Not sure I agree here; I didn’t rely heavily on my 4-5 stack. We had members constantly switch in and out, our group in total had a good 20 members that would rotate.
I also had decent performance in D3 prior to the event. My DW isn’t bad but you’re right that I would sometimes lock him when it was inappropriate to do so. That lead to losses for sure - but it was so bad by the end of it that I was being paired with level 100 accounts vs level 3000+ accounts. The people on my team would get stomped on so hard that sometimes I’d just go solo lane for the rest of the game because they were 10,11, 15 deaths deep and the opponent had a 5 level lead. I’d try and help; I’d still have no deaths and high damage, always at objectives…but when your allies feed 15 times in a game with just 1 hero, nevermind the others who’d also have deaths ranging from 5 to 10…you can’t fix that. Hell, FAN can’t even fix that and he’s a GM.
I don’t think that’s on me; I think that’s on the event. You don’t top stats every game, not die and have your allies die that much without constantly losing. And since that event; at the same league I was when I had enough a quit due to these 15 death feeders, I am not having the same issues as I was during that event. People play with some self awareness. Sure they’re sloppy and make a fantastic mess of things but they’re not pretending they’re the Kreig Death Corps either.
I really, really think it was the event that caused this; when you remove a barrier of entry to ranked, such as hero ownership, it opens up the floodgates for dumb crap to happen. Ranked needs a barrier to entry to prevent people from trying out ‘new’ heroes in Ranked. My mistake is not putting the game down and walking away until the event finished and as a result; I’m in Bronze hell and it’s going to take 100+ games for me to climb out.
P.S. Bronze for me is ezmode; I can climb out. Especially as Deckard but the time commitment to do that is going to be massive.