DO NOT, go to LoL! (I'm grateful to Blizzard)

Funny, I have never seen video game ads that aren’t some garbage mobile game or Fortnite.

LoL is unplayable as over the years it has become the super-rapid-fire nonsense gamemode it was optionally advertising next to it.

Power-creep to the max.

Cooldowns are down to 0.
Damage is far beyond reasonable.

It aims for instant-gratification for those who have no skill.
You can 1v5 people in LoL - 0 skill involved, just spamming your completely overpowered mobility, abilities, etc.

Left to play it are the skill-less children who are unable to see what’s wrong with the game.

We tried it a bit recently and we couldnt stop laughing as we memed our way to victory by oneshotting basically everything.
Botlane was a sad joke as even the supports have so much damage now, I could push both ADC and their support with the damage-creep for supports.
It was nonsensical to watch.

I hadnt played LoL for so long, that it basically felt like moving through a time-machine, going from “LoL 4 years ago” to “LoL today.”
What a clown fiesta that game has become.


Im actually going to check it. I have regular mozilla plugin and EVERY, SINGLE youtube video starts with Fallout 76 ad.
I feel like someone is smearing **** all over my screen.


UBlock Origin is very good and will block most ads. Still though there are some ads on sites that can get around this. for those they only way to block them is with something like Tampermonkey and using a script to block them. which is too much work to me for some ad.

Actually, Riot made a major error in their store on Thursday. The store accidentally listed capsules and prestige points for one BE. A BE is like the gold currency in Hots. The capsules contain skin shards like in Hots for cosmetics. Normally 10 capsules are sold for like 50 dollars. There are people who bought hundreds of these capsules with BE.

To put this into context for Hots players. It’s like a player buying a loot box for one gold. These loot boxes are new, which contain both older and new items. Now imagine many players who probably spend very little or none at all buying hundreds of these loot boxes for what amount as free. Obviously, the LoL players who spend money on cosmetics are upset.

Riot has a riot on their hands, especially from their high spenders. The players who spend the most are very upset and threatening not to buy any more items from Riot. This error will have profound effect on their sales and reputation. Riot is in a lose lose situation regardless of the action they decided to take.

This mistake has happened before, but not on this scale. In the past, Riot has accidentally listed items at the wrong price like a skin that cost 1850 for 1350. These errors like the one on Thursday are corrected within minutes. This time the error will have more repercussions in the form of a significant loss of revenue at least for the short term at minimum.

I don’t think the Lunar event is salvageable. The people who normally spend will run for the hills and there is no telling if they will come down once things calm down. Had Riot taken preventive measures when the small errors were made when listing items in the store or a better QA system for the store, then this error wouldn’t have happened.

This is one area that Blizzard is superior.

Blizzard has had similar precedents where they made mistakes that benefited ppl in a way that was not right. What usually came after that though was the decision to just let it go and fix things. Why? …

what you have to look at is you cant win either way. If you choose to ban everyone that used an exploit (I have seen this happen in an MMO btw once) then you will get so much backlash you will swear you are the most hated company on the internet. The problem there is that action has a lot of victims. You cant really be sure that everyone ‘knew’ it was an exploit. Even if you post it on the forum to not do it… not everyone uses the forum. Its one of those things.

then if you do nothing… like with this case you are mentioning, other ppl feel like they have had the work they put in trivialized. this is probably the better of the two tbh. ppl will get over the feeling of how they felt about their progress and such. they cant get over a ban.

not in the least.


Same, I have an addon that blocks all the ads. Perhaps, I don’t get the ads cause I don’t visit the youtube channels that have the ads.

I think you are wrong. I played wow for a few years. I also played sc2 and OW. Finally, I played a few different mmorpgs including two Japanese mmorpgs. I never seen any game that had a cash shop sell the cash shop only items for in game currency by accident. No game company has been stupid or inept enough to have made such a mistake in any game I played. Such a mistake will affect their profits directly and immediately, which is why gaming companies are extremely careful.

To be clear, this wasn’t an exploit or a bug. Riot accidentally listed two new cash shop items for one unit of the free to play currency. This was clearly a mistake because that item was being sold for 750 RP, which is the cash shop currency or about 7.50 dollars equivalent. Furthermore, the prestige points were given to customers based on how much money they would spend in the cash shop. Prestige points were sold for one unit of in game currency, which was never their plan.

