Developers did very good job with Tassadar rework, but as support main I don't enjoy it

All you would have it be is again just a better version of Zarya’s and medivh’s since you could cast it far more often, with more uptime.

Putting the shield on mercs and towers is too niche to have a defined role and is just something of old times that we have moved away from. There just is no reason to have him competing with Zarya and Medivh any longer. And bicker all you want but the devs are clearly in agreement here.

Such denial. Support Tass is gone. He had no place in this game. He either ruined it, or was useless. This new Tass will be far better balanced, and thus have more of a place in the meta.

Seriously, this whining, this defense. It was funny at first but is growing very old. Just let it go. Nothing you say or do will return him to his original and flawed self. He is now new and free to become something great. You can kick and scream and tantrum all you like but it will fall on death ears and you will do nothing but tire yourself out.

Assassins are dime a dozen and tassassin will get forgotten in two weeks like most of the others in the history of the game.

Heroes that stick in people minds are things like murky abathur chogall medivh and illidank charging into his death.

I have to say you were already boring with your useless stukov rant since the beginning.


At least there was some ground to stand on with the stukov rant. A hero becoming something he is not is far more of a negative than a hero finally becoming what he is supposed to be that is supported in the games and lore.

Tassadar was just a big joke of a hero that did not function as a high templar. That has been corrected.

You act as if Tassadar has not been forgotten before. No one has even spoke of him until these changes. No one has even cared. But oh, once he does get changed you all come out of the woodworks. You are pathetic. You never really cared, you are just bandwagon hopping.

Medivh’s can absorb a heck of a lot more damage, healing based on how much it absorbs.
Zarya’s also absorbs a lot more in a short time frame, losing out at sustained. Hers also grants her Energy and costs no mana.

They work differently enough.
You’re basically saying Uther’s Q sucks because it only heals 362, while Lili’s Q heals 525 in the same time frame, without taking into account the factors that make them different.

It’s an option, not the role.
Having more options increases the skill ceiling, and is just plain good for the game in my opinion.
And I especially think it’s good for the game to not focus so very much on forcing team fights.

My Tassadar is level 23, he’s my 7th highest hero.
So I don’t think so.
We knew a change was coming, we even knew he was going to be moved toward assassin and gain Force Wall as a basic ability while losing Dimensional Shift.
But we couldn’t talk too much about it without knowing more details.


You don’t make a balanced game, around tank heal dps roles, with the character lores.
Proof , the number of people complaining about 5v5 bruiser ranged assassin games.

If only having assassins worked QM would not be seen with contempt by anyone wanting a competitive experience.

What are the devs supposed to do? Make all franchises heroes assassins and only make nexus originals as tank heal and support ,because no tank nor support is close to his lore material.
Even anduin is a dps now.

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There were and still are plenty of choices for all of those roles for every franchise and for all of their present factions even. It’s an excuse to say that there was literally nothing else they could have gone with. For Stukov, an easy replacement would have been infected dr. Ariel hanson. She was an infested like Stukov, she was a dr as well, so the healing zerg thing would have made more sense. She was also not a very fleshed out character so the liberties would not have been a problem.

Again, there’s still just no point in them competing. Such small differences as these are not enough to justify Tassadar retaining his shield and having his whole kit centered on it like before. because that is what will happen, it’s what will always happen when you give any hero such a powerful supportive ability.

Truly the only option was to remove it for the sake of diversity. Now Zarya and Medivh have a much clearer role without anything interfering for their spots. They can also give Zarya and medivh parts of old Tassadar’s shielding to make up for the minor loss.

This fleshes them out better, and now Tassadar gets to also be fleshed out better as he is no longer restricted by his shield.

never seen someone that dramatic over a rework before. you’re talking like you lost your soul or something…you’re alive you didn’t lose anything it’s a video game many heroes were ruined / became better whatsoever. why make it sound so dramatic? it’s a character behind a screen not your life you know? take a chill pill.


Oh? What Warcraft character is a tank?
What starcraft character is a healer?
What diablo character does not demolish what is in front of him with damage?
And no , starcraft units are not heroes , they are peons that die in thousands coming out of a mass production building.
Proof? The number of people still spitting on probius.

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What warcraft character is a tank? Are you… serious?

Uh… Pitlord? For one. There are many more.

What Starcraft character is a healer? I mean karax can be made into one if they so choose, I already told you about Dr. Ariel Hanson and she could have been what Stukov is. There is also Egon Stettman or Gary with the stettfields.

There are also science vessels that were healers in starcraft. Sure they could do something unique there.

As for diablo there are still more angels… like Itherael who is the keeper of fate.

It his hilarious seeing dr. logan just sitting on this thread liking posts that diss negative posts about the people hating on the rework. Truly a man of no life.

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or when he writes such a comment wishing people to “burn in hell” and he get’s likes by some people… all that hate over a character in a video game that was reworked… what if they deleted tassadar? what he’ll do then? i can’t think of it

At the end of the day this just a game everyone


He’s just a big crybaby that can’t accept his hero being changed for the better.

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oh tell him that… cause he makes me feel like it’s real life or some crap

my hero was changed to the worse and i didn’t cry about it… cause it’s a video game jesus christ not real life… get used to it…

he cant respond to you because he blocked you, therefore no notifications or visible messages in thread

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Am I on the list?!

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of course he’ll block anybody that disagree with him. he thinks he’s right and everyone around him is wrong whatever dude let him stay in his bubble.

Show us the list. Put him on blast for his redundant behavior.

not a good idea cause you may get banned for showing something like that about somebody. as it’s considered calling names whatsoever. not worth getting banned for it

No man, put your pitch fork away. I just want the entertainment. I don’t really care about putting him on “blast”.

This is all just too funny to me. Like I’m laughing after hearing about a “burn list” lol.

I want to know more lol. Let’s go down the rabbit hole because it’ll be entertaining af!

I’m sure you can skoot around those rules by blocking who is the owner of that discord.