Demoted from Diamond 1 to Bronze 5; a tale of caution

Not sure I agree here; I didn’t rely heavily on my 4-5 stack. We had members constantly switch in and out, our group in total had a good 20 members that would rotate.

I also had decent performance in D3 prior to the event. My DW isn’t bad but you’re right that I would sometimes lock him when it was inappropriate to do so. That lead to losses for sure - but it was so bad by the end of it that I was being paired with level 100 accounts vs level 3000+ accounts. The people on my team would get stomped on so hard that sometimes I’d just go solo lane for the rest of the game because they were 10,11, 15 deaths deep and the opponent had a 5 level lead. I’d try and help; I’d still have no deaths and high damage, always at objectives…but when your allies feed 15 times in a game with just 1 hero, nevermind the others who’d also have deaths ranging from 5 to 10…you can’t fix that. Hell, FAN can’t even fix that and he’s a GM.

I don’t think that’s on me; I think that’s on the event. You don’t top stats every game, not die and have your allies die that much without constantly losing. And since that event; at the same league I was when I had enough a quit due to these 15 death feeders, I am not having the same issues as I was during that event. People play with some self awareness. Sure they’re sloppy and make a fantastic mess of things but they’re not pretending they’re the Kreig Death Corps either.

I really, really think it was the event that caused this; when you remove a barrier of entry to ranked, such as hero ownership, it opens up the floodgates for dumb crap to happen. Ranked needs a barrier to entry to prevent people from trying out ‘new’ heroes in Ranked. My mistake is not putting the game down and walking away until the event finished and as a result; I’m in Bronze hell and it’s going to take 100+ games for me to climb out.

P.S. Bronze for me is ezmode; I can climb out. Especially as Deckard but the time commitment to do that is going to be massive.

With or without context, this also highlight a red flag.

Fan/GMs/Masters/anybody and everybody losing sometimes because they can’t carry their objectively poorly performing allies is not an excuse to fall 4 rank divisions.

I can understand that, but to me, that looks like an excuse. Just avoiding responsibilities and selfreflection.

That event was the same for everyone. It might caused you to fall from Diamond, but it is not the reason you’re in Bronze.

There are always free Heroes that enable ppl to try something new out in ranked.
Ppl can also just buy Heroes they never played before.

You can’t blame the majority of your games/losses on an event that effects everyone.

You could be unlucky, you maybe were, but this wasn’t luck or the absence of it.

Since sometimes you admittedly left your allies 4v5 for the rest of the game, not dying is not a big accomplishment.

But even if we leave that out of the equation, someone who plays (too) safe and avoids their death “at all cost” obv has a higher uptime which can be used to reach highest team stats.
I’m more curious to your stats compared to the enemy. That’s more telling but even that is just one piece of the puzzle.

Ppl who were locked from SL due to not having Heroes won’t be paired with you unless you’re already in Silver or low Gold.

Also such even is the best for Smurfs, so you could get more smurf randos as allies than before (hypothetically).

Not taking breaks was certainly an issue.
The even perhaps had a negative effect.

But you did more mistakes than that.


Context is my allies feed for 10+ deaths and won’t listen to me asking them to stop. I have 2 choices; do my own thing and wait for the game to end because I’m not going to fix the issue of some person mass feeding or continue to get frustrated by allies who don’t communicate and charge directly into the enemy every time they revive; almost as if they were a bot. Doing your own thing when your team is so bad that there’s just no point since they won’t listen isn’t a red flag at all.

You know what is an excuse to fall 4 divisions? Playing with people so bad they die 10 - 15 times per game, that are lvl 100 accounts (vs lvl 3000+ accounts) and charge directly into the enemy without fail. You can’t fix that no matter how good you are. All you can do is stop playing until these bad players go away; which didn’t happen until after the event ended.

You can think it’s an excuse all you want; that’s just bad logic. This isn’t LoL; there are no items for me to make a super ultra mega hyper carry that blows the game up and carries allies who frankly, should not have been playing ranked to victory. I don’t know how you’re not getting this; it’s kidn of weird…when you have EVERY HERO free; it makes it so everyone can try heroes…not just the free rotation ones…this is like saying “just because you add more hot sauce to your food doesn’t mean it’s going to get hotter”. Total freaking nonsense lol.

Rest of the game being when we’re down 5 levels, they don’t have a single tower destroyed and we’re pushed to the core while never being able to contest objective? Are you trolling? You’re making some huge assumptions here. Stop it.

"Ppl who were locked from SL due to not having Heroes won’t be paired with you unless you’re already in Silver or low Gold.

Also such even is the best for Smurfs, so you could get more smurf randos as allies than before (hypothetically)."

This is dumb and you know it; whether you get a smurf on your team or not is pure luck and I’d love to see proof that people in ranked wouldn’t be paired with you unless you’re in silver or low gold. Put your money where your mouth is.

Sorry if this comes across as a little confrontational but this is just annoying and I can’t believe you’re saying such insanely uneducated things.

I can see you replying; it’s 1am here. I need sleep. I’ll respond tomorrow, cheers! No hard feelings.

Indeed luck. But Smurfs are restricted via Heroes, so if this restriction is gone, there will be more, it’ll be more common. Just logic.

And you know what else is luck? Getting stacks as enemies, or allies that will pick a Hero in ranked they never played before because it’s free now.

But you think you reached Bronze thanks to those. You consider your bad luck and weight it heavily while completely ignore your positive luck.

