DO NOT, go to LoL! (I'm grateful to Blizzard)

I was spying a bit on this overrated moba so called LoL, after not playing it since 2012 (i had in it thousands of games) tbh after playing so long Hots it felt for me in LoL like being in purgatory.

Balance in this game is nonexistent,
everyone in that game can one shot you, tanks don’t even matter, actually if you stack armor as tank instead of damage is redundant and irrelevant since you are going to be burst in 2 secs top.
So better is kill them before they can kill you as a tank.
All this “items” hype in LoL are really redundant as everyone is stacking tons of damage, barely any strategic, counterplay items, other than stasis that in Hots many characters have in their kit.
When i said one shot, i don’t really meant even a mage ranged ability but just auto attack, 1 hit killed, not necessarily on underleveled hero but 18 lvl vs 18 lvl (it’s max in LoL)
To be honest, to judge it, i’m not terrible in the game but the matchmaking is a joke as well, diamonds are matched with bronzes in normal drafts. One game i had stats like 20 kills and another someone is 30 kills.
Carrying potential is also very limited, especially in lower ranks when your team don’t know how to play defensively when they are behind and keep pushin mid feeding opponents.
Also depending of what hero you are playing, you can’t carry with everyone, because ‘balance’ decisions looks like made by 10 y old, so some champs obviously are heavily overpowered and broken.
The things we complain in Hots about balance issues are really marginal to some really game breaking basics, simple stuff in LoL that should be fixed ages ago.
Hots compared to LoL is actually like godly balanced that why heavily rely on teamplay, not of someone playing broken hero and mashing buttons like a blind monkey because of all instant cooldown reduction in late game, there is barely any timing of abilities required. Like i said, damage scaling is a joke, so one of basic spells (not even ultimate) can delete you late game in no time.

Economy in LoL is basically this of chinese mmo grinding hell absurdity, played a week and still barely got anything.
You randomly receive a key “shard” (just like randomly free chests in ow for honors), combining 3 key shards forge a key that you need to use on a chest.
Chest you receive from gaining S rank (KDA) on hero you are playing (3 chests limited per season), in chest you have chance to get skin “shard” (or some useless icon shard, ward shard) that you need to “unlock” by spending crafting essence that you receive by disenchanting other skin “shards”, looks simple enough? lol

For leveling up your account you get champion capsule, champion capsule include 3 champion “shards” (nah not permanent champions boy, doesn’t matter here is 100+ to unlock) you need to spend essence you gain for disenchanting champion shards to make one of the random shards permanent champion.
Unlocking “random” shards you find in capsules is 20% cheaper than getting whatever hero you want directly from store.
Usually i gain like 800 essence from de shards on level up, that requires like 10+ games 30+ minute long each. Champion cost 6.3k essence in store, new released one cost 7.8k in store, i’m not good on maths so make it up yourself.
You get like 50 essence for daily win quest though and some exp (like 10% of level)
Then you have to pay for recolors, simple thing like different tint of a hero skin in LoL cost a money.
You barely get enything for mastering your hero outside a taunt like in Hots.

Is definitely not worth to transfer from Hots to LoL until you want some ghetto experience and are lowlife Riot games addict.

Also advice to Blizzard, you don’t need to copy dumb candy colorful, LoL skins to lure more people to this game. Although is still understandable and i can forgive it. What took my attention is that LoL store is filled with this tasteless, fanservice, out of place, looking dumb skins.
More free skins similar to these of Maiev and Blaze paid skins Blizzard.

Also thank you for making Hots what it is, i really had to try out myself the current state of LoL to realise it. Focus more on things that make Hots unique compared to other mobas.


I would honestly play LoL for short bursts every day. like, just a single game a day

But the ads on youtube, man. THE ADS. It only makes me NOT wanna play!

Edit: Literally the first video on youtube after making this post i get a LoL ad.


LoL has gone to sht since dmg > all and tanks don’t exist.
Now it’s just see hero kill hero and everyone dies in <1 second.

HotS actually has that classic MOBA style cos tanks are actually pretty decent, so you get the long drawn out strategic fights where you can really show ur skill.

Support in HotS is also waaay more engaging than in LoL (well, that and the fact everyone is just playing full dmg “support” in LoL >.<)


Some LoL are funny, others make me cringe AF.


