Do you have common traits between your mains?

i was thinking about something today,

my big mains have been medivh and tassadar for a long time ( tyrande used to be in there but you know… rework lol ) alarak has been here and there but recently reghar and tyrael had hit a nice spot for me and i realised that a thing thats really attractive to me in a character is the possibility so save allies/ deny enemy kills and also have tools to annoy them or kill them lol

medivh seem like the perfect balance between defensive play and aggressive plays through his various utilities , Tassadar has bubbles too but they work differently which i also like ( yes i like bubbles it seems lol XD ) . but hes got storms which are honestly a nice pokes to deny chanelings, finish fleeing enemies, reveals any stealthed units, annoy Abathur behind their own walls, then hes got talents to drops an enemy’s damage and then force wall which at lvl 20 to me is one of the strongest ults in the entire game .

and i realised that reghar and tyrael also have many utilities in that regard too to save allies but also have tools they need in case they have to do the job themselves lol

i guess im a big guy on utility heroes of things outside of just the typical hero .

anything that you find being a common theme with your mains ?


Diablo. He’s a very aggressive and tenacious hero playstyle wise. Those are qualities I’m mostly known in professional and goal settings irl.
So I believe having a particular hero you like also is a psychological thing.


very likely !

i noticed that in alot of things about me i would used to rely on strength and tankiness to solve my issues in games, now its all about speed , options and annoying people by outplaying them like killing them with a dagger when they use a giant sword XD

i now take more satisfaction in saving my own allies then killing a single enemy :slight_smile:

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My common traits between my mains - they are all trash and none-meta. And I still play on them good and win.


I like to play heroes that are tanky, and can save allies with peels, body-blocking, and just plain in-your-face-deal-with-it kits. They also tend to be very good for setting up kills so my assassins can shine. Artanis, Blaze, and Anub’arak are the heroes I play most often these days.

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Many will disagree but i dont beleive in a bad hero !

My top 6 are supports lol. But to be fair, a lot of those were from Tyrande and Tassadar before their reworks, though I still do play them a fair amount. I just like being able to make a team stronger with my presence.

So in an imaginary world where hybrids were still in the realm of possibility for the design philosophy, I like the flexibility to be able to be more aggressive, but still primarily help with allies. Kharazim seems to be the only one that would fit that bill. Since that isn’t really a thing anymore, I guess I’ll talk about why I like supporting.

One of the things I used to love about old Tyrande was that her heal literally was gimped if you used it on yourself. She HAD to be with allies to be effective, it was this beautiful dance with your ally of taking just enough damage to be aggressive and maximize your heal, without exposing yourself too much.

A lot of people find the thought of being tethered to your ally as limiting, but I find it quite beautiful, which is why I love team games so much. Even with awful allies, it’s frustrating, but it’s still about making that awful player shine in ways they couldn’t if you weren’t there.

The higher the skill floor, the better too. If there are heroes that become meta, that actually makes me want to play them less. There’s less satisfaction if any idiot can do what you can.

The primary trait i seem to go for is abilities that allow displacements to happen. And in some cases (actualy my most played hero) the players can choose that themselve.

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All of them are Blizzard characters.

I don’t think there’s anything past that.


50% Warcraft 50% Starcraft :thinking:

Two main things: Trait management and kill pressure.

My favorite heroes are Zul’jin, Gul’dan, KT, Alarak, and Artanis (Malthael used to be one, but RIP now).

All of these heroes focus around their Trait more than average. Zul’jin’s requires him to balance his survival and his damage output, Gul’dan needs to balance his survival and mana usage, KT needs to use his VS in conjunction with the proper ability for maximum efficiency/effect, Alarak needs to stack up Sadism and play safe enough to get good use out of it, and Artanis is all about having your shields up as often as possible.

Plus, everyone of them can utterly eviscerate enemies who don’t deal with them fast enough.

Two traits seem to stand out on my most played.

Play makers, who set up kills or initiate: for me yrel, blaze and anub (anub was once my most played hero back in the early days and the first I unlocked master skin on)

Otherwise zoning. This used to be gaz for me. Other than anub he was my most played hero. I also pick probius a lot these days. Strangely I’ve never really liked hammer though.


Effective zoning and/or macro advantage.

High range or self-sustain to avoid depending on healers.

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Good picks.

I like Chromie’s ult and E for zoning, and setting up kills with Imperius’s Q and ult. I also like Murky’s W for zoning and octograb for setting up kills. Kael’thas and Jaina are also good for zoning and securing kills. I like Nazeebo’s W and ult for zoning, but I hate his E, which feels too slow and awkward.

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I like to play heroes that somehow end up being complained about a lot, way to a lot.

  1. Tracer from Overwatch and so is here.
  2. Spy from TF2 because corner stabbing, trick stabbing and stair stabbing is AnTi FuN but its ok when snipers click two buttons 0.1 second and one shot anyone screen that is 150 HP or less or Demomen hold down M2 and spam M1 with stickies.
  3. The default Peashooter is apparently OP but not the obvious Electrician Zombie that has ridiculous splash damage with little skill involved in Garden Warfare

Tough life.


i actually used to be a Sniper and Spy main xD

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how is this even possible, they suppose to hate each other

i mean you live in a van

“Everything above your head is gonna be a fine, red mist!”


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i like the simplest things , the sweet sound of agony of an enemy heavy being back stabed or headshoting a scout …or a medic , specially medics lol . :slight_smile:

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Point-and-click CC, though sometimes I have to talent to get there.

Runner-Up is strong PvE utility.