I was spying a bit on this overrated moba so called LoL, after not playing it since 2012 (i had in it thousands of games) tbh after playing so long Hots it felt for me in LoL like being in purgatory.
Balance in this game is nonexistent,
everyone in that game can one shot you, tanks don’t even matter, actually if you stack armor as tank instead of damage is redundant and irrelevant since you are going to be burst in 2 secs top.
So better is kill them before they can kill you as a tank.
All this “items” hype in LoL are really redundant as everyone is stacking tons of damage, barely any strategic, counterplay items, other than stasis that in Hots many characters have in their kit.
When i said one shot, i don’t really meant even a mage ranged ability but just auto attack, 1 hit killed, not necessarily on underleveled hero but 18 lvl vs 18 lvl (it’s max in LoL)
To be honest, to judge it, i’m not terrible in the game but the matchmaking is a joke as well, diamonds are matched with bronzes in normal drafts. One game i had stats like 20 kills and another someone is 30 kills.
Carrying potential is also very limited, especially in lower ranks when your team don’t know how to play defensively when they are behind and keep pushin mid feeding opponents.
Also depending of what hero you are playing, you can’t carry with everyone, because ‘balance’ decisions looks like made by 10 y old, so some champs obviously are heavily overpowered and broken.
The things we complain in Hots about balance issues are really marginal to some really game breaking basics, simple stuff in LoL that should be fixed ages ago.
Hots compared to LoL is actually like godly balanced that why heavily rely on teamplay, not of someone playing broken hero and mashing buttons like a blind monkey because of all instant cooldown reduction in late game, there is barely any timing of abilities required. Like i said, damage scaling is a joke, so one of basic spells (not even ultimate) can delete you late game in no time.
Economy in LoL is basically this of chinese mmo grinding hell absurdity, played a week and still barely got anything.
You randomly receive a key “shard” (just like randomly free chests in ow for honors), combining 3 key shards forge a key that you need to use on a chest.
Chest you receive from gaining S rank (KDA) on hero you are playing (3 chests limited per season), in chest you have chance to get skin “shard” (or some useless icon shard, ward shard) that you need to “unlock” by spending crafting essence that you receive by disenchanting other skin “shards”, looks simple enough? lol
For leveling up your account you get champion capsule, champion capsule include 3 champion “shards” (nah not permanent champions boy, doesn’t matter here is 100+ to unlock) you need to spend essence you gain for disenchanting champion shards to make one of the random shards permanent champion.
Unlocking “random” shards you find in capsules is 20% cheaper than getting whatever hero you want directly from store.
Usually i gain like 800 essence from de shards on level up, that requires like 10+ games 30+ minute long each. Champion cost 6.3k essence in store, new released one cost 7.8k in store, i’m not good on maths so make it up yourself.
You get like 50 essence for daily win quest though and some exp (like 10% of level)
Then you have to pay for recolors, simple thing like different tint of a hero skin in LoL cost a money.
You barely get enything for mastering your hero outside a taunt like in Hots.
Is definitely not worth to transfer from Hots to LoL until you want some ghetto experience and are lowlife Riot games addict.
Also advice to Blizzard, you don’t need to copy dumb candy colorful, LoL skins to lure more people to this game. Although is still understandable and i can forgive it. What took my attention is that LoL store is filled with this tasteless, fanservice, out of place, looking dumb skins.
More free skins similar to these of Maiev and Blaze paid skins Blizzard.
Also thank you for making Hots what it is, i really had to try out myself the current state of LoL to realise it. Focus more on things that make Hots unique compared to other mobas.