Demoted from Diamond 1 to Bronze 5; a tale of caution

It’s kinda wild to me how someone can fall from D1 to B5, I have a bunch of heroes I’m an epic failure with around Gold, but I’m playing with the food with the same heroes in low Silver.

I also had some massive loss streaks, 16 to be exact, but I normally get a practically 5v4 or even 5v3 match every so often. Occasionally my team manages to make it a 3v4 or 2v3, but the chances of that are virtually nil. (That’s the autowin after 3-5 losses in a row, sequence on repeat.)

I can only get behind three explanations:

  • You were way too much of a support (or support reliant) and thus failed brutally
  • You were terribly tilted and threw
  • Realistically, a subcase of the first: Bronze isn’t as bad as it appears (and ranks tend to shift) and for one reason or another you are only as good. So just try to enjoy the game! In my experience Bronze folks have a tendency to be nice and relaxed, maybe not B5 but they seem to have accepted that they are average players (sounds silly to a GM but roll a new account and see what weak players are) and focus on fun. Even some of the account names were super casual. It’s not a sin. I’m horrible at chess.
    … And maybe, if you find your peace again, maybe you can prove me wrong and ascend back.

ps.: Enjoy the game is the key. If you do, everything else is theorycrafting but you’ll climb without the tilt if that’s the reality, etc.


I think it was just the event; mixed with sometimes inappropriately picking DW in draft - and maybe making my allies tilt; after a while I was pretty mean to them…I really lost my cool after that 35+ total deaths for my team, excluding me in one game thing that happened and I started berating the bad players. Got my 1st and only silence doing that.

The players during that event that I’d frequently end up with were beyond bad; it was like they were bots from 2016; they’d literally charge right into towers, trickle in 1 by 1, ignore any and everything. Even scraping bottom of the barrel right now; the difference between bronze 5 during that event and bronze 5 now is night and day. I can work with the bronze players currently…but bronze during that event was 10x worse than the worst vs AI players I’ve seen.

With 200 points and 1000 points per division, 5 per division, 25 per rank, 125 to traverse.
But when I lost 16, I found the

  • -1 x (200 + Max(Streak-12, 0) * 50) formula

which may have a Min(n, 500) component in it - before adjustments. As well as further complications. I’m considering it as a formula instead of unstickified account because the 17th game gave me +200 for a win.

Your biggest mistake in all of this, was to think you were diamond to start with. Just because you are capable of reaching a rank in Heroes of the Storm, has no indication at all, that you have the skill level of this rank. This game is probably worst game in history of having corelation between rank and skill.

Here’s a tip. A diamond lvl player can never hit bronze and probably wont even be able to fall to gold. If you are these ranks you are extremely bad beyond what’s average. Sorry if I offended anyone but it’s the truth.


That is the dumbest take I’ve ever seen.

You could give me your account details and see what GoldMaster Aphandra can do :wink:
Or wait, it’s US, then it’s SilverMaster. :smiley:
(Nah, don’t. I’m genuinely curious tbf, but it’s against the rules.)

Interesting. Gold+Silver is Electrum? Not gonna explain why, but it fits!

It was mentioned earlier this thread but if your aim is to climb, you should focus on heroes where you can have a disproportional influence. For me personally it’s Tassadar, Jaina, Orphea and Li-Ming. You mentioned bruisers, I find bold Varians really oppressive, of course given the above hero choices, but there are a few others, like Artanis who ticks all boxes to be worth about 1.5 heroes (tank, bruiser, assassin). I’m an epic warrior fail but even I could score 50% with Artanis. Oh and Anub’arak. NOT COCOON! Superbruiser. Survivable. Damage. Complements healing. My only warrior above 50%, namely 65%, after a loss streak that is. Oh, and Qhira, she is a monster.

(This reply is influenced by your little barter with Stormy. If the above wasn’t enough boasting, I’ll add that I had a period last year when I had 80-90% winrate with my best heroes. Gave me a lot of confidence and bounced me back from S5 to G5. My best ever was G1, although I tend to egoboost by saying that my very best heroes are low Plat worthy.)

Upload everything on Heroes Profile and check your heroes by MMR. Use your best ones as much as you can while occasionally exploring others.

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Delusional forums users that (probably) think they are better than they are. <3


I just use Deckard to climb; he’s my kind of dude. He’s got a huge AoE root, a damage reduction cube, lorenado…which is hilarious when you cast it so it travels back towards the team, knocking enemies into you for ez kills and slightly above average heals and he’s THICC. That boy just doesn’t wanna die if you do it right.

I’ve had people steal pick him on the opponent’s team so I can’t have him…not that it helps because I’m in Bronze; good Deckard players are like unicorns so I can just go Stukov or DVA for ez wins.

It feels dirty; I’m no smurf…I’m just stuck in ELO hell due to 160 MMR per win.

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No no no and f’ing no. 160 mmr gain is not elo hell. 160 mmr gain means you are the equvalent to a bronze 6-7 or something. there’s no elo hell, you just are/have been extremely bad.

Also please dont describe your games as “EZ” because if they were, then you wouldnt be where you are. @REALITIES BBY


qm if ur qm mmr is too high are unplayable, I felt that too. Try ranked + aram.

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That is ELO hell; when you make less MMR than you lose per game and are down in the dirt…

This is why I didn’t want to talk to you; you’re a know it all. Please just go away :confused: Not from the forum, just away from me.

You dont lose more than you win, unless 1: you lose a lot more games than you win games (and then you belong down there) or 2: you lose to players with lower mmr than you (and then you also belong down there). Yes I know most. try listen one time in your life and stop being a thumbsucking child and learn something. Sorry for being rude, but just listen.

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Elo hell is just an excuse of who can get only carried, I was bronze now I’m a not hardstuck plat 3. Your team mates were just much better then you, that’s all. Now since uare solo u need to play better than your peers. You are in helo hell only if you want to consider it elo hell.


I’m 1200 MMR and make 160 MMR per game. I lose more than than per loss.
That is literally ELO hell.

I don’t know why you’re also being a know-it-all and making assumptions but it’s not okay. Be better.

I’m ignoring you; if you don’t understand how a person can lose more than they win in a team game…then there’s no point. You’re probably trolling.

that’s known as iron 4 in Lol

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I imagine that’s a pretty damn low rank, lol. It takes me 30- 60 minutes to make 320 MMR…it SUCKS.

Take a ss of your winrate the last few seasons and post it here. Thank you very much.

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Well this thread degenerated fast.

I went from low gold to dia during the free hero event :man_shrugging:

Then again, I only play solo. But playing in groups guarantees never feeders, never trolls and afks etc… It’s only normal to reach a rank in groups that a player can’t hold solo.

I don’t think it’s good form to attack people offering more realistic solutions to why that fall happened except heroes becoming free. It certainly didn’t drop me (a mediocre assassin main) to bronze 5.