“How much did they pay the animators to make them” is the true question


Also, I remember being flamed the entire time trying out the game. Flamed for Picks, Items, laning, and just using a “champion” when I started. During the three day tryout with some friends I just didn’t think it was for me.
I thought it was an okay game even with a rough experience, but it was not my type. My friends obviously loved it, but it was another Moba game for me. I tried Dota 2 and man… “Not new player friendly”. Lol
I generally gave up on Mobas after that. Yes, gave up, and at the time I viewed HotS the same way, but I never tried it.
Keep in mind I never played HotS when I was trying other mobas out. Also keep in mind I was disliking any kind of Moba Genre at the time.
Until one day, my friends invited me to play HotS. I was hesitant, sighs to get it over with, and played with low expectations of the game. I was completely surprised on how much fun I had playing HotS with my friends. I was surprised how muched I like it just brawling. I was especially surprised how it continued to linger into my thoughts about it after I finished playing.
As the story goes “Onslaught’s heart grew three sizes to HotS that day,”.
Idk, like thought I should share a thought and experience to this post.


c h e c k o u t t h e s e d a g g e r s


You were bad at lol, gotcha


^I don’t think i was THAT bad at LoL, like i said i have over 1k wins in the game, about 80 champions and season 1/2/3 badges, dominion badge. But i probably took more serious approach on Dota 2 than LoL in the long run as it requires more strategy.

Just purchased 1k gems cuz i believe that the still most righteous thing to do is to support HOTS. Proof:

There was some controversial excesses lately, with unnecessarily quickmatch changes but Blizz once more rise to the occasion and reverted these changes asap, because he’s listening to the community unlike the LoL staff ignoring any reasonable complaints. Hell i remember when one of high ego Riot employes long time ago got fired for being toxic in game banning someone out of a whim and using racial slurs. It was revealed only because the victim was recording at that time. That what experience i personally have with that game, that said about professionality of Riot games.

Not to mention LoL is now shamelessly copying Hots, fortnite etc with the new game mode nexus blitz that has objectives such as escorting payload, pushing with a boss and arena skirmishes known from WIII custom map angel arena, they are desperate. Blizz shall fight back, FOR THE TRUE NEXUS!

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And I still think damage is a little high here. Because strategic trading where mana actually matters and there’s room for higher diversity in traits is better in my opinion.
I kind of wish there were more buildings (but they’d be weaker) and towers had ammo again though.


I poured years into League as a support main, and let me tell you, HotS completely saved the role for me. League’s ‘supports’ are whoever can burst down the other’s ranged dps better. The healers would barely heal any hp, and the only reason you picked supports was because they’re utility burst mages or utility tanks. You also are forced to get less gold for items, and less experience, so you’re gimped the entire game. It’s literally suffering.

I was genuinely miserable playing League, and because I was the only one of my friends who played support, and did it well, I was always playing that game because they kept talking me into it. I finally early last year quit League cold turkey after a few of my friends lost their cool on me because I didn’t want to play support anymore.

I now enjoy HotS playing it with amazingly fun people, and enjoying the HELL out of these supports. Lili, Tyrande, Brightwing, Ana, and Lucio are so great!

I still get asked to go back to League to this day, and I still avoid it because how miserable the game made me. Honestly if you’re not enjoying the game you’re playing, take a break or stop playing it. That goes for all games, including HotS.


hey, want to play a video game? I know I do, I havent seen the sun in years

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well yeah becouse the pro team owners wanted the pro tournament to have “super starts” who can just run in and oneshoot everything becouse team plays dont bring the same celebrity status for sponsor deals and merch sales.

So ofc Riot try to balance around that, they are just as bad as blizzard but just dont screw up publicly

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You know you have crazyfanbois talking out their backside just for the sake of badmouthing the game in the thread when you know they’re lying about tanks being weak in league and try to make it look bad compared to hots when they start arguing cosmetics LOL. I’m diamond 2 ranked in that game and I can tell you that tanks are very strong, especially after ADC’s been gutted a few months ago. And naturally you can one shot someone and do stronger hits/have more defense be it bruiser dps if you get more items than the other person; a concept of strength is rewarded and determined by better performance, unlike hots where the worst player on the team decides the outcomes of every game lmaooo

You fool no one, go back to LOL shill stacking your “tears of the goddess” because one troll ruined your game.

18 lvl vs 18 lvl 0:21 :joy:
How people can even take seriously game like this? because i can’t, no wonder in dota 2 if someone is playing badly people used to tell him “go back to LoL”.

