mei, McCree would work profitably for both, and possibly make both a bit more popular, who knows.

I don’t think he’s the last ever, but I think you get no more than 5 more until Blizzard shuts it down completely.

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I do think Deathwing will be the last ever. I would love if these Mei rumors that are flying around turn out to be true. But sadly I don’t think they are. Its been 6 months since Deathwing and no official announcement of any more new characters. Back when they where releasing a new character every 3 weeks they had to have several different characters in various stages of development. My guess is that when they put Heroes in maintenance mode they simply finished up the heroes that had already been partly completed before that announcement was made. Deathwing was the last of that group and the last to be put into game. To those who say they will always have new characters just remember they have added 0 new maps or brawl modes since the change to maintenance mode. In fact they limited brawl to just endless ARAM they don’t even repeat any of the fun brawls. So yes would love Mei but no don’t think Mei or any new characters seem likely.

Except the devs literally announced that a new hero is coming soon so… :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


Zuljin is a different tribe of trolls but he’s in the game.

IKR, I think some people just WANT Deathwing to be the last hero ever so they can say “dead game”. :roll_eyes:

Indeed. I just wish somebody could explain the logic of believing that a game is “dead” and continuing to play it. Of course, this is a slightly rhetorical statement since I’ve heard plenty of excuses but none of them struck me as being particularly intelligent by design.

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The year has passed. Blizzard is facing many problems just like my personal life problems, especially financially. But this is by no means the end of their moba game or even Heroes.
After a short time, they will have a very beautiful return. I am sure of that.

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Yeah, doesn’t count. He’s a Forest Troll, and they don’t count. Neither do Sand or Ice Trolls, or most Jungle Trolls. Only Darkspear Trolls Count.
What I meant is that every playable race in WoW has it’s representative, except the Trolls. I know Tauren, Blood Elves and Gnomes don’t really have one either(Kael’thas and Valeera aren’t really Blood Elves, but rather former Blood Elves, and ETC isn’t really a Tauren), but I guess they’re close enough, and no one cares about Gnomes.
However I have actually forgotten about Mal’ganis, so my Legion statement doesn’t stand.

And, if we’re realistically going to get 5 more heroes, I think it’ll be one from every franchise and the fifth from either Warcraft(the largest of the four) or OW(currently the most popular) and here’s what I think they’re gonna be:

  1. Warcraft : Lady Vashj

  2. Starcraft : Female Protoss

  3. Diablo : Baal

  4. Overwatch : Mei

  5. If Warcraft : Vol’jin if Overwatch : Winston

7 pants was given to the human race. But they were all decived. Cause another one was made. One pants to rule them all.


Lightning strike sound
VO: Pure evil has emerged from the deep pockets of hell.
Leather stretching sound
VO: Our heroes answer the call to once and for all, lay waist to darkness.
belt buckle sound

epic music
quick cuts with whooshing sound
titles cutting between characters

Dress Pants
Pajama Pants
Under Pants
Cargo Pants
Drawstring Pants



angelic female voice singing “aawwww~”


Don’t buckle under the pressure.

Summer 2021


I was right. I was actually right, lmao

And luckily this whole topic aged like milk.

i couldn’t find a match in 30s at 2am on a weekday. dead game. QED

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This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen on the forums.

Zul’jin 100% counts as a Troll.
Kael is 100% a Blood Elf. If you’d play WC3 you’d know.
ETC is in fact a tauren
and Chromie is a Gnome, at least resembles one.

And about the Diablo heroes, I think the Angiris Council should be completed as well.

Well too answer my own question, no, Deathwing will not be the last character ever. :laughing:

Every race / species may be represented but there are still a lot of characters I would ideally like to see. Many many characters I would like to see. Top 3 are:

#1. Overmind
2. Swann
3. Hydralisk