I can feel it now in your writing style as well that you get tilted easily, which was hinted previously by yourself. A major factor of your fall.

And you know what’s nonsense? Your weak excuse that it’s not LoL and you can’t carry. You think others, for example me, never had feeding teams? I also did, and obv no one can carry 100% the times (like you said mentioning Fan), but I did carry many games like that.

But even if you can carry 0 games like that, you facs this issue more often on the otherside, because the enemy has 5 slots for feeders but your team has only 4.

Enjoy your denial, keep blaming luck and an event that does little because new players can’t drag you down since they can’t reach Plat yet and veterans usually don’t get too much from free Rotations because this game is full of gold and nothing to spend it on so everyone can have all the Heroes already.
(Tho I’m all in for a suggestion that restrict who can play what in SL).


the thing is, the communication alone in a full stack, heck even 2-3 man, makes a HUGE difference in the outcome.

It will give you a huge edge vs solo queuers

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OK; stop making assumptions about me buddy. I’m direct and have no patience for crap. What you’re picking up on is a lack of tolerance for your bad takes and constant assumptions; I don’t tilt easily and to assume I do because of how I type is stupid.

I have nothing else to say to your presumptive keister. Go kick rocks.
I constantly stick up for people who make mistakes in game and I almost never give up unless it’s ARAM where we’re vsing an overpowered team or when I have allies so bad for multiple games in a row that I start to lose my patience; much like how I’m losing my patience with you right now. It takes wearing me down to get me into this state.

It’s a night and day difference.

Nice confirmation. I guess than keep blaming the event and pray for the feeders to be event-exclusive…


Well, guess I’m just going to block you then. You’re freaking awful, lol.

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I’m still wondering how much of this is hyperbole, if any. Cause, like Karabars and others, I can’t fathom how someone could drop 4 divisions of rank in normal circumstance.

First, I have to agree with Karabars’ assessment that you’re very likely not D1 level skilled. Certainly not Bronze, but not Diamond level either.

I could try to figure out the cause, but all speculations and this forum talking likely won’t lead to solid answer. For instance, you may be like phase’s main account. Your MMR is so high so you only get 100 pts per win but lose like 300 pts per lost. Of course this doesn’t explain you actually losing more. Your teammates dying 10-15 times per game or whatever isn’t an excuse. Yeah, you mean in Bronze, but not all the way/everytime while you’re falling, D1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, P1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G1, 2… I said this before, but I think it might’ve been your ego hindering you. ‘I’m obviously better than you plebs, so all u should be drafting around me, the leet player. if they didn’t and we lose, it’s the team’s fault, not me because imma leet player’, or something along those lines and refused to flex (even GMs, ex-pros sometimes flex for their team in SL. like picking a healer when they’re range assassin main). I apologize if this sounds like putting words in your mouth.

I think you finally let it go, ascended, so to say, became humble and decided to flex for your team.


It really, really isn’t hyperbole at all. I’ve no use for obfuscating a topic like this. I’d literally have back to back games with players that were so bad they’d die 15 times in a game - and that’s just 1 hero, not counting the 5 - 10 deaths per other player with me as DW, maybe dying once, if at all. I remember that we’d often times get lvl 400- 1000 accounts on our side while the opponents would get lvl 3000+ accounts who’d just decimate the entire team and it just kept getting worse and worse the further I slid down the ranks.

In all my years of playing the only time I’ve seen players that bad was in vs AI around 2017. Even now in Bronze 5; my allies are always several dozen times better than the allies I’d get during that event. Like; the mistakes they made yesterday, for example, were mostly small things; an Illi who got too greedy on his own, calling boss when the enemy team is alive, etc. But during that event; I’d literally see people Leoric tower change…except they weren’t Leoric and instead of tower charging they’d charge the assassins in front of the towers…

I’m more egotistical now than I was then, lol, I didn’t let it go; I doubled down because I’m not bad at this game, to the point where I can carry as Deckard in my sleep. I’m just a bit nicer to my allies now; instead of berating them for sucking or not saying anything at all; I try and help them out with positivity and useful tips.

Maybe I was unlucky? Or maybe I was causing them to tilt after they were already screwing up? I still think it was the event.

how many games one has to lose 4 ranks? that is a huge loss streak. although im on a break atm due to an entire month of just poor games with trolls/afk.

We’re talking like 20-50 games in a row. It was brutal. So brutal by the end of it I was being mean to my allies which I don’t typically do - and was rightfully silenced for being mean to them.

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Yet, you go Lorenado ult :thinking:. When I play Deckard, I just can’t force myself to go Lorenado, as even with the buff, Stay Awhile and its 20 upgrade is so good.

Which reminds me. Are you a healer main?


ive lost 20 games in a row before once in my 5 year hots career. Partly due to terrible teammates, and partly due to myself tilting.

you can climb back up im sure of it if you are higher rank.


Donno if I’d call myself a healer main; I’m a good Stukov and a good Deckard…but those are the only 2 healers I like playing?

I’m more of a bruiser kind of guy outside those 2 healers.

Lorenado is really, really good. I’ll share a hilarious replay in a sec of how silly it gets. You’ll probably laugh.

I definitely can climb out of it…it’s just going to take a long, long time for it to happen. For some reason I don’t seem to gain much MMR from wins…

Here ya go; Lorenado breaks the game!

Illi died; we took the boss 4vs5 and Lorenado spam literally ruined their attempt to punish us for that really, really bad play lol.

yeah it takes a long time once you fall, the win mmr is less than the lose mmr gain.

Like swimming upriver