Do not equip a mount called "Mount/Name/SpeederBikeVar3" it locks skins

So there is this mount in my inventory called “Mount/Name/SpeederBikeVar3” that I did not buy or anything. It just showed up when I was looking around.

WARNING: Do not equip it, it permanently locked some of my Dva skins.


That’s strange.

It looks pretty cool to me.


Looks really cool but sadly it messed up my inventory.

My Goliath skin is now permanently locked.

There is no option to buy it back and this is not an event skin.


That sucks.

They’ll probably hot fix it.


Yea it sucks, but I hope it gets fixed.

I’m staying away from that thing.


pretty gross bug blizzard :expressionless:

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It’s a trap D:


It’s pinkish, cyberpunk looking and breaks your game.

Sombra confirmed!

(But on a more serious note, thank you for the warning)


LOL, no problem.

Though I should edit the title since the skin locking is quite bad.

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Oh. That’s bad. Despite how amazing the mount looks like, it’s bad that it causes bugs :C
Thanks for the warning tho.
I suggest post about it on heroes reddit since the devs visit there more often.


Now there is a bike that would match Kerri’s D.Va skin.

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you don’t even have to use the bike my Goliath skins were locked randomly.

Just wait 3 years later when this becomes a myth and people make theories on youtube. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
They’ll call them um. Cursed ghost skins.
They appear innocently in your inv but cause irreparable chaos. Provided I wrote irreparable correctly.

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Is that a new bike? I don’t recall seeing that added before or maybe I’m old because I haven’t played the game for quite some time.

Unfortunate that it locked your skins.


That would be my guess. But most important, we know what you mean :slight_smile: so your typo doesnt matter that much.

The amount of spelling and grammar mistakes i make are probably huge aswel.

Lol I googled it last night irreparable was correct. Heckin language doubts.

That´s not a bug, it´s the trait of the next hero accidentally slipping in.

If you lose against Mengsk he takes all your skins for 1h (accumulative), if you win with him he betrays you and takes them for 1.5h (accumulative).

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I checked it aswel, and its either irreparable or unrepairable. (and now you wonder why kids these days have a bad sense of language :stuck_out_tongue: some things just dont make sense)

I didn’t know Mengsk liked pink

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He tried to change the terran theme multiple times, but always failed; the more you know :open_mouth:

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