Pure tank in Dota for comparsion:

8:23 in comparsion to this, LoL don’t even have a tank, because of this ripoffed from WoW and badly implemented ability power scaling mechanic everything can burst you in late game in a second. In Dota and Hots however, power of abilities work in similar to Warcraft III manner.
I remember somewhere Icefrog even stated that in fact he likes Hots mechanic and after that implemented talent tree to Dota and other stuff inspired by Hots.


The support role is such a hard thing to nail, not just in MOBAs, but in games in general. One of the draws of HotS is that, thanks to shared EXP, they genuinely nailed the support role - you can play a character that does no damage and can’t clear waves, and still have a powerful hero. I kind of like some of DotA’s supports for the same reason: while many are not true healers, they also have ‘setup’ supports whose role it is to initiate the fight, and heroes like Earthshaker have their moments in the sun when they initiate with a big Blink>Echo Slam, or when they get Scepter and you see them leaping through the sky to land an Enchant Totem stun… that deals little damage, but decides the opening seconds of the engage for the mains to come in.

I thought that they also did a pretty good job of nailing healing over in WoW, at least for awhile. It’s common sense over there to “KILL THE HEALER”, and for good reason - the philosophy in WoW is that a single healer should naturally be able to outheal a single opponent’s damage, because otherwise there’d be no point to having one, so supports are naturally quite powerful. In a battleground, the supports are often some of the most important pieces on the board, enough that a single good healer can swing the game for the other 9-14 players.

Coming from that, I could never stomach the idea of LoL, where the support is this trash role nobody wants to play and dies from a mean glare, serving only as a warder/dewarder, sacrificing your gold gains so others can power up, while the “mains” get to grow their characters and make big plays. HotS is so much better in this regard, because the supports grow WITH the team, and assist in so many ways, ranging from assisting with dives and snipes like Kharazim to Deckard who can do just about anything that isn’t damage related (until Stone Curse, if he even wants it).

I shouldn’t even have to say it: every player in a match should have a say on the outcome, no matter what role they got shoved in. There should never be a role where you are expected get steamrolled by someone five levels ahead as just a matter of course. The fact that games still have this outdated idea that one or two people get the shiny carry role and everyone else has to build around them is ridiculous.


I love how people cry about burst damage here and then i go watch lol and see more ridiculous burst coming from one guy than a 5 man burst combo in here.
The best thing ever to me is the equivalent of VP where it lasts longer and you can wreck your ennemies while they are in stasis.


Thats why i like LoL, if player can select his play style on certain hero, this way is make gameplay more interesting and better than if you will be forced to play only as heal. I feel this is ugly and unfun if player don’t have choice.

Flexibility heroes > niche heroes (only if they not feels like a OP in certain situations, that make them viable, i feel this right) like Sylvanas before rework.

Also for me LoL in s3-s4 is one the best moba because in this times we was flexibility, tons of viable builds, runes customization, solo outplay, little a toxic and incredibly fun gameplay (i feel all champions as OP and if all champions is OP, nothing is OP).

HotS in Alpha/Beta can was able to get close to LoL of this times, but after time and balance changing in over team based game play, this way is a kill all fun for me.
This game must have more toxic and mad mechanics then other moba games because here we have other rules but players like cries too much (This is not WoW Arena). Moba is genre not only about TFs we can had here viable dueling potential, this genre also about pushing (because we must destroy core, not has some number of kills or stealing flags (CTF)) and etc.

For have fun here, we must have things like a solo outplay, solo impact (right talent design can fix it), flexibility and counter play (in talents) based on player skills not only based on counter picks.

I don’t know more ugly game play in moba than trying to transform 5 randoms players in unstoppable transformer, this is never work in real for no stacking players (maybe only on very high lvl game play but thats looks more like exception) thats why they must balance game around solo players and thats why HGC is failed.

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Go back to League, we keep everyone else here.

there are ads on youtube? :thinking:
interesting i dont remember seeing them.
::turns off add blocking extension::

“nooooo!.. the ads they burn!”

::turns on add blocking extension::

serious though… go look up UBlock Origin. i used it on Google Chrome Browser and am using it now on Opera Browser. it is also available on Firefox if you use that one.

if you use IE Edge then you deserve ads. :slight_smile:
…but its available on there too.