It looks like the testing server prices were transferred to the live servers. There was clearly no QA process to make sure this would not happen.

I downloaded LoL last month. Played it for about 3 weeks to ditch to my HotS frustrations. It was horrible. Oh my goodness that game is all about the super heroes.

However, I still have many frustrations with HotS. It feels like it turned into the game “frogger”. You have to dodge endless circles of death carpeting your every location. So much so you spend more time running around to survive than you do actually fighting anyone.

I played a ton of Dota 2 back in 2012 ish, I liked the flexibility of the item system but it lacked Spell Casters. In the end, the only way to truly carry is to use a hero with basic attacks as their focal design. That way, you can buff the hero to godly amounts of damage and literally 1v5.

As a person who loves playing Spellcasters, Mages and the like, Heroes was a breath of fresh air for me. Li Ming came out just at the right time as well, although as an Alpha player, I mostly went spell damage Valla at the time. But I loved how the game didn’t center around damage, but being able to win the game in many ways, with different playstyles.

That being said, a lot of what I enjoyed has been removed or reduced from the game. Like Specialists or Supports with damage builds (because in Dota playing support meant you’d be playing with low damage output) so being a Support but still punishing players that took you for granted was AMAZING. The support nerfs removed a lot of that but I still get enjoyment every now and then from a good support game, or just wrecking a team with spell damage.

I don’t miss items, I think the Talent system works more than well enough as a replacement. Though I think adding more talents for more diverse situations wouldn’t hurt at all. When did 3 talents on a tier become a thing?

TL;DR I love the HotS, but there’s so much they can add without much change to make the game wayyyy better than it is currently.


Last hitting, looong lane phase and slave to the professional meta, yawn.

I enjoy LoL but at this point I really only want to play with people I know as nearly every game is a surrender spam fest with team mates yelling at me for building weird while they sit with negative KDA.


The one thing LoL did right is scale. I kind of wish hot’s had a map the size of summoner’s rift. It would definitely slow the game though.

Whoa boy. Theres so many things wrong here it isnt even funny.

Like i think HoTS is a funner game then LoL but theres no need to lie like 15 times…

…You can 1v5 people in LoL - 0 skill involved, just spamming your completely overpowered mobility, abilities, etc

Do you not realize how that statement literally contradicts itself?

If everyone is broken and can 1v5 then the most skilled player would win by virtue of being the most skilled player…

I play HoTS with a challenger ranked LoL player and he can 1v5 in HoTs this game is so easy compared to LoL.

Well it could be considered skill, if there was anything remotely skilled involved.
Slamming your head on your keyboard and winning a 1v5 isnt “skilled” though.

It’s merely a meme.

Just because everyone is equipped with an “I win” button, doesnt mean that there would be skill involved.

If you can breathe and hit some keys on the keyboard, you’re now a god-tier LoL player.

There will be interesting plays involved in e-sports, but everything outside of that is a joke.

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The loading screen revamp is coming on LoL soon! Chat, clicking on player cards, tips and what not.

I played around S3-S5 and the only time I played Ranked I got to high Platinum. Stopped when they changed the rune system to something that actually looks like a talent tree from HoTs and capsules were introduced.

The power creep was ridiculous. For some time ADC were compeltely busted, then crap again, then every team was almost full tank and the better ADCs were ones that could build armor (Like Ezreal and apparently even Draven).

The new runes power creeped so much. Before you had simple stuff like +10 attack, +8 armor. Now you have extra minion doing extra damage when you cast spells and other powerful effects from the get go.

And just recently they introduced Prestige skins, and to get them it costs like $100 to $150. Wtf. There’s a major backlash currently going on.

I think the real problem is that it just looks and feels old. You can’t go to LoL from Hots. It’s like dumping your HD television for a TV made 20 years ago.

Heh, I follow someone on youtube called nevercake and his vids are the only ads I see on the game :stuck_out_tongue:

…sooo just like in HotS, what a bunch of hypocrites who talk about being able to carry in LoL over HotS gtfo of here with what crap.

Well said bro. Well said.

LoL is cancer and I stopped playing it after only ONE WEEK of playing it this year.