Devs intentionally ignoring Valeera's crippling talent issues in order to tweak the talents of heroes who require the tweaks less

The reason they aren’t jumping on to “fix” Valeera is because her problem isn’t viability. She does a decent job in her role and is a hero you can pick and win in competitive and Quick Match. She also has quite a bit of talent diversity, she has quite a few talents that aren’t great, but she definitely doesn’t have a cookie cutter build like a good chunk of heroes do. Valeera is just a poorly designed hero who missed the mark on being a rogue. My best guess is that they have a plan to rework her and have no intentions on giving her changes until that happens.

Her Q build is the only one worth picking there are some minor talent adjustments you can make after 7 but they don’t change her playstyle very much

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You are trying to compare her to other heroes by calling it her “Q” build, but that’s her combo generating ability, that’s how she was designed. I just went over hero talent tree, she actually only has 2 dog#%*& talents, all the rest of them have a place and could be used.

I’ve been saying this for literally months, bu Hail doesn’t want to hear it. He’d rather just spam complaint threads.

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They will never get around to it. Not exaggerating. This game will likely stop being supported by blizzard before they rework her

You should get a job at main stream media you would fit right in. They have already said they don’t care about numbers anymore they will keep the game updated. This game isn’t going away unless they come out with a new MOBA, this is their MOBA, its still generating them money they have no intentions of just abandoning it. This talk started after the pro scene was killed, the pro scene was killed by Activision not Blizzard. Blizzard is not in the business of abandoning titles that are still producing cash.

If you’re so certain they’ll never change anything, then why do you keep spamming posts about her?

Get over yourself. You and your waifu aren’t the center of the HotS universe. There are plenty of other heroes who need work more than her, and once they finish with them they’ll get around to Valeera.


The only chance I can see of changes happening is by pressuring them

No they won’t.

They’ll never make changes to my waifu, ever!

If I whine about my waifu enough, they’ll make changes!

Pick one.

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Complaining is the only way I think there’s a chance. The devs seem content to pretend she doesn’t exist.

Regardless it’s unlikely my sole efforts will matter. But I will try because I have to.

They’re not ignoring it.

They know that the moment she gets buffed. Players will pick up their pitchforks.

Oh, oh yeah. They’re feeling the “pressure” from your posts. Hard to believe they can even focus with that heat on their necks.


ya know, all those times I come around posting tips is for stuff like this:
if people want a chance, then they should use the tools that help facilitate that. Egasterabated efforts that effectively convey that people should otherwise ignore the spam is not conducive to what you claim to want.

Yea, some people can be like “yea, well I wrote a wall and nothing happened” cuz they go for superficial imitation, and not convey all the stuff that could help.

For what you have posted, maybe they’ll area super golden ideas and the dev staff are hosting tournaments to see which valeera makes the best iteration.

Maybe the ideas didn’t pan out; maybe they took feedback from elsewhere. The functional issue is they you put too much exaggerations into stuff that delude yourself into getting riled up over stuff you don’t know. When you do get riled, you then shutter-out other relevant effects and drive the cycle harder.

Trying to emotionally blackmail people, and eating up the stakes yourself, isn’t going to get a change.

Of the few times I had made topics regarding hero suggestions, I sometimes include design-goals of what I would like that some of my specifics may not realize. The topic I made regarding rehgar? I like to think that had an impact because the effect of some of the suggestions there are in the game; his z-talents have cdr and manaback & farsight isn’t an option anymore.

Sure, maybe I delude myself too, but I don’t think it’s an empty room out there for any hero, even valeera. Heck, I tossed in my two-cents on her regard too and I have my curiosity to see if that ends up going anywhere despite that being a very short-lived topic.


That is the problem were trying to point out, she doesn’t need a buff, there is nothing wrong with her viability. OP wants her perceived “bad talents” to be changed, when in reality Valeera has minimal bad talents compared to many other heroes.
She is right though, crying on the forums does work when it comes to Blizzard, even if that crying is ridiculous.

Complaining about this thread while Blizzard releases yet another “talent diversity” focused patch, without Valeera on it is quite honestly a joke and proof of a major braindead bias against Hail.
Seeing Anubarak, Thrall or Abathur on the list makes it even worse.

Comming from someone that likes her unpopular talents but cant really argue with her having 1 build since many months, at least outside QM.


Right but shes a poorly designed hero, her issue is her design she needs a rework, not new talents.

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Probably, but it doesnt change the fact they could at least try.

Jimmy was ignored for many months cuz “rework soon”. That was dumb AF and is even worse with current size of the dev team.

Now they are reworking Tassadar, who in my opinion is a really well designed and fun hero to play. You just have to figure him out, so I am not excited for them to destroy my favorite hero. Of the heros in the game right now I think Valeera, Nova, Genji, KT, Gazlow, Malthael, TLV, Probius need anywhere from minor changes to severe reworks. I think they said DVA and Tassadar are being reworked. DVA doesn’t need a rework she needs to be BUFFED, shes just doesn’t offer anything dmg wise or self healing (like a bruiser should). She can’t clear waves, she can’t really do camps (in mech).

Valeera doesn’t need a rework just a buff to either her aa build to actually do dmg or buff to w build to remove quest and increase dmg. Her design isn’t broke on some fundamental level.

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She is one of the only heroes in the game that can 1 to 0 non tank heroes with her full rotation. Buffing her is not the answer, yes her blade flurry talent is useless, but that’s one of her only bad talents. She doesn’t have an AA or Q build I keep pointing this out to the OP. If you look at her tree, she builds around both out of stealth and in stealth combat. So you are essentially just building towards using garrote, ambush, or cheap shot. She doesn’t have a clear “build path” like most heroes, you are basically adjusting the abilities you want to use that game. I think she should be reworked (as in her talent tree and possibly abilities) so that people who fundamentally do not understand the game or core mechanics, stop crying about her.