Do you play in locked or unlocked camera?

locked camera, if i need to watch any other part of the map i just click it, but if camera is not locked i usually lost the path of my character and i dont like it

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The camera auto scrolls when you cross mid screen. This isn’t as noticeable when moving horizontally because you have more space, but when moving vertically it’s annoying af, particularly when playing Chromie, Ming, Nova, pretty much any character with long range. Unless of course you don’t plan on dodging anything during a fight.

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Locked only. Cannot fathom playing this game with an unlocked camera. I would miss skillshots constantly. I can still move the camera as needed with my mouse or by clicking the mm. Best of both worlds, actually.

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An 800 dpi mouse is only ever useful if you play with locked camera. 800 is nowhere near enough to scroll the camera properly. So, 3000 dpi is for shooters. A moba usually needs a 2000 dpi, especially when dealing with mobility heroes.

There is no reason to permanently lock the camera. If you need to lock onto your hero, simply press space.

Lol, people trying to provocate which is better when its all as close as a preference.

Just like how some use White theme discord while others use the Black theme.

Just like how some prefer using [accessibility setting here] while others use [accessibility setting here].


Very much this. What you’ve practiced and what you’re used to is where you’ll get your best personal performance.

For example:

If you play unlocked, crossing mid screen also requires you to re-adjust the position of your camera to continue to get the best view of the team fight. The “don’t plan on dodging” comment is moot.

I play locked, but I’ve played more Diablo than Starcraft, if you catch my drift. If I’m playing a hero with global abilities that require aim, I either set camera unlock toggle to something I can hit reliably with my left hand or I’m very careful to soft-unlock the camera by using the minimap to look away from my hero.

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It depends entirely on the direction you’re moving/shooting. When moving along the vertical axis the screen readjusts almost constantly with the camera locked, and you can’t drag the camera nearly as far from your hero compared to unlocked unless you physically drag it on the minimap, which isn’t something you want to do in a fight. It’s actually much less than mid screen before it recenters too, more like 1/3.

Try this - go into try mode. Locked camera. Stand next to the healing dummy, and scroll your camera down so the bases of the 3 dps dummies are at the bottom edge of your screen. Now move vertically until you’re standing on the bricks on the edge of the road. When you turn around to move back down, the camera will snap so far back to your position that all 3 dps dummies will be completely off screen and even the center dps dummy will be mostly off screen as well.

Now do the same thing with unlocked. Notice the difference? You can move to the bricks on the road and back and still have full view of all the dummies. Now imagine you’re actually in a fight with those dummies, and constantly having to also fight with the camera trying to recenter itself on you.

Now, worse yet, imagine playing with locked and not scrolling the screen ever and just leaving it centered on your hero all the time (which I’m sure some people do). Look how much closer you have to get to those 3 dummies before they’re completely on screen. Yikes.


Good post Paradox; well explained.

Locked and unlocked players both need to devote time and effort (APM) adjusting the position of their screen. It’s at what point in time you need to adjust which is important.

To use your example of training mode:

Let’s say you’re an unlocked player. As the fight plays out the dummies are slowly gravitating towards you. You (as chromie) maintain your distance by retreating to the North towards the brick path. During this period of the fight, the unlocked position of your screen is still fine.

However, once you’ve reached the brick road (i.e. the edge of your screen), the dummies have commited to dive you.

It’s during this critical moment in time when you need to devote APM repositioning your screen. Not the end of the world if you’re used to it, but the timing isn’t all that great.

Conversely, let’s say you’re a locked player. You’ve had to run back to the brick lane but the dummies haven’t moved location. Yes you’re right, the screen moves back to you which does require repositioning (extra APM). However, since you’re so far away from the fight you’re not really contributing anyway. It’s during this non-critical moment in time that you can afford to spend that extra APM on screen adjustments.

I just want to stress that I’m not advocating that one way is superior to the other. I’m just flagging that either way has their own pros and cons and it does boil down to preference.


It is not all about mouse use and locked or unlocked Camera.
I’m playing HotS and most of my other Games with a Razer Tartarus v2 Keypad.
It allows me to configure the Buttons exactly how I want them to function.
And it has a 4 Way Switch like a Gamepad. So I’m not only position the Camera with my Mouse (click on the Mini Map) I position it with the Keyboard.
I think it gives me an advantage in Teamfights. I don’t have to reposition the Field of View by bouncing the Borders of it, which moves the Mouse Cursor a long way to the Screenborder and back to where I want to click to make the next action. My Cursor stays where I need it for the fights while I’m repositioning the Camera with the Keyboard.


Both, however I am baffled at some of the coding in this game as there are numerous occasions where the game screws up my camera and camera lock.

locked, but never on vikings or abs

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I play unlocked. I do use spacebar to recenter my camera alot tho. Especially on auto attackers.

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I would like to be able to play locked but zoomed out further than what is allowed.


Your mirrors aren’t configured correctly; you should only need to rotate your head and not to move it to see everything around your vehicle.

depended on the role.
Unlocked for tank and bruiser because it help give me better view on my back line.
lock for healer and assassin because I just need to focus on what is in front of me.