Do you play in locked or unlocked camera?

800 dpi and locked camera. I now see why some people play so poorly.

Locked makes it extra difficult to hit skill shots. Normally you would only need to pay heed to enemy moving. In locked you have to adjust yourself since you moving moves camera and to enemy. If you are stationary it’s the same as unlocked but you never want to be stationary.

I have a 12+ year old thumb trackball mouse.
It’s scroll wheel doesn’t really work, and sometimes right click stops working so I have to blow into it.
Having a really good gaming mouse isn’t that important.

I’ve always played locked. I tried playing unlocked, but I feel like my awareness is, oddly enough, LOWER with unlocked. I like being able to see my character at all times, and I keep my eye on the minimap 24/7 as well to see heroes moving about.

I feel like every time I’ve tried unlocked, I’ve gotten jumped by a stealth character shortly after :stuck_out_tongue:


Depends on the skill shot. Since locked can stabilize some that depend on your own positioning as with unlocked one can end up having to track 2 vectors (you and enemy) that might be moving opposite directions. Also in the case of chasing it makes aiming easier since the relative difference in movement of the enemy hero is reduced.

Actually it is usually the 3000 DPI try hards that play badly. They think buying expensive gaming mice and unlocking the camera will make up for the fact they lack skill and macro worse than the current AI.

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I’m not having trouble with skill shots when playing locked.


I play unlocked. If I can zoom the camera out more, then I might even put in some locked camera.

Always unlocked.

I urge anyone using locked to give unlocked an honest try. I don’t mean 1 or 2 games, I mean 1 or 2 weeks. Once you get used to it I can guarantee you’ll find it very difficult to go back to locked.

I play video games to have fun, not to be the leet gamer. I don’t find suffering through motion sickness particularly fun. I’ll be fine.


This is the reason it is impossible for me to play FPS games, or tank with an unlocked camera. I will use unlocked on a long-range mage like Ming, but for things where I am trying to follow close-up fights, I feel much more comfortable with a locked camera.

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That’s perfectly fine… but trying to maximize your effectiveness doesn’t make you some leet tryhard either.

Actually, now that you mention it, what even are the advantages of unlocking the camera? If I need to aim a skill, I can still move my camera. And regardless, there are very few skills with more range than than the screen.


There are many situations where I want to focus on a teamfight that I’m not in the middle of (particularly on backline heroes), and unlocked gives me a better view of what’s happening when my hero isn’t forced to center screen. I like to stay at the very edge of the screen on heroes like Chromie or Ming so I have maximum view of a fight.

It also helps to see ganks coming from further away so you can react faster, particularly if you’re in top or bot lane and there’s no point seeing the edge of the bg. You can leave the camera offset toward the jungle to have that bit of extra vision and thus, safety.

I’m not going to say it’s a night and day difference, but it’s one of those little things that really helps in certain situations.


It’s more like what you’re personally more comfortable with. I’ve played dozens of RTS Games (Age of Empires, WarCraft 2, WarCraft 3, Star Trek Armada, Star Wars Empire at War, etc.) You don’t have a fixed camera in this games, because you don’t have one specific hero to follow. But when you played Mobas only, you may prefer the fixed Camera more.


I’ve always played with an unlocked camera. Not being able to control my camera feels very strange and inhibiting. It’s probably because I started off playing RTS games. Also, you can center the camera onto your hero by pressing SPACEBAR, which I use all the time.

At the start of the game to warm up, then I unlock it.

Oh absolutely. Having your hero on one side of the screen to shoot long range projectiles is very useful.

Fun fact: Locked camera also has that funtionality. Just pan your screen and the camera keeps your hero off-centred.

I keep my camera scrolled in all the way to check out Whitemane.

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Sometimes the game glitches were the camera stays locked even when pressing L

The glitches are insane with the client UI (lobby). They regularly break and the rejoin still has you stream the game up from the point you left the game before its over (which I do a lot).