Developers did very good job with Tassadar rework, but as support main I don't enjoy it

and give me a break with the zarya crap. who designed that joke of a hero. she has 2 abilities, one for shielding herself and one for shielding others… uh why can’t that just be 1 ability. like, hello

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They are not, but I will probably move to Medivh now anyway. (No interest in Zarya or indeed any Overwatch heroes.)

everything is comparable.

That’s how similes and metaphors work. People that tote that things can’t be compared are setting themselves up for a bad time.


Tassadar’s shield has more ways of using that Medivh’s shield.

Medivh’s is effective vs burst dmg only and can be used on allie heroes only.

Tassadar’s is effective vs burst, sustain, DoT. It gives more hp over your max HP for some time and can be used on:

  • ally heroes
  • minions
  • forts/keeps/towers/gates/core

Tassadar’s shield was one of the best.


Well the next direct comparison would then be abathur who is noted for:

  • Shielding allies, minions, structures and summons
  • Is noted for enabling other heroes
  • Does have scouting abilities
  • Changes aspects of his contributions based on his talent choices
  • Can also repair structures
  • Has waveclear

Sure, there is a difference in being out of the fray making the plays and being in it, but again, it is a comparable outlet based on how you’ve described aspects of tassadar that stood out to you.

Maybe Tyrael could work for you? He can shield things, and really enables people to shine with the smite (and extra aa speed with it), and his shieldios. He can do a (very) budget force wall with talents too? Good escape with the eldruin’s might…

I dunno I’m grasping at straws. You seem to like weird niche heroes and Tyrael is kinda weird and niche. Would probably work ok with tracer? I’m not sure though.

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Being support main, I am bad Abathur and I don’t like to play him. Maybe because I can’t be in fights directly or because his mines, or because I need to know all heroes to use his Close Ult directly.

Yes, to play Abathur correctly, you need to know all assassins to be able to use Clone at 100%. But as I mentione before, I suck as them, I can’t play Assassins that’s why I focus on other roles, like support, healer, bruiser or tank.

So that’s why I don’t want to play Aba.

I do feel you.

Nobody sympathized though when Malfurion was reworked. He is a lot better now, more interesting, involving, and not as OP as he was, when he was. Just like Tassadar. Situational and composition dependent, as every hero should be. Supposedly.

That’s how I ended up a Li Li main.
She got nerfed, too.

(Have you tried Zarya?)

Shield Ally has too long cd (12s), too short duration (1s shorter than plasma shield) and weaker HP shield granted than Plasma Shield, to be effectively comboed with squishies. It also can’t be used on structures or mercs which is a minor negative (but still a negative).

Tolerable with talent upgrades and the quest that increases ally barrier but still a nope.

It’s just not a viable alternative which is why people don’t do that combo.

Tbh, the only reasonable replacement for those combos is Abathur, and his skill cap is very high.
He’s not a hero to be picked up lightly especially if you’re cloning at lv10. And he has no physical body during fights making this a very different combo.


Wished people played speed lucio more instead of healbot. Would love to see them in a match when im playing him


^ This. This right here. This so much.

Too many times, I have been immensely proud of the times where I have hauled friendly assassins back from the brink of death as Morales, set up stuns and shoves as Auriel to enable a kill and had enough healing to keep players in the fight long enough as Lucio that I don’t care if I don’t get a reward… Knowing that I enabled the MVP to get that callout is where I take my pride, even if I don’t get a callout.


I read this for a while and im sorry that you lost a hero you loved.

That being said you’re not being fair to yourself and are lying to yourself about your identity. Yes support Tass has been an important part of your identity, but we dont just see you as the tass guy. You created a meme page and then held it up on your back with good memes until other people joined, you created friendships over a game that most people dont even know exist, and as a master player you’ve given advice on more than just one niche hero that has helped other people get good at support/healing.

Again im very sorry (both to you, myself, and other tass mains) that you’re losing something that you love but dont connect that to your identity because you’re far more than that.


Welcome to how I feel about the Tyrande rework i suppose. Wanna swap? You can have your supporting, i’ll take damage i loved…


Basically you just liked it because it was broken. And when compared to other options for shielding like Medivh and Zarya who are clearly much weaker… (Balanced) you just don’t want it. Right then.

Tass wasn’t broken since at least 2017 though. He is currently one of the lowest popularity and by far the lowest win rate heroes even on stat tracker sites. So I don’t understand that flame.

Was he broken with all those self heal (deep shift) and Q talents and 5 second plasma shields? Yes. HGC-first-pick level of broken. But that’s a distant memory to most players.

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His shield is what was broken, not him. That was the thing, he had to be nerfed to an unplayable level to be considered even remotely balanced. That is why his shield was removed outright, because it was the one thing holding him back.

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Mmm… It is best to know all of the heroes, but with +20% AP and attack speed, and +10% movement speed, you very much can clone a healer or tank.
The AP can really allow you to uber heal a super carry while the movement speed and low target priority (since you don’t count as a kill) can help you keep up with them.
As a tank again the movement speed can help you move in for the CC and body blocks, and you can get some pretty good value out of Volatile Mutation.
And of course bruisers greatly benefit from all of that.

You could also just go Monstrousity so you can continue to focus on supporting allies while the Monster pushes for free like a merc camp.

Just the vampirism enabling auto-attack heroes, I’d say.
It used to be a talent, but they put it in baseline.
It should have been removed instead of made base.
But I think it came at a time where they were still considering his role equal to other healers, rather than as something else entirely.


If they got rid of the leech then what would make it so different from Zarya’s shield and Medivh’s shield? Would be a burst protection tool. There was no way it was ever going to work out. His new role is fine as he brings something new to the table with his basic ability wall.

-Usable on minions/mercs/buildings
-Lower cooldown, longer duration
There was a point where you could talent an infinite duration shield.

I’d have dropped the cooldown even more, but reduced the amount of shields it provided drastically.
Which would arguably make it like a healers healing ability, but would be different enough because it doesn’t provide any actual healing.
Maybe a 3 second cooldown, 25 mana, 180 shields, but keep the duration 4 seconds.


Wew he brings what jaina orphea hanzo kt ktz guldan li ming azmodan probius and chromie bring to the game instead of what zarya can bring because force if will does not behave like either shield.